, stdin
, fromHandle
, readFile
- , stdinLn
-- * Consumers
, stdout
- , stdoutLn
, toHandle
, writeFile
readFile file = Safe.withFile file IO.ReadMode fromHandle
{-# INLINE readFile #-}
-{-| Crudely stream lines of input from stdin in the style of Pipes.Prelude.
- This is for testing in ghci etc.; obviously it will be unsound if used to recieve
- the contents of immense files with few newlines.
->>> let safely = runSafeT . runEffect
->>> safely $ for Text.stdinLn (lift . lift . print . T.length)
-stdinLn :: MonadIO m => Producer' Text m ()
-stdinLn = go where
- go = do
- eof <- liftIO (IO.hIsEOF IO.stdin)
- unless eof $ do
- txt <- liftIO (T.hGetLine IO.stdin)
- yield txt
- go
-{-# INLINABLE stdinLn #-}
{-| Stream text to 'stdout'
Right () -> go
{-# INLINABLE stdout #-}
-stdoutLn :: (MonadIO m) => Consumer' Text m ()
-stdoutLn = go
- where
- go = do
- str <- await
- x <- liftIO $ try (T.putStrLn str)
- case x of
- Left (G.IOError { G.ioe_type = G.ResourceVanished
- , G.ioe_errno = Just ioe })
- | Errno ioe == ePIPE
- -> return ()
- Left e -> liftIO (throwIO e)
- Right () -> go
-{-# INLINABLE stdoutLn #-}
{-| Convert a text stream into a 'Handle'
{-# INLINABLE isEndOfChars #-}
--- | An improper lens into a stream of 'ByteString' expected to be UTF-8 encoded; the associated
--- stream of Text ends by returning a stream of ByteStrings beginning at the point of failure.
+{- | An improper lens into a stream of 'ByteString' expected to be UTF-8 encoded; the associated
+ stream of Text ends by returning a stream of ByteStrings beginning at the point of failure.
+ -}
decodeUtf8 :: Monad m => Lens' (Producer ByteString m r)
(Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r))
{-# INLINABLE lines #-}
-- | Split a text stream into 'FreeT'-delimited words
:: (Monad m) => Iso' (Producer Text m r) (FreeT (Producer Text m) m r)
@Pipes.Parse@ re-exports 'input', 'concat', 'FreeT' (the type) and the 'Parse' synonym.
+{- | Use a 'Codec' as a pipes-style 'Lens' into a byte stream; the available 'Codec' s are
+ 'utf8', 'utf16_le', 'utf16_be', 'utf32_le', 'utf32_be' . The 'Codec' concept and the
+ individual 'Codec' definitions follow the enumerator and conduit libraries.
+ Utf8 is handled differently in this library -- without the use of 'unsafePerformIO' &co
+ to catch 'Text' exceptions; but the same 'mypipe ^. codec utf8' interface can be used.
+ 'mypipe ^. decodeUtf8' should be the same, but has a somewhat more direct and thus perhaps
+ better implementation.
+ -}
codec :: Monad m => Codec -> Lens' (Producer ByteString m r) (Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r))
codec (Codec _ enc dec) k p0 = fmap (\p -> join (for p (yield . fst . enc)))
(k (decoder (dec B.empty) p0) ) where
return r)
Right (chunk,p1) -> decoder (dec chunk) p1
--- decodeUtf8 k p0 = fmap (\p -> join (for p (yield . TE.encodeUtf8)))
--- (k (go B.empty PI.streamDecodeUtf8 p0)) where
+{- | ascii and latin encodings only represent a small fragment of 'Text'; thus we cannot
+ use the pipes 'Lens' style to work with them. Rather we simply define functions
+ each way.
+ 'encodeAscii' : Reduce as much of your stream of 'Text' actually is ascii to a byte stream,
+ returning the rest of the 'Text' at the first non-ascii 'Char'
encodeAscii :: Monad m => Producer Text m r -> Producer ByteString m (Producer Text m r)
encodeAscii = go where
go p = do echunk <- lift (next p)
then go p'
else return $ do yield unsafe
+{- | Reduce as much of your stream of 'Text' actually is iso8859 or latin1 to a byte stream,
+ returning the rest of the 'Text' upon hitting any non-latin 'Char'
+ -}
encodeIso8859_1 :: Monad m => Producer Text m r -> Producer ByteString m (Producer Text m r)
encodeIso8859_1 = go where
go p = do etxt <- lift (next p)
else return $ do yield unsafe
+{- | Reduce a byte stream to a corresponding stream of ascii chars, returning the
+ unused 'ByteString' upon hitting an un-ascii byte.
+ -}
decodeAscii :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
decodeAscii = go where
go p = do echunk <- lift (next p)
else return $ do yield unsafe
+{- | Reduce a byte stream to a corresponding stream of ascii chars, returning the
+ unused 'ByteString' upon hitting the rare un-latinizable byte.
+ -}
decodeIso8859_1 :: Monad m => Producer ByteString m r -> Producer Text m (Producer ByteString m r)
decodeIso8859_1 = go where
go p = do echunk <- lift (next p)
- ascii :: Codec
- ascii = Codec name enc (toDecoding dec) where
- name = T.pack "ASCII"
- enc text = (bytes, extra) where
- (safe, unsafe) = T.span (\c -> ord c <= 0x7F) text
- bytes = B8.pack (T.unpack safe)
- extra = if T.null unsafe
- then Nothing
- else Just (EncodeException ascii (T.head unsafe), unsafe)
- dec bytes = (text, extra) where
- (safe, unsafe) = B.span (<= 0x7F) bytes
- text = T.pack (B8.unpack safe)
- extra = if B.null unsafe
- then Right B.empty
- else Left (DecodeException ascii (B.head unsafe), unsafe)
- iso8859_1 :: Codec
- iso8859_1 = Codec name enc (toDecoding dec) where
- name = T.pack "ISO-8859-1"
- enc text = (bytes, extra) where
- (safe, unsafe) = T.span (\c -> ord c <= 0xFF) text
- bytes = B8.pack (T.unpack safe)
- extra = if T.null unsafe
- then Nothing
- else Just (EncodeException iso8859_1 (T.head unsafe), unsafe)
- dec bytes = (T.pack (B8.unpack bytes), Right B.empty)
\ No newline at end of file