{-# INLINE readFile #-}
+{-| Stream lines of text from a file
+readFileLines :: MonadSafe m => FilePath -> Producer Text m ()
+readFileLines file = Safe.withFile file IO.ReadMode fromHandleLines
+ where
+ fromHandleLines :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Producer Text m ()
+ fromHandleLines h = go where
+ getLine :: IO (Either G.IOException Text)
+ getLine = try (T.hGetLine h)
+ go = do txt <- liftIO getLine
+ case txt of
+ Left e -> return ()
+ Right y -> do yield y
+ go
+{-# INLINE readFileLines #-}
{-| Stream text to 'stdout'
Unlike 'toHandle', 'stdout' gracefully terminates on a broken output pipe.