export * from './video-channels'
export * from './video-comments'
export * from './video-imports'
+export * from './video-live'
+export * from './video-ownership-changes'
export * from './video-watch'
export * from './video-rates'
export * from './video-shares'
--- /dev/null
+import * as express from 'express'
+import { param } from 'express-validator'
+import { isIdOrUUIDValid } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/misc'
+import { checkUserCanTerminateOwnershipChange } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/video-ownership'
+import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger'
+import { isAbleToUploadVideo } from '@server/lib/user'
+import { AccountModel } from '@server/models/account/account'
+import { MVideoWithAllFiles } from '@server/types/models'
+import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/core-utils'
+import { ServerErrorCode, UserRight, VideoChangeOwnershipAccept, VideoChangeOwnershipStatus, VideoState } from '@shared/models'
+import {
+ areValidationErrors,
+ checkUserCanManageVideo,
+ doesChangeVideoOwnershipExist,
+ doesVideoChannelOfAccountExist,
+ doesVideoExist
+} from '../shared'
+const videosChangeOwnershipValidator = [
+ param('videoId').custom(isIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
+ async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking changeOwnership parameters', { parameters: req.params })
+ if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return
+ if (!await doesVideoExist(req.params.videoId, res)) return
+ // Check if the user who did the request is able to change the ownership of the video
+ if (!checkUserCanManageVideo(res.locals.oauth.token.User, res.locals.videoAll, UserRight.CHANGE_VIDEO_OWNERSHIP, res)) return
+ const nextOwner = await AccountModel.loadLocalByName(req.body.username)
+ if (!nextOwner) {
+ res.fail({ message: 'Changing video ownership to a remote account is not supported yet' })
+ return
+ }
+ res.locals.nextOwner = nextOwner
+ return next()
+ }
+const videosTerminateChangeOwnershipValidator = [
+ param('id').custom(isIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
+ async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking changeOwnership parameters', { parameters: req.params })
+ if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return
+ if (!await doesChangeVideoOwnershipExist(req.params.id, res)) return
+ // Check if the user who did the request is able to change the ownership of the video
+ if (!checkUserCanTerminateOwnershipChange(res.locals.oauth.token.User, res.locals.videoChangeOwnership, res)) return
+ const videoChangeOwnership = res.locals.videoChangeOwnership
+ if (videoChangeOwnership.status !== VideoChangeOwnershipStatus.WAITING) {
+ res.fail({
+ status: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403,
+ message: 'Ownership already accepted or refused'
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ return next()
+ }
+const videosAcceptChangeOwnershipValidator = [
+ async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ const body = req.body as VideoChangeOwnershipAccept
+ if (!await doesVideoChannelOfAccountExist(body.channelId, res.locals.oauth.token.User, res)) return
+ const videoChangeOwnership = res.locals.videoChangeOwnership
+ const video = videoChangeOwnership.Video
+ if (!await checkCanAccept(video, res)) return
+ return next()
+ }
+export {
+ videosChangeOwnershipValidator,
+ videosTerminateChangeOwnershipValidator,
+ videosAcceptChangeOwnershipValidator
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+async function checkCanAccept (video: MVideoWithAllFiles, res: express.Response): Promise<boolean> {
+ if (video.isLive) {
+ if (video.state !== VideoState.WAITING_FOR_LIVE) {
+ res.fail({
+ status: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400,
+ message: 'You can accept an ownership change of a published live.'
