{% extends "layout.twig" %} {% block title %}{% trans "config" %}{% endblock %} {% block menu %} {% include '_menu.twig' %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans "Saving articles" %}

{% trans "There are several ways to save an article:" %} {% trans "(?)" %}

Browser Plugins

Mobile Apps

{% trans "Bookmarklet" %}

{% trans "Drag & drop this link to your bookmarks bar:" %} {% trans "bag it!" %}

{% trans "Feeds" %}

{% if token == '' %}

{% trans "Your feed token is currently empty and must first be generated to enable feeds. Click here to generate it." %}

{% else %}

{% trans "Your token:" %} {{token}}
{% trans "Your user id:" %} {{user_id}}
{% trans "You can regenerate your token: generate!." %}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Change your theme" %}

{% trans "Change your language" %}

{% trans "Import" %}

{% trans "You can import your Pocket, Readability, Instapaper, Wallabag or any data in appropriate json or html format." %}

{% trans "Please select export file on your computer and press \"Import\" button below. Wallabag will parse your file, insert all URLs and start fetching of articles if required." %}

{% trans "You can click here to fetch content for articles with no content." %}

{% trans "Fetching process is controlled by two constants in your config file: IMPORT_LIMIT (how many articles are fetched at once) and IMPORT_DELAY (delay between fetch of next batch of articles)." %}

{% trans "Export your wallabag data" %}

{% trans "Export JSON" %}
Data will be exported in a single JSON file.

{% trans "Fancy an E-Book ?" %}

Download E-Book
{% trans "Articles will be exported as a single E-book file (EPUB 3 format)." %} {% trans "This can take a while and can even fail if you have too many articles, depending on your server configuration." %}

{% trans "Cache" %}

{% trans "Delete Cache" %}
Deleting the cache may help with display or other problems.

{% trans 'Add user' %}

{% trans "Delete account" %}

{% if not only_user %}

{% trans "You can delete your account by entering your password and validating." %}
{% trans "Be careful, data will be erased forever (that is a very long time)." %}

{% else %}

{% trans "You are the only user, you cannot delete your own account." %}

{% trans "To completely remove wallabag, delete the wallabag folder on your web server (and eventual databases)." %}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Upgrading wallabag" %}

{% trans "You can clear cache to check the latest release." %}

{% endblock %}