``autoescape`` ============== Whether automatic escaping is enabled or not, you can mark a section of a template to be escaped or not by using the ``autoescape`` tag: .. code-block:: jinja {# The following syntax works as of Twig 1.8 -- see the note below for previous versions #} {% autoescape %} Everything will be automatically escaped in this block using the HTML strategy {% endautoescape %} {% autoescape 'html' %} Everything will be automatically escaped in this block using the HTML strategy {% endautoescape %} {% autoescape 'js' %} Everything will be automatically escaped in this block using the js escaping strategy {% endautoescape %} {% autoescape false %} Everything will be outputted as is in this block {% endautoescape %} .. note:: Before Twig 1.8, the syntax was different: .. code-block:: jinja {% autoescape true %} Everything will be automatically escaped in this block using the HTML strategy {% endautoescape %} {% autoescape false %} Everything will be outputted as is in this block {% endautoescape %} {% autoescape true js %} Everything will be automatically escaped in this block using the js escaping strategy {% endautoescape %} When automatic escaping is enabled everything is escaped by default except for values explicitly marked as safe. Those can be marked in the template by using the :doc:`raw<../filters/raw>` filter: .. code-block:: jinja {% autoescape %} {{ safe_value|raw }} {% endautoescape %} Functions returning template data (like :doc:`macros` and :doc:`parent<../functions/parent>`) always return safe markup. .. note:: Twig is smart enough to not escape an already escaped value by the :doc:`escape<../filters/escape>` filter. .. note:: The chapter :doc:`Twig for Developers<../api>` gives more information about when and how automatic escaping is applied.