// This file is generated from format_fsm.rl. DO NOT EDIT. %%{ # (except you are actually in scan_tokens.rl here, so edit away!) machine formatfsm; }%% package stdlib import ( "bytes" "fmt" "unicode/utf8" "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty" "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty/function" ) %%{ write data; }%% func formatFSM(format string, a []cty.Value) (string, error) { var buf bytes.Buffer data := format nextArg := 1 // arg numbers are 1-based var verb formatVerb highestArgIdx := 0 // zero means "none", since arg numbers are 1-based %%{ action begin { verb = formatVerb{ ArgNum: nextArg, Prec: -1, Width: -1, } ts = p } action emit { buf.WriteByte(fc); } action finish_ok { } action finish_err { return buf.String(), fmt.Errorf("invalid format string starting at offset %d", p) } action err_char { // We'll try to slurp a whole UTF-8 sequence here, to give the user // better feedback. r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(data[p:]) return buf.String(), fmt.Errorf("unrecognized format character %q at offset %d", r, p) } action flag_sharp { verb.Sharp = true } action flag_zero { verb.Zero = true } action flag_minus { verb.Minus = true } action flag_plus { verb.Plus = true } action flag_space { verb.Space = true } action argidx_reset { verb.ArgNum = 0 } action argidx_num { verb.ArgNum = (10 * verb.ArgNum) + (int(fc) - '0') } action has_width { verb.HasWidth = true } action width_reset { verb.Width = 0 } action width_num { verb.Width = (10 * verb.Width) + (int(fc) - '0') } action has_prec { verb.HasPrec = true } action prec_reset { verb.Prec = 0 } action prec_num { verb.Prec = (10 * verb.Prec) + (int(fc) - '0') } action mode { verb.Mode = rune(fc) te = p+1 verb.Raw = data[ts:te] verb.Offset = ts if verb.ArgNum > highestArgIdx { highestArgIdx = verb.ArgNum } err := formatAppend(&verb, &buf, a) if err != nil { return buf.String(), err } nextArg = verb.ArgNum + 1 } # a number that isn't zero and doesn't have a leading zero num = [1-9] [0-9]*; flags = ( '0' @flag_zero | '#' @flag_sharp | '-' @flag_minus | '+' @flag_plus | ' ' @flag_space )*; argidx = (( '[' (num $argidx_num) ']' ) >argidx_reset)?; width = ( ( num $width_num ) >width_reset %has_width )?; precision = ( ('.' ( digit* $prec_num )) >prec_reset %has_prec )?; # We accept any letter here, but will be more picky in formatAppend mode = ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z') @mode; fmt_verb = ( '%' @begin flags width precision argidx mode ); main := ( [^%] @emit | '%%' @emit | fmt_verb )* @/finish_err %/finish_ok $!err_char; }%% // Ragel state p := 0 // "Pointer" into data pe := len(data) // End-of-data "pointer" cs := 0 // current state (will be initialized by ragel-generated code) ts := 0 te := 0 eof := pe // Keep Go compiler happy even if generated code doesn't use these _ = ts _ = te _ = eof %%{ write init; write exec; }%% // If we fall out here without being in a final state then we've // encountered something that the scanner can't match, which should // be impossible (the scanner matches all bytes _somehow_) but we'll // flag it anyway rather than just losing data from the end. if cs < formatfsm_first_final { return buf.String(), fmt.Errorf("extraneous characters beginning at offset %d", p) } if highestArgIdx < len(a) { // Extraneous args are an error, to more easily detect mistakes firstBad := highestArgIdx+1 if highestArgIdx == 0 { // Custom error message for this case return buf.String(), function.NewArgErrorf(firstBad, "too many arguments; no verbs in format string") } return buf.String(), function.NewArgErrorf(firstBad, "too many arguments; only %d used by format string", highestArgIdx) } return buf.String(), nil }