- getMyUserInformation,
+ getVideo,
+ getVideosListWithToken, removeVideo,
- userLogin, waitJobs
+ userLogin,
+ waitJobs
} from '../../../shared/extra-utils'
-import { User, Video } from '../../../shared'
+import { Video, VideoDetails } from '../../../shared'
import { getYoutubeVideoUrl } from '../../../shared/extra-utils/videos/video-imports'
describe('Test CLI wrapper', function () {
let server: ServerInfo
- let channelId: number
+ let userAccessToken: string
const cmd = 'node ./dist/server/tools/peertube.js'
await createUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: server.accessToken, username: 'user_1', password: 'super_password' })
- const userAccessToken = await userLogin(server, { username: 'user_1', password: 'super_password' })
+ userAccessToken = await userLogin(server, { username: 'user_1', password: 'super_password' })
- const res = await addVideoChannel(server.url, userAccessToken, { name: 'user_channel', displayName: 'User channel' })
- channelId = res.body.videoChannel.id
+ const args = { name: 'user_channel', displayName: 'User channel', support: 'super support text' }
+ await addVideoChannel(server.url, userAccessToken, args)
const fixture = buildAbsoluteFixturePath('60fps_720p_small.mp4')
- const params = `-f ${fixture} --video-name 'test upload' --channel-id ${channelId}`
+ const params = `-f ${fixture} --video-name 'test upload' --channel-name user_channel --support 'support_text'`
await execCLI(`${env} ${cmd} upload ${params}`)
const videos: Video[] = res.body.data
- expect(videos[0].name).to.equal('test upload')
- expect(videos[0].channel.name).to.equal('user_channel')
+ const video: VideoDetails = (await getVideo(server.url, videos[0].uuid)).body
+ expect(video.name).to.equal('test upload')
+ expect(video.support).to.equal('support_text')
+ expect(video.channel.name).to.equal('user_channel')
it('Should import a video', async function () {
const env = getEnvCli(server)
- const params = `--target-url ${getYoutubeVideoUrl()} --channel-id ${channelId}`
+ const params = `--target-url ${getYoutubeVideoUrl()} --channel-name user_channel`
await execCLI(`${env} ${cmd} import ${params}`)
const videos: Video[] = res.body.data
const video = videos.find(v => v.name === 'small video - youtube')
- expect(video.channel.name).to.equal('user_channel')
+ const videoDetails: VideoDetails = (await getVideo(server.url, video.id)).body
+ expect(videoDetails.channel.name).to.equal('user_channel')
+ expect(videoDetails.support).to.equal('super support text')
+ expect(videoDetails.nsfw).to.be.false
+ // So we can reimport it
+ await removeVideo(server.url, userAccessToken, video.id)
+ })
+ it('Should import and override some imported attributes', async function () {
+ this.timeout(60000)
+ const env = getEnvCli(server)
+ const params = `--target-url ${getYoutubeVideoUrl()} --channel-name user_channel --video-name toto --nsfw --support support`
+ await execCLI(`${env} ${cmd} import ${params}`)
+ await waitJobs([ server ])
+ {
+ const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
+ expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2)
+ const videos: Video[] = res.body.data
+ const video = videos.find(v => v.name === 'toto')
+ expect(video).to.not.be.undefined
+ const videoDetails: VideoDetails = (await getVideo(server.url, video.id)).body
+ expect(videoDetails.channel.name).to.equal('user_channel')
+ expect(videoDetails.support).to.equal('support')
+ expect(videoDetails.nsfw).to.be.true
+ }
it('Should remove the auth user', async function () {
import { Netrc } from 'netrc-parser'
-import { isTestInstance, getAppNumber } from '../helpers/core-utils'
+import { getAppNumber, isTestInstance } from '../helpers/core-utils'
import { join } from 'path'
-import { root } from '../../shared/extra-utils'
+import { getVideoChannel, root } from '../../shared/extra-utils'
+import { Command } from 'commander'
+import { VideoChannel, VideoPrivacy } from '../../shared/models/videos'
let configName = 'PeerTube/CLI'
if (isTestInstance()) configName += `-${getAppNumber()}`
+function buildCommonVideoOptions (command: Command) {
+ function list (val) {
+ return val.split(',')
+ }
+ return command
+ .option('-n, --video-name <name>', 'Video name')
+ .option('-c, --category <category_number>', 'Category number')
+ .option('-l, --licence <licence_number>', 'Licence number')
+ .option('-L, --language <language_code>', 'Language ISO 639 code (fr or en...)')