+ })
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ const user = res.locals.oauth.token.User
+ if (!await isAbleToUploadVideo(user.id, video.getMaxQualityFile().size)) {
+ res.fail({
+ status: HttpStatusCode.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE_413,
+ message: 'The user video quota is exceeded with this video.',
+ type: ServerErrorCode.QUOTA_REACHED
+ })
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
import { getServerActor } from '@server/models/application/application'
import { ExpressPromiseHandler } from '@server/types/express'
import { MUserAccountId, MVideoFullLight } from '@server/types/models'
-import { ServerErrorCode, UserRight, VideoChangeOwnershipStatus, VideoPrivacy } from '../../../../shared'
+import { ServerErrorCode, UserRight, VideoPrivacy } from '../../../../shared'
import { HttpStatusCode } from '../../../../shared/core-utils/miscs/http-error-codes'
-import { VideoChangeOwnershipAccept } from '../../../../shared/models/videos/change-ownership/video-change-ownership-accept.model'
import {
} from '../../../helpers/custom-validators/misc'
import { isBooleanBothQueryValid, isNumberArray, isStringArray } from '../../../helpers/custom-validators/search'
-import { checkUserCanTerminateOwnershipChange } from '../../../helpers/custom-validators/video-ownership'
import {
import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, OVERVIEWS } from '../../../initializers/constants'
import { isLocalVideoAccepted } from '../../../lib/moderation'
import { Hooks } from '../../../lib/plugins/hooks'
-import { AccountModel } from '../../../models/account/account'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
import { authenticatePromiseIfNeeded } from '../../auth'
import {
- doesChangeVideoOwnershipExist,
-const videosChangeOwnershipValidator = [
- param('videoId').custom(isIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
- async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
- logger.debug('Checking changeOwnership parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return
- if (!await doesVideoExist(req.params.videoId, res)) return
- // Check if the user who did the request is able to change the ownership of the video
- if (!checkUserCanManageVideo(res.locals.oauth.token.User, res.locals.videoAll, UserRight.CHANGE_VIDEO_OWNERSHIP, res)) return
- const nextOwner = await AccountModel.loadLocalByName(req.body.username)
- if (!nextOwner) {
- res.fail({ message: 'Changing video ownership to a remote account is not supported yet' })
- return
- }
- res.locals.nextOwner = nextOwner
- return next()
- }
-const videosTerminateChangeOwnershipValidator = [
- param('id').custom(isIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
- async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
- logger.debug('Checking changeOwnership parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return
- if (!await doesChangeVideoOwnershipExist(req.params.id, res)) return
- // Check if the user who did the request is able to change the ownership of the video
- if (!checkUserCanTerminateOwnershipChange(res.locals.oauth.token.User, res.locals.videoChangeOwnership, res)) return
- const videoChangeOwnership = res.locals.videoChangeOwnership
- if (videoChangeOwnership.status !== VideoChangeOwnershipStatus.WAITING) {
- res.fail({
- status: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403,
- message: 'Ownership already accepted or refused'
- })
- return
- }
- return next()
- }
-const videosAcceptChangeOwnershipValidator = [
- async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
- const body = req.body as VideoChangeOwnershipAccept
- if (!await doesVideoChannelOfAccountExist(body.channelId, res.locals.oauth.token.User, res)) return
- const user = res.locals.oauth.token.User
- const videoChangeOwnership = res.locals.videoChangeOwnership
- const isAble = await isAbleToUploadVideo(user.id, videoChangeOwnership.Video.getMaxQualityFile().size)
- if (isAble === false) {
- res.fail({
- status: HttpStatusCode.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE_413,
- message: 'The user video quota is exceeded with this video.',
- type: ServerErrorCode.QUOTA_REACHED
- })
- return
- }
- return next()
- }
const videosOverviewValidator = [
- videosChangeOwnershipValidator,
- videosTerminateChangeOwnershipValidator,
- videosAcceptChangeOwnershipValidator,
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */
-import * as chai from 'chai'
import 'mocha'
+import * as chai from 'chai'
+import { HttpStatusCode } from '../../../../shared/core-utils/miscs/http-error-codes'
import {
+ createLive,
+ setDefaultVideoChannel,
+ updateCustomSubConfig,
} from '../../../../shared/extra-utils'
import { waitJobs } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils/server/jobs'
import { User } from '../../../../shared/models/users'
-import { VideoDetails } from '../../../../shared/models/videos'
