// -------- User clicked the "Delete" button when editing a link: Delete link from database.
if ($targetPage == Router::$PAGE_DELETELINK)
- // We do not need to ask for confirmation:
- // - confirmation is handled by JavaScript
- // - we are protected from XSRF by the token.
if (! tokenOk($_GET['token'])) {
die('Wrong token.');
- $id = intval(escape($_GET['lf_linkdate']));
- $link = $LINKSDB[$id];
- $pluginManager->executeHooks('delete_link', $link);
- unset($LINKSDB[$id]);
+ if (strpos($_GET['lf_linkdate'], ' ') !== false) {
+ $ids = array_values(array_filter(preg_split('/\s+/', escape($_GET['lf_linkdate']))));
+ } else {
+ $ids = [$_GET['lf_linkdate']];
+ }
+ foreach ($ids as $id) {
+ $id = (int) escape($id);
+ $link = $LINKSDB[$id];
+ $pluginManager->executeHooks('delete_link', $link);
+ unset($LINKSDB[$id]);
+ }
$LINKSDB->save($conf->get('resource.page_cache')); // save to disk
var continent = document.getElementById('continent');
var city = document.getElementById('city');
if (continent != null && city != null) {
- continent.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
+ continent.addEventListener('change', function (event) {
hideTimezoneCities(city, continent.options[continent.selectedIndex].value, true);
hideTimezoneCities(city, continent.options[continent.selectedIndex].value, false);
+ /**
+ * Bulk actions
+ *
+ * Note: Requires a modern browser.
+ */
+ if (testEs6Compatibility()) {
+ let linkCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.delete-checkbox');
+ for(let checkbox of linkCheckboxes) {
+ checkbox.style.display = 'block';
+ checkbox.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
+ let count = 0;
+ for(let checkbox of linkCheckboxes) {
+ count = checkbox.checked ? count + 1 : count;
+ }
+ let bar = document.getElementById('actions');
+ if (count == 0 && bar.classList.contains('open')) {
+ bar.classList.toggle('open');
+ } else if (count > 0 && ! bar.classList.contains('open')) {
+ bar.classList.toggle('open');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ let deleteButton = document.getElementById('actions-delete');
+ let token = document.querySelector('input[type="hidden"][name="token"]');
+ if (deleteButton != null && token != null) {
+ deleteButton.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ let links = [];
+ for(let checkbox of linkCheckboxes) {
+ if (checkbox.checked) {
+ links.push({
+ 'id': checkbox.value,
+ 'title': document.querySelector('.linklist-item[data-id="'+ checkbox.value +'"] .linklist-link').innerHTML
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ let message = 'Are you sure you want to delete '+ links.length +' links?\n';
+ message += 'This action is IRREVERSIBLE!\n\nTitles:\n';
+ let ids = '';
+ for (let item of links) {
+ message += ' - '+ item['title'] +'\n';
+ ids += item['id'] +'+';
+ }
+ if (window.confirm(message)) {
+ window.location = '?delete_link&lf_linkdate='+ ids +'&token='+ token.value;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
function activateFirefoxSocial(node) {
function hideTimezoneCities(cities, currentContinent, reset = false) {
var first = true;
- [].forEach.call(cities, function(option) {
+ [].forEach.call(cities, function (option) {
if (option.getAttribute('data-continent') != currentContinent) {
option.className = 'hidden';
} else {
+ * Check if the browser is compatible with ECMAScript 6 syntax
+ *
+ * Source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/29046739/1484919
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function testEs6Compatibility()
+ "use strict";
+ try { eval("var foo = (x)=>x+1"); }
+ catch (e) { return false; }
+ return true;
+<input type="hidden" name="token" value="{$token}">
<div id="search-linklist">
<div class="pure-g">
<div class="pure-u-lg-20-24 pure-u-22-24">
<div class="anchor" id="{$value.shorturl}"></div>
- <div class="linklist-item{if="$value.class"} {$value.class}{/if}">
+ <div class="linklist-item linklist-item{if="$value.class"} {$value.class}{/if}" data-id="{$value.id}">
<div class="linklist-item-title">
<span class="label label-private">{'Private'|t}</span>
+ <input type="checkbox" class="delete-checkbox" value="{$value.id}">
<!-- FIXME! JS translation -->
<a href="?edit_link={$value.id}" title="{'Edit'|t}"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o edit-link"></i></a>
<a href="#" title="{'Fold'|t}" class="fold-button"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a>