--- layout: "mailgun" page_title: "Mailgun: mailgun_route" sidebar_current: "docs-mailgun-route" description: |- The route_resource allows mailgun route to be managed by Terraform. --- # mailgun\_route The route resource allows Mailgun route to be managed by Terraform. ## Example Usage ```hcl resource "mailgun_route" "example" { priority=5 description="description" expression="match_recipient(\".*@samples.mailgun.org\")" actions=[ "forward(\"http://myhost.com/messages/\")", "stop()" ] } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `priority` - (Required)Integer: smaller number indicates higher priority. Higher priority routes are handled first. * `expression` - (Required) An arbitrary string. * `description` - (Required) A filter expression like match_recipient('.*@gmail.com') * `actions` - (Required) Route action. This action is executed when the expression evaluates to True. Example: forward("alice@example.com") You can pass multiple action parameters. ## Attributes Reference The following attribute is exported: * `route_id` - ID of the route. * `created_at` - The date of creation of the route. ## Import Mailgun can be imported using the route ID, e.g. ``` tf import mailgun_route.example 4f3bad2335335426750048c6 ```