--- /dev/null
+import * as repl from 'repl'
+import * as path from 'path'
+import * as _ from 'lodash'
+import * as uuidv1 from 'uuid/v1'
+import * as uuidv3 from 'uuid/v3'
+import * as uuidv4 from 'uuid/v4'
+import * as uuidv5 from 'uuid/v5'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import * as YoutubeDL from 'youtube-dl'
+import { initDatabaseModels, sequelizeTypescript } from '../initializers'
+import * as cli from '../tools/cli'
+import { logger } from '../helpers/logger'
+import * as constants from '../initializers/constants'
+import * as modelsUtils from '../models/utils'
+import * as coreUtils from '../helpers/core-utils'
+import * as ffmpegUtils from '../helpers/ffmpeg-utils'
+import * as peertubeCryptoUtils from '../helpers/peertube-crypto'
+import * as signupUtils from '../helpers/signup'
+import * as utils from '../helpers/utils'
+import * as YoutubeDLUtils from '../helpers/youtube-dl'
+let versionCommitHash
+const start = async () => {
+ await initDatabaseModels(true)
+ await utils.getVersion().then((data) => {
+ versionCommitHash = data
+ })
+ const initContext = (replServer) => {
+ return (context) => {
+ const properties = {
+ context, repl: replServer, env: process.env,
+ lodash: _, path,
+ uuidv1, uuidv3, uuidv4, uuidv5,
+ cli, logger, constants,
+ Sequelize, sequelizeTypescript, modelsUtils,
+ models: sequelizeTypescript.models, transaction: sequelizeTypescript.transaction,
+ query: sequelizeTypescript.query, queryInterface: sequelizeTypescript.getQueryInterface(),
+ YoutubeDL,
+ coreUtils, ffmpegUtils, peertubeCryptoUtils, signupUtils, utils, YoutubeDLUtils
+ }
+ for (let prop in properties) {
+ Object.defineProperty(context, prop, {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ value: properties[prop]
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const replServer = repl.start({
+ prompt: `PeerTube [${cli.version}] (${versionCommitHash})> `
+ })
+ initContext(replServer)(replServer.context)
+ replServer.on('reset', initContext(replServer))
+ const resetCommand = {
+ help: 'Reset REPL',
+ action () {
+ this.write('.clear\n')
+ this.displayPrompt()
+ }
+ }
+ replServer.defineCommand('reset', resetCommand)
+ replServer.defineCommand('r', resetCommand)
+start().then((data) => {
+ // do nothing
+}).catch((err) => {
+ console.error(err)
$ sudo -u peertube NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/var/www/peertube/config NODE_ENV=production npm run update-host
+### REPL ([Read Eval Print Loop](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v8.x/api/repl.html))
+If you want to interact with the application libraries and objects, there is a REPL for that.
+usage: `node ./dist/server/tools/repl.js`
+"The default evaluator will, by default, assign the result of the most recently evaluated expression to the special variable `_` (underscore). Explicitly setting `_` to a value will disable this behavior."
+- type `.help` to list commands available in the repl, notice it starts with a dot
+- type `.exit` to exit, note that you still have to press CTRL-C to actually exit, or press CTRL-C (3 times) without typing `.exit` to exit
+- type `context` to list all available objects and libraries in the context, note: `Promise` is also available but it's not listed in the context, in case you need promises for something
+- type `env` to see the loaded environment variables
+- type `path` to access path library
+- type `lodash` to access lodash library
+- type `uuidv1` to access uuid/v1 library
+- type `uuidv3` to access uuid/v3 library
+- type `uuidv4` to access uuid/v4 library
+- type `uuidv5` to access uuid/v5 library
+- type `YoutubeDL` to access youtube-dl library
+- type `cli` to access the cli helpers object
+- type `logger` to access the logger; if you log to it, it will write to stdout and to the peertube.log file
+- type `constants` to access the constants loaded by the server
+- type `coreUtils` to access the core-utils helpers object
+- type `ffmpegUtils` to access the ffmpeg-utils helpers object
+- type `peertubeCryptoUtils` to access the peertube-crypto helpers object
+- type `signupUtils` to access the signup helpers object
+- type `utils` to access the utils helpers object
+- type `YoutubeDLUtils` to access the youtube-dl helpers object
+- type `sequelizeTypescript` to access sequelizeTypescript
+- type `modelsUtils` to access the models/utils
+- type `models` to access the shortcut to sequelizeTypescript.models
+- type `transaction` to access the shortcut to sequelizeTypescript.transaction
+- type `query` to access the shortcut to sequelizeTypescript.query
+- type `queryInterface` to access the shortcut to sequelizeTypescript.queryInterface
+#### .help
+PeerTube [1.0.0] (b10eb595)> .help
+.break Sometimes you get stuck, this gets you out
+.clear Break, and also clear the local context
+.editor Enter editor mode
+.exit Exit the repl
+.help Print this help message
+.load Load JS from a file into the REPL session
+.r Reset REPL
+.reset Reset REPL
+.save Save all evaluated commands in this REPL session to a file
+PeerTube [1.0.0] (b10eb595)>
+#### Lodash example
+PeerTube [1.0.0] (b10eb595)> lodash.keys(context)
+[ 'global',
+ 'console',
+ 'process',
+ 'Buffer',
+ 'clearImmediate',
+ 'clearInterval',
+ 'clearTimeout',
+ 'setImmediate',
+ 'setInterval',
+ 'setTimeout',
+ 'XMLHttpRequest',
+ 'compact2string',
+ 'module',
+ 'require',
+ 'path',
+ 'repl',
+ 'context',
+ 'env',
+ 'lodash',
+ 'uuidv1',
+ 'uuidv3',
+ 'uuidv4',
+ 'uuidv5',
+ 'cli',
+ 'logger',
+ 'constants',
+ 'Sequelize',
+ 'sequelizeTypescript',
+ 'modelsUtils',
+ 'models',
+ 'transaction',
+ 'query',
+ 'queryInterface',
+ 'YoutubeDL',
+ 'coreUtils',
+ 'ffmpegUtils',
+ 'peertubeCryptoUtils',
+ 'signupUtils',
+ 'utils',
+ 'YoutubeDLUtils' ]
+PeerTube [1.0.0] (b10eb595)>
+#### YoutubeDL example
+YoutubeDL.getInfo('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5ZN289jjDo', function(err, data) {console.log(err, data)})
+#### Models examples
+PeerTube [1.0.0] (b10eb595)> new models.ActorModel({id: 3}).getVideoChannel().then(function(data){console.log(data.dataValues.name)})
+Promise {
+ _bitField: 0,
+ _fulfillmentHandler0: undefined,
+ _rejectionHandler0: undefined,
+ _promise0: undefined,
+ _receiver0: undefined }
+PeerTube [1.0.0] (b10eb595)> Main root channel
+PeerTube [1.0.0] (b10eb595)> let out; new models.UserModel({id: 1}).getAccount().then(function (data) {out = data.dataValues.id})
+Promise {
+ _bitField: 0,
+ _fulfillmentHandler0: undefined,
+ _rejectionHandler0: undefined,
+ _promise0: undefined,
+ _receiver0: undefined }
+PeerTube [1.0.0] (b10eb595)> out
+PeerTube [1.0.0] (b10eb595)>