// Usage: // cd /path/to/repo/tests // jasmine spec/tests.js // // Dependencies: // nodejs // selenium // jasmine // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Headless_mode#Automated_testing_with_headless_mode // USER SPECIFIED OPTIONS var browser = process.env.BROWSER; //"firefox"; // or "chrome" if (!browser) { console.log("Browser can be set via environment variable, eg"); console.log("BROWSER=firefox jasmine spec/tests.js"); console.log("Options for BROWSER are firefox chrome"); console.log("Using default browser: chrome"); browser = "chrome"; } else { console.log("Using browser: " + browser); } // Globals var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'); var By = webdriver.By; var Key = webdriver.Key; var until = webdriver.until; var newDriver = null; var driver = null; // Delays in ms var generateDelay = 1500; var feedbackDelay = 500; var entropyFeedbackDelay = 500; var bip38delay = 15000; // url uses file:// scheme var path = require('path') var parentDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '..', 'src', 'index.html'); var url = "file://" + parentDir; if (browser == "firefox") { // TODO loading local html in firefox is broken console.log("Loading local html in firefox is broken, see https://stackoverflow.com/q/46367054"); console.log("You must run a server in this case, ie do this:"); console.log("$ cd /path/to/bip39/src"); console.log("$ python -m http.server"); url = "http://localhost:8000"; } // Variables dependent on specific browser selection if (browser == "firefox") { var firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox'); var binary = new firefox.Binary(firefox.Channel.NIGHTLY); binary.addArguments("-headless"); newDriver = function() { return new webdriver.Builder() .forBrowser('firefox') .setFirefoxOptions(new firefox.Options().setBinary(binary)) .build(); } } else if (browser == "chrome") { var chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome'); newDriver = function() { return new webdriver.Builder() .forBrowser('chrome') .setChromeOptions(new chrome.Options().addArguments("headless")) .build(); } } // Helper functions function testNetwork(done, params) { var phrase = params.phrase || 'abandon abandon ability'; driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys(phrase); selectNetwork(params.selectText); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe(params.firstAddress); done(); }); }); } function getFirstRowValue(handler, selector) { driver.findElements(By.css(selector)) .then(function(els) { els[0].getText() .then(handler); }) } function getFirstAddress(handler) { getFirstRowValue(handler, ".address"); } function getFirstPath(handler) { getFirstRowValue(handler, ".index"); } function testColumnValuesAreInvisible(done, columnClassName) { var selector = "." + columnClassName + " span"; driver.findElements(By.css(selector)) .then(function(els) { els[0].getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).toContain("invisible"); done(); }); }) } function testRowsAreInCorrectOrder(done) { driver.findElements(By.css('.index')) .then(function(els) { var testRowAtIndex = function(i) { if (i >= els.length) { done(); } else { els[i].getText() .then(function(actualPath) { var noHardened = actualPath.replace(/'/g, ""); var pathBits = noHardened.split("/") var lastBit = pathBits[pathBits.length-1]; var actualIndex = parseInt(lastBit); expect(actualIndex).toBe(i); testRowAtIndex(i+1); }); } } testRowAtIndex(0); }); } function selectNetwork(name) { driver.executeScript(function() { var selectText = arguments[0]; $(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".network option").filter(function(i,e) { return $(e).html() == selectText; }).prop("selected", true); $(".network").trigger("change"); }, name); } function testEntropyType(done, entropyText, entropyTypeUnsafe) { // entropy type is compiled into regexp so needs escaping // see https://stackoverflow.com/a/2593661 var entropyType = (entropyTypeUnsafe+'').replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\$&"); driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys(entropyText); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy-container')) .getText() .then(function(text) { var re = new RegExp("Entropy Type\\s+" + entropyType); expect(text).toMatch(re); done(); }); }); } function testEntropyBits(done, entropyText, entropyBits) { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys(entropyText); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy-container')) .getText() .then(function(text) { var re = new RegExp("Total Bits\\s+" + entropyBits); expect(text).toMatch(re); done(); }); }); } function testEntropyFeedback(done, entropyDetail) { // entropy type is compiled into regexp so needs escaping // see