+ .option('-t, --tags <tags>', 'Video tags', list)
+ .option('-N, --nsfw', 'Video is Not Safe For Work')
+ .option('-d, --video-description <description>', 'Video description')
+ .option('-P, --privacy <privacy_number>', 'Privacy')
+ .option('-C, --channel-name <channel_name>', 'Channel name')
+ .option('-m, --comments-enabled', 'Enable comments')
+ .option('-s, --support <support>', 'Video support text')
+ .option('-w, --wait-transcoding', 'Wait transcoding before publishing the video')
+async function buildVideoAttributesFromCommander (url: string, command: Command, defaultAttributes: any) {
+ const booleanAttributes: { [id: string]: boolean } = {}
+ for (const key of [ 'nsfw', 'commentsEnabled', 'downloadEnabled', 'waitTranscoding' ]) {
+ if (command[ key ] !== undefined) {
+ booleanAttributes[key] = command[ key ]
+ } else if (defaultAttributes[key] !== undefined) {
+ booleanAttributes[key] = defaultAttributes[key]
+ } else {
+ booleanAttributes[key] = false
+ }
+ }
+ const videoAttributes = {
+ name: command[ 'videoName' ] || defaultAttributes.name,
+ category: command[ 'category' ] || defaultAttributes.category || undefined,
+ licence: command[ 'licence' ] || defaultAttributes.licence || undefined,
+ language: command[ 'language' ] || defaultAttributes.language || undefined,
+ privacy: command[ 'privacy' ] || defaultAttributes.privacy || VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
+ support: command[ 'support' ] || defaultAttributes.support || undefined
+ }
+ Object.assign(videoAttributes, booleanAttributes)
+ if (command[ 'channelName' ]) {
+ const res = await getVideoChannel(url, command['channelName'])
+ const videoChannel: VideoChannel = res.body
+ Object.assign(videoAttributes, { channelId: videoChannel.id })
+ if (!videoAttributes.support && videoChannel.support) {
+ Object.assign(videoAttributes, { support: videoChannel.support })
+ }
+ }
+ return videoAttributes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
- deleteSettings
+ deleteSettings,
+ buildCommonVideoOptions,
+ buildVideoAttributesFromCommander
import * as program from 'commander'
import { join } from 'path'
-import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../shared/models/videos'
import { doRequestAndSaveToFile } from '../helpers/requests'
import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS } from '../initializers/constants'
import { getClient, getVideoCategories, login, searchVideoWithSort, uploadVideo } from '../../shared/extra-utils/index'
import { remove } from 'fs-extra'
import { sha256 } from '../helpers/core-utils'
import { buildOriginallyPublishedAt, safeGetYoutubeDL } from '../helpers/youtube-dl'
-import { getNetrc, getRemoteObjectOrDie, getSettings } from './cli'
+import { buildCommonVideoOptions, buildVideoAttributesFromCommander, getNetrc, getRemoteObjectOrDie, getSettings } from './cli'
type UserInfo = {
username: string
maxBuffer: Infinity
+let command = program
+command = buildCommonVideoOptions(command)
.option('-u, --url <url>', 'Server url')
.option('-U, --username <username>', 'Username')
.option('-p, --password <token>', 'Password')
.option('-t, --target-url <targetUrl>', 'Video target URL')
- .option('-C, --channel-id <channel_id>', 'Channel ID')
- .option('-l, --language <languageCode>', 'Language ISO 639 code (fr or en...)')
