// Usage: // $ phantomjs tests.js var page = require('webpage').create(); var url = 'src/index.html'; var testMaxTime = 5000; page.onResourceError = function(e) { console.log("Error loading " + e.url); phantom.exit(); } function fail() { console.log("Failed"); phantom.exit(); } function waitForGenerate(fn, maxTime) { if (!maxTime) { maxTime = testMaxTime; } var start = new Date().getTime(); var prevAddressCount = -1; var wait = function keepWaiting() { var now = new Date().getTime(); var hasTimedOut = now - start > maxTime; var addressCount = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address").length; }); var hasFinished = addressCount > 0 && addressCount == prevAddressCount; prevAddressCount = addressCount; if (hasFinished) { fn(); } else if (hasTimedOut) { console.log("Test timed out"); fn(); } else { setTimeout(keepWaiting, 100); } } wait(); } function next() { if (tests.length > 0) { var testsStr = tests.length == 1 ? "test" : "tests"; console.log(tests.length + " " + testsStr + " remaining"); tests.shift()(); } else { console.log("Finished with 0 failures"); phantom.exit(); } } /** * Randomize array element order in-place. * Using Durstenfeld shuffle algorithm. * See http://stackoverflow.com/a/12646864 */ function shuffle(array) { for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); var temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = temp; } return array; } tests = [ // Page loads with status of 'success' function() { page.open(url, function(status) { if (status != "success") { console.log("Page did not load with status 'success'"); fail(); } next(); }); }, // Page has text function() { page.open(url, function(status) { var content = page.evaluate(function() { return document.body.textContent.trim(); }); if (!content) { console.log("Page does not have text"); fail(); } next(); }); }, // Entering mnemonic generates addresses function() { page.open(url, function(status) { var expected = "1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug"; // set the phrase page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input"); }); // get the address waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Mnemonic did not generate address"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Got: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Random button generates random mnemonic function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // check initial phrase is empty var phrase = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".phrase").text(); }); if (phrase != "") { console.log("Initial phrase is not blank"); fail(); } // press the 'generate' button page.evaluate(function() { $(".generate").click(); }); // get the new phrase waitForGenerate(function() { var phrase = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".phrase").val(); }); if (phrase.length <= 0) { console.log("Phrase not generated by pressing button"); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Mnemonic length can be customized function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the length to 6 var expectedLength = "6"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".strength option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".strength option[value=6]").prop("selected", true); }); // press the 'generate' button page.evaluate(function() { $(".generate").click(); }); // check the new phrase is six words long waitForGenerate(function() { var actualLength = page.evaluate(function() { var words = $(".phrase").val().split(" "); return words.length; }); if (actualLength != expectedLength) { console.log("Phrase not generated with correct length"); console.log("Expected: " + expectedLength); console.log("Actual: " + actualLength); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Passphrase can be set function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and passphrase var expected = "15pJzUWPGzR7avffV9nY5by4PSgSKG9rba"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".passphrase").val("secure_passphrase").trigger("input"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Passphrase results in wrong address"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Network can be set to bitcoin testnet function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and coin var expected = "mucaU5iiDaJDb69BHLeDv8JFfGiyg2nJKi"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option[value=1]").prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Bitcoin testnet address is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Network can be set to litecoin function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and coin var expected = "LQ4XU8RX2ULPmPq9FcUHdVmPVchP9nwXdn"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option[value=2]").prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Litecoin address is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Network can be set to dogecoin function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and coin var expected = "DPQH2AtuzkVSG6ovjKk4jbUmZ6iXLpgbJA"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option[value=3]").prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Dogecoin address is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Network can be set to shadowcash function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and coin var expected = "SiSZtfYAXEFvMm3XM8hmtkGDyViRwErtCG"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option[value=4]").prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Shadowcash address is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Network can be set to shadowcash testnet function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and coin var expected = "tM2EDpVKaTiEg2NZg3yKg8eqjLr55BErHe"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option[value=5]").prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Shadowcash testnet address is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Network can be set to viacoin function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and coin var expected = "Vq9Eq4N5SQnjqZvxtxzo7hZPW5XnyJsmXT"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option[value=6]").prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Viacoin address is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Network can be set to viacoin testnet function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and coin var expected = "tM2EDpVKaTiEg2NZg3yKg8eqjLr55BErHe"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option[value=7]").prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Viacoin testnet address is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Network can be set to jumbucks function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and coin var expected = "JLEXccwDXADK4RxBPkRez7mqsHVoJBEUew"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option[value=8]").prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Jumbucks address is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Network can be set to clam function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase and coin var expected = "xCp4sakjVx4pUAZ6cBCtuin8Ddb6U1sk9y"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option[value=9]").prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("CLAM address is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // BIP39 seed is set from phrase function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "20da140d3dd1df8713cefcc4d54ce0e445b4151027a1ab567b832f6da5fcc5afc1c3a3f199ab78b8e0ab4652efd7f414ac2c9a3b81bceb879a70f377aa0a58f3"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".seed").val(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("BIP39 seed is incorrectly generated from mnemonic"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // BIP32 root key is set from phrase function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpi"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".root-key").val(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Root key is incorrectly generated from mnemonic"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // Tabs show correct addresses when changed function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "17uQ7s2izWPwBmEVFikTmZUjbBKWYdJchz"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); // change tabs waitForGenerate(function() { page.evaluate(function() { $("#bip32-tab a").click(); }); // check the address is generated correctly waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("Clicking tab generates incorrect address"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }); }, // BIP44 derivation path is shown function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "m/44'/0'/0'/0"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); // check the derivation path of the first address waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $("#bip44 .path").val(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("BIP44 derivation path is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // BIP44 extended private key is shown function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "xprvA2DxxvPZcyRvYgZMGS53nadR32mVDeCyqQYyFhrCVbJNjPoxMeVf7QT5g7mQASbTf9Kp4cryvcXnu2qurjWKcrdsr91jXymdCDNxKgLFKJG"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); // check the BIP44 extended private key waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".extended-priv-key").val(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("BIP44 extended private key is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // BIP44 extended public key is shown function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "xpub6FDKNRvTTLzDmAdpNTc49ia9b4byd6vqCdUa46Fp3vqMcC96uBoufCmZXQLiN5AK3iSCJMhf9gT2sxkpyaPepRuA7W3MujV5tGmF5VfbueM"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); // check the BIP44 extended public key waitForGenerate(function() { var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".extended-pub-key").val(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("BIP44 extended public key is incorrect"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }, // BIP44 purpose field changes address list function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "1JbDzRJ2cDT8aat2xwKd6Pb2zzavow5MhF"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); waitForGenerate(function() { // change the bip44 purpose field to 45 page.evaluate(function() { $("#bip44 .purpose").val("45"); $("#bip44 .purpose").trigger("input"); }); waitForGenerate(function() { // check the address for the new derivation path var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("BIP44 purpose field generates incorrect address"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }); }, // BIP44 coin field changes address list function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "1F6dB2djQYrxoyfZZmfr6D5voH8GkJTghk"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); waitForGenerate(function() { // change the bip44 purpose field to 45 page.evaluate(function() { $("#bip44 .coin").val("1"); $("#bip44 .coin").trigger("input"); }); waitForGenerate(function() { // check the address for the new derivation path var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("BIP44 coin field generates incorrect address"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }); }, // BIP44 account field changes address list function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "1Nq2Wmu726XHCuGhctEtGmhxo3wzk5wZ1H"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); waitForGenerate(function() { // change the bip44 purpose field to 45 page.evaluate(function() { $("#bip44 .account").val("1"); $("#bip44 .account").trigger("input"); }); waitForGenerate(function() { // check the address for the new derivation path var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("BIP44 account field generates incorrect address"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }); }, // BIP44 change field changes address list function() { page.open(url, function(status) { // set the phrase var expected = "1KAGfWgqfVbSSXY56fNQ7YnhyKuoskHtYo"; page.evaluate(function() { $(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability"); $(".phrase").trigger("input"); }); waitForGenerate(function() { // change the bip44 purpose field to 45 page.evaluate(function() { $("#bip44 .change").val("1"); $("#bip44 .change").trigger("input"); }); waitForGenerate(function() { // check the address for the new derivation path var actual = page.evaluate(function() { return $(".address:first").text(); }); if (actual != expected) { console.log("BIP44 change field generates incorrect address"); console.log("Expected: " + expected); console.log("Actual: " + actual); fail(); } next(); }); }); }); }, // TODO finish these tests // BIP32 derivation path can be set // BIP32 can use hardened derivation paths // BIP32 extended private key is shown // BIP32 extended public key is shown // Derivation path is shown in table // Derivation path for address can be hardened // Derivation path visibility can be toggled // Address is shown // Addresses are shown in order of derivation path // Address visibility can be toggled // Private key is shown // Private key visibility can be toggled // More addresses can be generated // A custom number of additional addresses can be generated // Additional addresses are shown in order of derivation path // BIP32 root key can be set by the user // Setting BIP32 root key clears the existing phrase, passphrase and seed // Clearing of phrase, passphrase and seed can be cancelled by user // Custom BIP32 root key is used when changing the derivation path // Incorrect mnemonic shows error // Incorrect word shows suggested replacement // Incorrect BIP32 root key shows error // Derivation path not starting with m shows error // Derivation path containing invalid characters shows useful error // Github Issue 11: Default word length is 15 // https://github.com/dcpos/bip39/issues/11 // Github Issue 12: Generate more rows with private keys hidden // https://github.com/dcpos/bip39/issues/12 // Github Issue 19: Mnemonic is not sensitive to whitespace // https://github.com/dcpos/bip39/issues/19 // Github Issue 23: Use correct derivation path when changing tabs // https://github.com/dcpos/bip39/issues/23 ]; console.log("Running tests..."); tests = shuffle(tests); next();