https://stackoverflow.com/a/2593661 if ("type" in entropyDetail) { entropyDetail.type = (entropyDetail.type+'').replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\$&"); } driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys(entropyDetail.entropy); driver.sleep(entropyFeedbackDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy-container')) .getText() .then(function(text) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(phrase) { if ("filtered" in entropyDetail) { var key = "Filtered Entropy"; var value = entropyDetail.filtered; var reText = key + "\\s+" + value; var re = new RegExp(reText); expect(text).toMatch(re); } if ("type" in entropyDetail) { var key = "Entropy Type"; var value = entropyDetail.type; var reText = key + "\\s+" + value; var re = new RegExp(reText); expect(text).toMatch(re); } if ("events" in entropyDetail) { var key = "Event Count"; var value = entropyDetail.events; var reText = key + "\\s+" + value; var re = new RegExp(reText); expect(text).toMatch(re); } if ("bits" in entropyDetail) { var key = "Total Bits"; var value = entropyDetail.bits; var reText = key + "\\s+" + value; var re = new RegExp(reText); expect(text).toMatch(re); } if ("bitsPerEvent" in entropyDetail) { var key = "Bits Per Event"; var value = entropyDetail.bitsPerEvent; var reText = key + "\\s+" + value; var re = new RegExp(reText); expect(text).toMatch(re); } if ("words" in entropyDetail) { var actualWords = phrase.split(/\s+/) .filter(function(w) { return w.length > 0 }) .length; expect(actualWords).toBe(entropyDetail.words); } if ("strength" in entropyDetail) { var key = "Time To Crack"; var value = entropyDetail.strength; var reText = key + "\\s+" + value; var re = new RegExp(reText); expect(text).toMatch(re); } done(); }); }); }); } function testClientSelect(done, params) { // set mnemonic and select bip32 tab driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // BITCOIN CORE // set bip32 client to bitcoin core driver.executeScript(function() { $("#bip32-client").val(arguments[0]).trigger("change"); }, params.selectValue); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // check the derivation path is correct driver.findElement(By.css("#bip32-path")) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(path) { expect(path).toBe(params.bip32path); // check hardened addresses is selected driver.findElement(By.css(".hardened-addresses")) .getAttribute("checked") .then(function(isChecked) { expect(isChecked).toBe(params.useHardenedAddresses); // check input is readonly driver.findElement(By.css("#bip32-path")) .getAttribute("readonly") .then(function(isReadonly) { expect(isReadonly).toBe("true"); done(); }); }); }); }); }); } // Tests describe('BIP39 Tool Tests', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { driver = newDriver(); driver.get(url).then(done); }); // Close the website after each test is run (so that it is opened fresh each time) afterEach(function(done) { driver.quit().then(done); }); // BEGIN TESTS // Page initially loads with blank phrase it('Should load the page', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .getAttribute('value').then(function(value) { expect(value).toBe(''); done(); }); }); // Page has text it('Should have text on the page', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('body')) .getText() .then(function(text) { var textToFind = "You can enter an existing BIP39 mnemonic"; expect(text).toContain(textToFind); done(); }); }); // Entering mnemonic generates addresses it('Should have a list of addresses', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElements(By.css('.address')) .then(function(els) { expect(els.length).toBe(20); done(); }) }); }); // Generate button generates random mnemonic it('Should be able to generate a random mnemonic', function(done) { // initial phrase is blank driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(phrase) { expect(phrase.length).toBe(0); // press generate driver.findElement(By.css('.generate')).click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // new phrase is not blank driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(phrase) { expect(phrase.