i was getting error
An error occurred while parsing JSON configuration file (data/config.json.php): error code #4
➜ Syntax error
Please check your JSON syntax (without PHP comment tags) using a JSON lint tool such as jsonlint.com.
after debug i found
$data = str_replace(self::getPhpHeaders(), '', $data);
$data = str_replace(self::getPhpSuffix(), '', $data);
doesn't removing php header and php suffix
cause of this issue was PHP_EOL represents the endline character for the current system. if my ```config.json.php``` was encoded with unix ( LF ) and php running on windows windows encoding ( CR LF ) is not same as unix encoding ( LF ) so ```str_replace``` doesn't replace strin then it causes issue.
public static function getPhpHeaders()
- return '<?php /*'. PHP_EOL;
+ return '<?php /*'. "\n";
public static function getPhpSuffix()
- return PHP_EOL . '*/ ?>';
+ return "\n" . '*/ ?>';