# any command which exits with a non-zero exit code causes the build to fail.
- if [ -f configure.ac ]; then autoreconf -i; fi
- - cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks -v2 # -v2 provides useful information for debugging
+ - cabal install hpc-coveralls
+ - cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks -v2 --enable-coverage # -v2 provides useful information for debugging
- cabal build # this builds all libraries and executables (including tests/benchmarks)
- - cabal test
+ - run-cabal-test test
- cabal check
- cabal sdist # tests that a source-distribution can be generated
- - if [ true = $PUSH_DOCS ]; then bash ./scripts/pushdoc.sh; fi
# Check that the resulting source distribution can be built & installed.
# If there are no other `.tar.gz` files in `dist`, this can be even simpler:
- SRC_TGZ=$(cabal info . | awk '{print $2;exit}').tar.gz &&
(cd dist && cabal install --force-reinstalls "$SRC_TGZ")
+ - if [ true = $PUSH_DOCS ]; then bash ./scripts/pushdoc.sh; fi
+ - hpc-coveralls test