-import { HttpStatusCode } from '../../../../shared/core-utils/miscs/http-error-codes'
+import { VideoDetails, VideoPrivacy } from '../../../../shared/models/videos'
const expect = chai.expect
username: 'second',
password: 'My other password'
let firstUserAccessToken = ''
+ let firstUserChannelId: number
let secondUserAccessToken = ''
+ let secondUserChannelId: number
let lastRequestChangeOwnershipId = ''
+ let liveId: number
before(async function () {
servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2)
await setAccessTokensToServers(servers)
+ await setDefaultVideoChannel(servers)
+ await updateCustomSubConfig(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, {
+ transcoding: {
+ enabled: false
+ },
+ live: {
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ })
const videoQuota = 42000000
await createUser({
firstUserAccessToken = await userLogin(servers[0], firstUser)
secondUserAccessToken = await userLogin(servers[0], secondUser)
- const videoAttributes = {
- name: 'my super name',
- description: 'my super description'
+ {
+ const res = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, firstUserAccessToken)
+ const firstUserInformation: User = res.body
+ firstUserChannelId = firstUserInformation.videoChannels[0].id
- await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, firstUserAccessToken, videoAttributes)
- await waitJobs(servers)
+ {
+ const res = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, secondUserAccessToken)
+ const secondUserInformation: User = res.body
+ secondUserChannelId = secondUserInformation.videoChannels[0].id
+ }
- const res = await getVideosList(servers[0].url)
- const videos = res.body.data
+ {
+ const videoAttributes = {
+ name: 'my super name',
+ description: 'my super description'
+ }
+ const res = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, firstUserAccessToken, videoAttributes)
- expect(videos.length).to.equal(1)
+ const resVideo = await getVideo(servers[0].url, res.body.video.id)
+ servers[0].video = resVideo.body
+ }
- const video = videos.find(video => video.name === 'my super name')
- expect(video.channel.name).to.equal('first_channel')
- servers[0].video = video
+ {
+ const attributes = { name: 'live', channelId: firstUserChannelId, privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC }
+ const res = await createLive(servers[0].url, firstUserAccessToken, attributes)
+ liveId = res.body.video.id
+ }
await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1])
it('Should not be possible to accept the change of ownership from first user', async function () {
- const secondUserInformationResponse = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, secondUserAccessToken)
- const secondUserInformation: User = secondUserInformationResponse.body
- const channelId = secondUserInformation.videoChannels[0].id
- await acceptChangeOwnership(servers[0].url, firstUserAccessToken, lastRequestChangeOwnershipId, channelId, HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403)
+ await acceptChangeOwnership(
+ servers[0].url,
+ firstUserAccessToken,
+ lastRequestChangeOwnershipId,
+ secondUserChannelId,
+ HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403
+ )
it('Should be possible to accept the change of ownership from second user', async function () {
- const secondUserInformationResponse = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, secondUserAccessToken)
- const secondUserInformation: User = secondUserInformationResponse.body
- const channelId = secondUserInformation.videoChannels[0].id
- await acceptChangeOwnership(servers[0].url, secondUserAccessToken, lastRequestChangeOwnershipId, channelId)
+ await acceptChangeOwnership(servers[0].url, secondUserAccessToken, lastRequestChangeOwnershipId, secondUserChannelId)
await waitJobs(servers)
+ it('Should send a request to change ownership of a live', async function () {
+ this.timeout(15000)
+ await changeVideoOwnership(servers[0].url, firstUserAccessToken, liveId, secondUser.username)
+ const resSecondUser = await getVideoChangeOwnershipList(servers[0].url, secondUserAccessToken)
+ expect(resSecondUser.body.total).to.equal(3)
+ expect(resSecondUser.body.data.length).to.equal(3)
+ lastRequestChangeOwnershipId = resSecondUser.body.data[0].id
+ })
+ it('Should accept a live ownership change', async function () {
+ this.timeout(20000)
+ await acceptChangeOwnership(servers[0].url, secondUserAccessToken, lastRequestChangeOwnershipId, secondUserChannelId)
+ await waitJobs(servers)
+ for (const server of servers) {
+ const res = await getVideo(server.url, servers[0].video.uuid)
+ const video: VideoDetails = res.body
+ expect(video.name).to.equal('my super name')
+ expect(video.channel.displayName).to.equal('Main second channel')
+ expect(video.channel.name).to.equal('second_channel')
+ }
+ })
after(async function () {
await cleanupTests(servers)