with import ../libs.nix; with nixpkgs_unstable; let connexionswing = { environment ? "dev" }: rec { varDir = "/var/lib/connexionswing_${environment}"; envName= lib.strings.toUpper environment; configRoot = # FIXME: spool emails in prod for when immae.eu is down? assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_MYSQL_PASSWORD"; assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_MYSQL_USER"; assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_MYSQL_NAME"; assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_SECRET"; assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_EMAIL"; pkgs.writeText "parameters.yml" '' # This file is auto-generated during the composer install parameters: database_host: db-1.immae.eu database_port: null database_name: ${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_MYSQL_NAME"} database_user: ${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_MYSQL_USER"} database_password: ${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_MYSQL_PASSWORD"} mailer_transport: smtp mailer_host: mail.immae.eu mailer_user: null mailer_password: null subscription_email: ${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_EMAIL"} allow_robots: true secret: ${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_CONNEXIONSWING_${envName}_SECRET"} ''; phpFpm = rec { socket = "/var/run/phpfpm/connexionswing-${environment}.sock"; pool = '' listen = ${socket} user = ${apache.user} group = ${apache.group} listen.owner = ${apache.user} listen.group = ${apache.group} php_admin_value[upload_max_filesize] = 20M php_admin_value[post_max_size] = 20M ;php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on php_admin_value[open_basedir] = "${configRoot}:${webappDir}:${varDir}:/tmp" ${if environment == "dev" then '' pm = ondemand pm.max_children = 5 pm.process_idle_timeout = 60 env[SYMFONY_DEBUG_MODE] = "yes" '' else '' pm = dynamic pm.max_children = 20 pm.start_servers = 2 pm.min_spare_servers = 1 pm.max_spare_servers = 3 ''}''; }; apache = { user = "wwwrun"; group = "wwwrun"; modules = [ "proxy_fcgi" ]; vhostConf = '' SetHandler "proxy:unix:${phpFpm.socket}|fcgi://localhost" Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted ${if environment == "dev" then '' Use LDAPConnect Require ldap-group cn=connexionswing.immae.eu,cn=httpd,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu ErrorDocument 401 "" Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes AllowOverride None Require all granted DirectoryIndex app_dev.php Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}::$1 ^(/.+)/(.*)::\2$ RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=BASE:%1] # Maintenance script RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/maintenance.php -f RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !maintenance.php RewriteRule ^.*$ %{ENV:BASE}/maintenance.php [R=503,L] ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.php # Sets the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header removed by Apache RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} . RewriteRule ^ - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$ RewriteRule ^app_dev\.php(?:/(.*)|$) %{ENV:BASE}/$1 [R=301,L] # If the requested filename exists, simply serve it. # We only want to let Apache serve files and not directories. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule ^ - [L] # Rewrite all other queries to the front controller. RewriteRule ^ %{ENV:BASE}/app_dev.php [L] '' else ""} ''; }; activationScript = { deps = [ "wrappers" ]; text = '' install -m 0755 -o ${apache.user} -g ${apache.group} -d ${varDir} \ ${varDir}/medias \ ${varDir}/uploads \ ${varDir}/var if [ ! -f "${varDir}/currentWebappDir" -o \ "${webappDir}" != "$(cat ${varDir}/currentWebappDir 2>/dev/null)" ]; then pushd ${webappDir} > /dev/null $wrapperDir/sudo -u wwwrun ./bin/console --env=${environment} cache:clear --no-warmup popd > /dev/null echo -n "${webappDir}" > ${varDir}/currentWebappDir fi ''; }; webappDir = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation (fetchedGitPrivate ./connexionswing_master.json // rec { # FIXME: can we do better than symlink? # FIXME: imagick optional # FIXME: initial sync # FIXME: backup buildPhase = '' export GIT_SSL_CAINFO=${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt export SSL_CERT_FILE=${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt ln -sf ../../../../../${varDir}/{medias,uploads} web/images/ ln -sf ${configRoot} app/config/parameters.yml ${if environment == "dev" then "php bin/composer install" else '' SYMFONY_ENV=prod php bin/composer install --no-dev ./bin/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug ''} rm -rf var ln -sf ../../../../../${varDir}/var var ''; installPhase = '' cp -a . $out ''; buildInputs = [ pkgs.php pkgs.git pkgs.cacert ]; }); webRoot = "${webappDir}/web"; }; nextcloud = let # FIXME: initial sync # FIXME: backup buildApp = { appName, version, url, sha256, installPhase ? "mkdir -p $out && cp -R . $out/" }: pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "nextcloud-app-${appName}-${version}"; inherit version; phases = "unpackPhase installPhase"; inherit installPhase; src = fetchurl { inherit url sha256; }; }; apps = { # FIXME: nextcloud complains that he cannot write into config # directory when an app needs upgrade # /!