# mapping: # allows to map fields from the remote format to the one expected by Homer
# title: 'id' # use value from field 'id' as title
# content: 'value' # value from field 'value' as content
+ # refreshInterval: 10000 # time interval to refresh message
# Real example using chucknorris.io for showing Chuck Norris facts as messages:
# url: https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random
# mapping:
# title: 'id'
# content: 'value'
+ # refreshInterval: 10000
style: "is-warning"
title: "Optional message!"
icon: "fa fa-exclamation-triangle"
created: async function () {
// Look for a new message if an endpoint is provided.
this.message = Object.assign({}, this.item);
- if (this.item && this.item.url) {
- let fetchedMessage = await this.getMessage(this.item.url);
- if (this.item.mapping) fetchedMessage = this.mapRemoteMessage(fetchedMessage);
- // keep the original config value if no value is provided by the endpoint
- for (const prop of ["title", "style", "content"]) {
- if (prop in fetchedMessage && fetchedMessage[prop] !== null) {
- this.message[prop] = fetchedMessage[prop];
- }
- }
- }
+ await this.getMessage();
this.show = this.message.title || this.message.content;
methods: {
- getMessage: function (url) {
+ getMessage: async function() {
+ if (this.item && this.item.url) {
+ let fetchedMessage = await this.downloadMessage(this.item.url);
+ if (this.item.mapping) fetchedMessage = this.mapRemoteMessage(fetchedMessage);
+ // keep the original config value if no value is provided by the endpoint
+ for (const prop of ["title", "style", "content"]) {
+ if (prop in fetchedMessage && fetchedMessage[prop] !== null) {
+ this.message[prop] = fetchedMessage[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(this.item.refreshInterval);
+ if (this.item.refreshInterval) setTimeout(this.getMessage, this.item.refreshInterval);
+ },
+ downloadMessage: function (url) {
return fetch(url).then(function (response) {
if (response.status != 200) {