.option('-v, --verbose', 'Verbose mode')
const originallyPublishedAt = buildOriginallyPublishedAt(videoInfo)
- const videoAttributes = {
+ const defaultAttributes = {
name: truncate(videoInfo.title, {
'separator': /,? +/,
- language: program[ 'language' ],
nsfw: isNSFW(videoInfo),
- waitTranscoding: true,
- commentsEnabled: true,
- downloadEnabled: true,
- description: videoInfo.description || undefined,
- support: undefined,
- tags,
- privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
- fixture: videoPath,
- thumbnailfile,
- previewfile: thumbnailfile,
- originallyPublishedAt: originallyPublishedAt ? originallyPublishedAt.toISOString() : null
+ description: videoInfo.description,
+ tags
- if (program[ 'channelId' ]) {
- Object.assign(videoAttributes, { channelId: program['channelId'] })
- }
+ const videoAttributes = await buildVideoAttributesFromCommander(url, program, defaultAttributes)
+ Object.assign(videoAttributes, {
+ originallyPublishedAt: originallyPublishedAt ? originallyPublishedAt.toISOString() : null,
+ thumbnailfile,
+ previewfile: thumbnailfile,
+ fixture: videoPath
+ })
console.log('\nUploading on PeerTube video "%s".', videoAttributes.name)
import { isAbsolute } from 'path'
import { getClient, login } from '../../shared/extra-utils'
import { uploadVideo } from '../../shared/extra-utils/'
-import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../shared/models/videos'
-import { getNetrc, getRemoteObjectOrDie, getSettings } from './cli'
+import { buildCommonVideoOptions, buildVideoAttributesFromCommander, getNetrc, getRemoteObjectOrDie, getSettings } from './cli'
+let command = program
+command = buildCommonVideoOptions(command)
.option('-u, --url <url>', 'Server url')
.option('-U, --username <username>', 'Username')
.option('-p, --password <token>', 'Password')
- .option('-n, --video-name <name>', 'Video name')
- .option('-P, --privacy <privacy_number>', 'Privacy')
- .option('-N, --nsfw', 'Video is Not Safe For Work')
- .option('-c, --category <category_number>', 'Category number')
- .option('-C, --channel-id <channel_id>', 'Channel ID')
- .option('-m, --comments-enabled', 'Enable comments')
- .option('-l, --licence <licence_number>', 'Licence number')
- .option('-L, --language <language_code>', 'Language ISO 639 code (fr or en...)')
- .option('-d, --video-description <description>', 'Video description')
- .option('-t, --tags <tags>', 'Video tags', list)
.option('-b, --thumbnail <thumbnailPath>', 'Thumbnail path')
.option('-v, --preview <previewPath>', 'Preview path')
.option('-f, --file <file>', 'Video absolute file path')
.then(([ settings, netrc ]) => {
const { url, username, password } = getRemoteObjectOrDie(program, settings, netrc)
- if (!program[ 'videoName' ] || !program[ 'file' ] || !program[ 'channelId' ]) {
+ if (!program[ 'videoName' ] || !program[ 'file' ]) {
if (!program[ 'videoName' ]) console.error('--video-name is required.')
if (!program[ 'file' ]) console.error('--file is required.')
- if (!program[ 'channelId' ]) console.error('--channel-id is required.')
console.log('Uploading %s video...', program[ 'videoName' ])
- const videoAttributes = {
- name: program[ 'videoName' ],
- category: program[ 'category' ] || undefined,
- channelId: program[ 'channelId' ],
- licence: program[ 'licence' ] || undefined,
- language: program[ 'language' ] || undefined,
- nsfw: program[ 'nsfw' ] !== undefined ? program[ 'nsfw' ] : false,
- description: program[ 'videoDescription' ] || undefined,
- tags: program[ 'tags' ] || [],
- commentsEnabled: program[ 'commentsEnabled' ] !== undefined ? program[ 'commentsEnabled' ] : true,
- downloadEnabled: program[ 'downloadEnabled' ] !== undefined ? program[ 'downloadEnabled' ] : true,
+ const defaultAttributes = {
+ tags: command[ 'tags' ],
+ description: command[ 'videoDescription' ]
+ }
+ const videoAttributes = await buildVideoAttributesFromCommander(url, program, defaultAttributes)
+ Object.assign(videoAttributes, {
fixture: program[ 'file' ],
thumbnailfile: program[ 'thumbnail' ],
- previewfile: program[ 'preview' ],
- waitTranscoding: true,
- privacy: program[ 'privacy' ] || VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
- support: undefined
- }
+ previewfile: program[ 'preview' ]
+ })
try {
await uploadVideo(url, accessToken, videoAttributes)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function list (val) {
- return val.split(',')