\ Attention, just changing the version number is not # sufficient when the downloaded file doesn’t contain the version # number in it, sha256 needs to be recomputed audioplayer = buildApp rec { appName = "audioplayer"; version = "2.5.0"; url = "https://github.com/Rello/${appName}/releases/download/${version}/${appName}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1pg4y51cv3agy28n4gfc8i7x1ya1yijxrmhpblm1n846vhmwdcm8"; }; bookmarks = buildApp rec { appName = "bookmarks"; version = "0.14.3"; url = "https://github.com/nextcloud/${appName}/releases/download/v${version}/${appName}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0s7lkcl70izlkihnml1par0cac0wvckllyyga3jkb7k9vdg7d40c"; }; calendar = buildApp rec { appName = "calendar"; version = "1.6.4"; url = "https://github.com/nextcloud/${appName}/releases/download/v${version}/${appName}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "00dijvcvy7snsjslfbyzvpp9anhms22zp1f0zkj89ln33jmana63"; }; contacts = buildApp rec { appName = "contacts"; version = "3.0.0"; url = "https://github.com/nextcloud/${appName}/releases/download/v${version}/${appName}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0fafy5kgzr5ldr3hxxxgmnw4y3qpjnv5ha1f1dlmqbc65s8frw7s"; }; deck = buildApp rec { appName = "deck"; version = "0.5.2"; url = "https://github.com/nextcloud/${appName}/releases/download/v${version}/${appName}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1kygzixxdkp3dbma009p3pw0fj8wgcqcv39n7pay78lh6zi3nic7"; }; files_markdown = buildApp rec { appName = "files_markdown"; version = "2.0.5"; url = "https://github.com/icewind1991/${appName}/releases/download/v${version}/${appName}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1dzvy4c6vff2qmkwqw13dx92xdkafaxgnipswjw44mh0ncc2n9ym"; }; gpxedit = buildApp rec { appName = "gpxedit"; version = "0.0.10"; url = "https://gitlab.com/eneiluj/gpxedit-oc/wikis/uploads/33d187268c5f6f6a55350d656305701c/${appName}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0ynpaxm0xhvcj8xax6rm1w0p6j57wbqidhi7bhn268n483gwl2sw"; }; gpxpod = buildApp rec { appName = "gpxpod"; version = "3.0.0"; url = "https://gitlab.com/eneiluj/gpxpod-oc/-/archive/v${version}/${appName}-oc-v${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0smpi4r3z7zfl1612fb30cwm1xmpiq95c81zzqiwzjf288iys74k"; }; keeweb = buildApp rec { appName = "keeweb"; version = "0.4.0"; url = "https://github.com/jhass/nextcloud-keeweb/releases/download/v${version}/${appName}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0453kkb0a8vfivmibpwpx4bvhyn64jhns6cdfjacmnvbm6d75nj1"; }; notes = buildApp rec { appName = "notes"; version = "2.5.1"; url = "https://github.com/nextcloud/${appName}/releases/download/v${version}/${appName}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1albzqqsdirzyw8vhvs7r0qm2wqp8vm9vmxm4crhncd85bk01hmh"; }; ocsms = buildApp rec { appName = "ocsms"; version = "2.1.0"; url = "https://github.com/nextcloud/${appName}/releases/download/${version}/${appName}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "19xgs82js4sdf6j9478vg9li7za7csvcaa1hbq9nmrq441sbxk9c"; }; spreed = buildApp rec { appName = "spreed"; version = "5.0.0"; url = "https://github.com/nextcloud/${appName}/releases/download/v${version}/${appName}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1d48mak1fnf1b28r2687yqamm4pxfg3qyxcj9ny31a6xg2cm0xa7"; }; tasks = buildApp rec { appName = "tasks"; version = "0.9.8"; url = "https://github.com/nextcloud/${appName}/releases/download/v${version}/${appName}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "089m124lfsfk09fqj50x9n7zndq97jp5afgb8s001rpmzym4g6ny"; }; }; in rec { varDir = "/var/lib/nextcloud"; config_php = assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD_SALT"; assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_DB_USER"; assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_DB_PASSWORD"; assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID"; assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_SECRET"; assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_REDIS_DB_INDEX"; pkgs.writeText "config.php" '' '${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID"}', 'datadirectory' => '/var/lib/nextcloud/', 'passwordsalt' => '${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD_SALT"}', 'debug' => false, 'dbtype' => 'pgsql', 'version' => '', 'dbname' => 'webapps', 'dbhost' => '/tmp', 'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_', 'dbuser' => '${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_DB_USER"}', 'dbpassword' => '${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_DB_PASSWORD"}', 'installed' => true, 'maxZipInputSize' => 0, 'allowZipDownload' => true, 'forcessl' => true, 'theme' => ${"''"}, 'maintenance' => false, 'trusted_domains' => array ( 0 => 'cloud.immae.eu', ), 'secret' => '${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_SECRET"}', 'appstoreenabled' => false, 'appstore.experimental.enabled' => true, 'loglevel' => 0, 'trashbin_retention_obligation' => 'auto', 'htaccess.RewriteBase' => '/', 'mail_smtpmode' => 'smtp', 'mail_smtphost' => 'mail.immae.eu', 'mail_smtpname' => ${"''"}, 'mail_smtppassword' => ${"''"}, 'mail_from_address' => 