-- ^ List of caveats
, signature :: Sig
-- ^ Macaroon HMAC signature
- } deriving (Eq)
+ }
+instance Eq Macaroon where
+ (MkMacaroon l1 i1 c1 s1) == (MkMacaroon l2 i2 c2 s2) =
+ (l1 `constEqBytes` l2) &&!
+ (i1 `constEqBytes` i2) &&!
+ (c1 == c2) &&!
+ (s1 `constEqBytes` s2)
-- | show instance conforming to the @inspect@ "specification"
instance Show Macaroon where
-- ^ Caveat verification key identifier
, cl :: Location
-- ^ Caveat target location
+ }
- } deriving (Eq)
+instance Eq Caveat where
+ (MkCaveat c1 v1 l1) == (MkCaveat c2 v2 l2) =
+ (c1 `constEqBytes` c2) &&!
+ (v1 `constEqBytes` v2) &&!
+ (l1 `constEqBytes` l2)
-- | show instance conforming to the @inspect@ "specification"
instance Show Caveat where
cav' = MkCaveat cid vid loc
sig = toBytes (hmac (signature m) (BS.append vid cid) :: HMAC SHA256)
+-- | Utility non-short circuiting '&&' function.
+(&&!) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
+True &&! True = True
+True &&! False = False
+False &&! True = False
+False &&! False = False