'owncloud', 'mail_smtpauth' => false, 'mail_domain' => 'immae.eu', 'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu', 'memcache.locking' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis', 'filelocking.enabled' => true, 'redis' => array ( 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 6379, 'dbindex' => ${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_NEXTCLOUD_REDIS_DB_INDEX"}, ), 'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://cloud.immae.eu', 'ldapIgnoreNamingRules' => false, 'ldapProviderFactory' => '\\OCA\\User_LDAP\\LDAPProviderFactory', 'config_is_read_only' => true, ); ''; config = stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "nextcloud-config"; src = ./nextcloudConfig; phases = "installPhase"; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp -r $src/* $out cp ${config_php} $out/config.php ''; }; webRoot = stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "nextcloud-${version}"; version = "15.0.0"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/${name}.tar.bz2"; sha256 = "0y7bk1588n5rmmranmmrkajh50074460hr4v052ahg9mf60wbc2v"; }; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/ cp -R . $out/ rm -r $out/config ln -sf ${config} $out/config ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" ( pkgs.lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (name: value: "ln -sf ${value} $out/apps/${name}") apps )} ''; meta = { description = "Sharing solution for files, calendars, contacts and more"; homepage = https://nextcloud.com; maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ schneefux bachp globin fpletz ]; license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3Plus; platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; unix; }; }; activationScript = { deps = [ ]; text = '' install -m 0755 -o ${apache.user} -g ${apache.group} -d ${varDir} ''; }; apache = { user = "wwwrun"; group = "wwwrun"; modules = [ "proxy_fcgi" ]; vhostConf = '' AcceptPathInfo On DirectoryIndex index.php Options FollowSymlinks Require all granted AllowOverride all Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload" CGIPassAuth on SetHandler "proxy:unix:${phpFpm.socket}|fcgi://localhost" ''; }; phpFpm = rec { basedir = builtins.concatStringsSep ":" ( [ webRoot varDir config ] ++ pkgs.lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (name: value: value) apps); socket = "/var/run/phpfpm/nextcloud.sock"; pool = '' listen = ${socket} user = ${apache.user} group = ${apache.group} listen.owner = ${apache.user} listen.group = ${apache.group} pm = ondemand pm.max_children = 60 pm.process_idle_timeout = 60 php_admin_value[output_buffering] = 0 php_admin_value[max_execution_time] = 1800 php_admin_value[zend_extension] = "opcache" ;php_value[opcache.enable] = 1 php_value[opcache.enable_cli] = 1 php_value[opcache.interned_strings_buffer] = 8 php_value[opcache.max_accelerated_files] = 10000 php_value[opcache.memory_consumption] = 128 php_value[opcache.save_comments] = 1 php_value[opcache.revalidate_freq] = 1 php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 512M php_admin_value[open_basedir] = "${basedir}:/proc/meminfo:/dev/urandom:/proc/self/fd:/tmp" ''; }; }; adminer = rec { webRoot = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec { version = "4.7.0"; name = "adminer-${version}"; src = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://www.adminer.org/static/download/${version}/${name}.php"; sha256 = "1qq2g7rbfh2vrqfm3g0bz0qs057b049n0mhabnsbd1sgnpvnc5z7"; }; phases = "installPhase"; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp $src $out/index.php ''; }; phpFpm = rec { socket = "/var/run/phpfpm/adminer.sock"; pool = '' listen = ${socket} user = ${apache.user} group = ${apache.group} listen.owner = ${apache.user} listen.group = ${apache.group} pm = ondemand pm.max_children = 5 pm.process_idle_timeout = 60 ;php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on php_admin_value[open_basedir] = "${webRoot}:/tmp" ''; }; apache = { user = "wwwrun"; group = "wwwrun"; modules = [ "proxy_fcgi" ]; vhostConf = '' Alias /adminer ${webRoot} DirectoryIndex = index.php SetHandler "proxy:unix:${phpFpm.socket}|fcgi://localhost" ''; }; nginxConf = { alias = webRoot; index = "index.php"; extraConfig = '' include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/fastcgi.conf; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$; fastcgi_param HTTP_PROXY ""; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME ${webRoot}/index.php; fastcgi_pass unix:${phpFpm.socket}; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_intercept_errors on; ''; }; }; ympd = rec { config = { webPort = "localhost:18001"; mpd = { host = "malige.home.immae.eu"; port = 6600; }; }; apache = { modules = [ "proxy_wstunnel" ]; vhostConf = '' Use LDAPConnect Require ldap-group cn=users,cn=mpd,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu Require local RedirectMatch permanent "^/mpd$" "/mpd/" ProxyPass http://${config.webPort}/ ProxyPassReverse http://${config.webPort}/ ProxyPreserveHost on ProxyPass ws://${config.webPort}/ws ''; }; }; in { inherit adminer; inherit ympd; connexionswing_dev = connexionswing { environment = "dev"; }; connexionswing_prod = connexionswing { environment = "prod"; }; inherit nextcloud; }