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); done(); }); }); }); }); // Mnemonic length can be customized it('Should allow custom length mnemonics', function(done) { // set strength to 6 driver.executeScript(function() { $(".strength option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".strength option[value=6]").prop("selected", true); }); driver.findElement(By.css('.generate')).click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(phrase) { var words = phrase.split(" "); expect(words.length).toBe(6); done(); }); }); }); // Passphrase can be set it('Allows a passphrase to be set', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.findElement(By.css('.passphrase')) .sendKeys('secure_passphrase'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("15pJzUWPGzR7avffV9nY5by4PSgSKG9rba"); done(); }) }); }); // Network can be set to networks other than bitcoin it('Allows selection of bitcoin testnet', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BTC - Bitcoin Testnet", firstAddress: "mucaU5iiDaJDb69BHLeDv8JFfGiyg2nJKi", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of litecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "LTC - Litecoin", firstAddress: "LQ4XU8RX2ULPmPq9FcUHdVmPVchP9nwXdn", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of ripple', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "XRP - Ripple", firstAddress: "rLTFnqbmCVPGx6VfaygdtuKWJgcN4v1zRS", phrase: "ill clump only blind unit burden thing track silver cloth review awake useful craft whale all satisfy else trophy sunset walk vanish hope valve", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of dogecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "DOGE - Dogecoin", firstAddress: "DPQH2AtuzkVSG6ovjKk4jbUmZ6iXLpgbJA", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of denarius', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "DNR - Denarius", firstAddress: "DFdFMVUMzU9xX88EywXvAGwjiwpxyh9vKb", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of shadowcash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SDC - ShadowCash", firstAddress: "SiSZtfYAXEFvMm3XM8hmtkGDyViRwErtCG", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of shadowcash testnet', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SDC - ShadowCash Testnet", firstAddress: "tM2EDpVKaTiEg2NZg3yKg8eqjLr55BErHe", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of viacoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "VIA - Viacoin", firstAddress: "Vq9Eq4N5SQnjqZvxtxzo7hZPW5XnyJsmXT", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of viacoin testnet', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "VIA - Viacoin Testnet", firstAddress: "tM2EDpVKaTiEg2NZg3yKg8eqjLr55BErHe", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of jumbucks', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "JBS - Jumbucks", firstAddress: "JLEXccwDXADK4RxBPkRez7mqsHVoJBEUew", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of clam', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "CLAM - Clams", firstAddress: "xCp4sakjVx4pUAZ6cBCtuin8Ddb6U1sk9y", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of crown', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "CRW - Crown (Legacy)", firstAddress: "18pWSwSUAQdiwMHUfFZB1fM2xue9X1FqE5", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of crown', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "CRW - Crown", firstAddress: "CRWKnVmVhvH1KWTYe6sq8xV4dFGcFpBEEkPQ", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of dash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "DASH - Dash", firstAddress: "XdbhtMuGsPSkE6bPdNTHoFSszQKmK4S5LT", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of dash testnet', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "DASH - Dash Testnet", firstAddress: "yaR52EN4oojdJfBgzWJTymC4uuCLPT29Gw", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of game', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "GAME - GameCredits", firstAddress: "GSMY9bAp36cMR4zyT4uGVS7GFjpdXbao5Q", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of komodo', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "KMD - Komodo", firstAddress: "RMPPzJwAjPVZZAwJvXivHJGGjdCx6WBD2t", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of namecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NMC - Namecoin", firstAddress: "Mw2vK2Bvex1yYtYF6sfbEg2YGoUc98YUD2", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of onixcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ONX - Onixcoin", firstAddress: "XGwMqddeKjT3ddgX73QokjVbCL3aK6Yxfk", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of lkrcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "LKR - Lkrcoin", firstAddress: "LfbT296e7AEEnn4bYDbL535Nd8P9g98CdJ", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of peercoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "PPC - Peercoin", firstAddress: "PVAiioTaK2eDHSEo3tppT9AVdBYqxRTBAm", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of ethereum', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ETH - Ethereum", firstAddress: "0xe5815d5902Ad612d49283DEdEc02100Bd44C2772", }; testNetwork(done, params); // TODO test private key and public key }); it('Allows selection of slimcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SLM - Slimcoin", firstAddress: "SNzPi1CafHFm3WWjRo43aMgiaEEj3ogjww", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of slimcoin testnet', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SLM - Slimcoin Testnet", firstAddress: "n3nMgWufTek5QQAr6uwMhg5xbzj8xqc4Dq", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of bitcoin cash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BCH - Bitcoin Cash", firstAddress: "bitcoincash:qzlquk7w4hkudxypl4fgv8x279r754dkvur7jpcsps", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of simpleledger(SLP)', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SLP - Simple Ledger Protocol", firstAddress: "simpleledger:qrtffz6ajfsn74gpur7y3epjquz42pvww5acewqmre", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of myriadcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "XMY - Myriadcoin", firstAddress: "MJEswvRR46wh9BoiVj9DzKYMBkCramhoBV", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of pivx', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "PIVX - PIVX", firstAddress: "DBxgT7faCuno7jmtKuu6KWCiwqsVPqh1tS", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of pivx testnet', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "PIVX - PIVX Testnet", firstAddress: "yB5U384n6dGkVE3by5y9VdvHHPwPg68fQj", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of maza', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "MAZA - Maza", firstAddress: "MGW4Bmi2NEm4PxSjgeFwhP9vg18JHoRnfw", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of fujicoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "FJC - Fujicoin", firstAddress: "FgiaLpG7C99DyR4WnPxXedRVHXSfKzUDhF", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of nubits', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "USNBT - NuBits", firstAddress: "BLxkabXuZSJSdesLD7KxZdqovd4YwyBTU6", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of bitcoin gold', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BTG - Bitcoin Gold", firstAddress: "GdDqug4WUsn5syNbSTHatNn4XnuwZtzedx", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of monacoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "MONA - Monacoin", firstAddress: "MKMiMr7MyjDKjJbCBzgF6u4ByqTS4NkRB1", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of AXE', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "AXE - Axe", firstAddress: "PScwtLUyPiGrqtKXrHF37DGETLXLZdw4up", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of BlackCoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BLK - BlackCoin", firstAddress: "B5MznAKwj7uQ42vDz3w4onhBXPcqhTwJ9z", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Neblio', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NEBL - Neblio", firstAddress: "NefkeEEvhusbHMmTRrxx7H9wFnUXd8qQsE", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Beetlecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BEET - Beetlecoin", firstAddress: "BVmtbEsGrjpknprmpHFq26z4kYHJUFHE71", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Adcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ACC - Adcoin", firstAddress: "AcEDM6V5sF4kFHC76MJjjfProtS5Sw2qcd", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Asiacoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "AC - Asiacoin", firstAddress: "ALupuEEz7kJjQTAvmtcBMBVuEjPa7GqZzE", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Auroracoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "AUR - Auroracoin", firstAddress: "ANuraS6F4Jpi413FEnavjYkKYJJRHkgYCm", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Bata', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BTA - Bata", firstAddress: "BGxBdNeYPtF3GCuTtZBPQdFxCkdBYSF3fj", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Belacoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BELA - Belacoin", firstAddress: "BEeetqpNffdzeknSpNmQp5KAFh2KK1Qx7S", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Bitcoin Atom', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BCA - Bitcoin Atom", firstAddress: "AMy6qMbJeC4zsGRL6iWszmeCdQH65fgfih", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Bitcoinplus', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "XBC - Bitcoinplus", firstAddress: "B7FSynZoDbEwTCSgsXq9nJ5ue8owYLVL8r", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Bitcoin Private', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BTCP - Bitcoin Private", firstAddress: "b1M3PbiXXyN6Hdivdw5rJv5VKpLjPzhm4jM", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Bitcoinz', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BTCZ - Bitcoinz", firstAddress: "t1X2YQoxs8cYRo2oaBYgVEwW5QNjCC59NYc", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of BitCloud', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BTDX - BitCloud", firstAddress: "BHbWitXCNgTf1BhsRDNMP186EeibuzmrBi", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Bitcore', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BTX - Bitcore", firstAddress: "2Rgp5Znhpy34TK4QmPkfCiYs9r4KovfTH9", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Bitsend', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BSD - Bitsend", firstAddress: "iBPk7LYjDun3EPk7CRR8UUmnPoceVc1bp2", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Britcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BRIT - Britcoin", firstAddress: "B6Aue4J2XLs1f1dtD4H1SHYFfh4XrmEbrw", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Canadaecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "CDN - Canadaecoin", firstAddress: "CanAyCfd5Rj2CQVfaoAmvDUZunPM5W1AEQ", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Cannacoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "CCN - Cannacoin", firstAddress: "CYjW8xWB43g6krLJTmmrPk1PonoQX7h9Qd", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Clubcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "CLUB - Clubcoin", firstAddress: "CHMDEXN4sihpSVX4GyAa2hZ62shnby7uyN", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Compcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "CMP - Compcoin", firstAddress: "CLshtw3zhxkseBJS46UF12v3AFy9Dx7JVv", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Crave', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "CRAVE - Crave", firstAddress: "VCYJeti6uKMNBFKCL7eP96UwuFWYHM7c85", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Defcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "DFC - Defcoin", firstAddress: "D8swcgyaaFUrXZU3ATwbgy16buCpWqbG1M", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Diamond', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "DMD - Diamond", firstAddress: "dJnrVbLL9UPjdaVRz2C8VpqHZknqAqjLek", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Digibyte', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "DGB - Digibyte", firstAddress: "D85Rp9jwLtMdmP6wGjTiqHBdVQLST3YCEq", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Digitalcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "DGC - Digitalcoin", firstAddress: "DKw4UGKEAZWweDNEbBFNQx4EM8x1mpUdia", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Ecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ECN - Ecoin", firstAddress: "e6WFPLG5gcXyF7cESFteH1hE2XSmowW5yB", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Edrcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "EDRC - Edrcoin", firstAddress: "eh1nUJsvgKPFv6ebMBfcwJ299GMCpjeZUG", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Egulden', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "EFL - Egulden", firstAddress: "Lg66yt55R7edRM58cDhKzXik2kFme3viX7", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Einsteinium', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "EMC2 - Einsteinium", firstAddress: "EVAABm9hXKHk2MpVMbwNakRubFnNha5m8m", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Europecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ERC - Europecoin", firstAddress: "ESA2YwPYntAoaPrE8Fm5qkKRtkcwLcwD6R", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Exclusivecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "EXCL - Exclusivecoin", firstAddress: "EbUa6m8UZW6nTxsYZD2FsDjkadKbp5M6JT", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Feathercoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "FTC - Feathercoin", firstAddress: "6gDdjAMoSgQaW8UhqK3oboHs6ftGAroKkM", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Firstcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "FRST - Firstcoin", firstAddress: "FJN9GzfMm7Q8R4DJwK1H9F6A1GTghvFiMJ", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Flashcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "FLASH - Flashcoin", firstAddress: "UWfpf5LfMmLxZYooEb2EyvWhZ8NG7EZDRt", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of GCRCoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "GCR - GCRCoin", firstAddress: "GJjF5cLwyXLacpuvXAVksxGxKvHDjx58d6", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Gobyte', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "GBX - Gobyte", firstAddress: "GS813Ys2brkmvSUw1rUqGPm2HqQVDHJRyA", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Gridcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "GRC - Gridcoin", firstAddress: "SGrWbBPvobgqKRF8td1Kdc9vbRY7MJ78Y9", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Gulden', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NLG - Gulden", firstAddress: "GcDP7cNEc33MPPdTFNJ8pZc6VMZJ2CbKxY", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Helleniccoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "HNC - Helleniccoin", firstAddress: "LbHEKe5H72zp9G1fuWNiiNePTUfJb88915", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Hempcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "THC - Hempcoin", firstAddress: "H8sdWbZyJV4gyXyHtLXDaNnAuUDhK5mfTV", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Insane', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "INSN - Insane", firstAddress: "iMPqEJMiXWuxC9U2NVinCCMr4t72h58EWx", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Iop', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "IOP - Iop", firstAddress: "pGKQmcaPf95Ur5o6oHK4qdiZ52p1yaTvq1", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Ixcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "IXC - Ixcoin", firstAddress: "xgE9bTZ6YypT3E6ByzkTt31Hq68E9BqywH", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Kobocoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "KOBO - Kobocoin", firstAddress: "FTVoNJETXDAM8x7MnmdE8RwWndSr9PQWhy", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Landcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "LDCN - Landcoin", firstAddress: "LLvLwNjG1aJcn1RS4W4GJUbv8fNaRATG7c", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Library Credits', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "LBC - Library Credits", firstAddress: "bQJEQrHDJyHdqycB32uysh1SWn8Ln8LMdg", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Linx', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "LINX - Linx", firstAddress: "XGWQ3cb3LGUB3VnHmj6xYSMgnokNbf6dyk", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Litecoincash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "LCC - Litecoincash", firstAddress: "Ce5n7fjUuQPLutJ4W5nCCfQLKdKLE1mv9A", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Lynx', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "LYNX - Lynx", firstAddress: "KUeY3ZdZkg96p4W98pj1JjygCFU1XqWdw3", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Megacoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "MEC - Megacoin", firstAddress: "MDfAj9CzkC1HpcUiVGnHp8yKTa7WXgu8AY", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Minexcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "MNX - Minexcoin", firstAddress: "XC1VnyJVfiMDwWgFtAHDp41cgY3AHk3dJT", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Navcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NAV - Navcoin", firstAddress: "NTQVTPK3NWSQLKoffkiQw99T8PifkF1Y2U", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Nebulas', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NAS - Nebulas", firstAddress: "n1PbK61DGBfDoDusLw621G6sVSMfLLHdfnm", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Neoscoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NEOS - Neoscoin", firstAddress: "NgATz6QbQNXvayHQ4CpZayugb9HeaPDdby", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Nix', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NIX - NIX Platform", firstAddress: "GgcNW2SQQXB4LWHRQTHKkQF3GzXNSLqS8u", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Neurocoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NRO - Neurocoin", firstAddress: "NVdYErQ3mFpDuF5DquW9WMiT7sLc8ufFTn", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Newyorkc', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NYC - Newyorkc", firstAddress: "RSVMfyH1fKfy3puADJEhut2vfkRyon6imm", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Novacoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NVC - Novacoin", firstAddress: "4JRvUmxcKCJmaMXZyvRoSS1cmG2XvnZfHN", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Nushares', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NSR - Nushares", firstAddress: "SecjXzU3c7EecdT7EbC4vvmbdtBBokWh6J", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Okcash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "OK - Okcash", firstAddress: "PV4Qp1TUYuGv4TqVtLZtqvrsWWRycfx1Yi", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Omnicore', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "OMNI - Omnicore", firstAddress: "1Q1t3gonjCT3rW38TsTsCvgSc3hh7zBGbi", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Pesobit', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "PSB - Pesobit", firstAddress: "PDePsF7ALyXP7JaywokdYiRTDtKa14MAr1", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Pinkcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "PINK - Pinkcoin", firstAddress: "2TgjYQffjbzUHJghNaVbdsjHbRwruC3yzC", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of POSWcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "POSW - POSWcoin", firstAddress: "PNxewmZoPnGBvoEbH6hgQZCK1igDiBCdgC", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Potcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "POT - Potcoin", firstAddress: "PEo7Vg2ctXgpP4vuLPeY9aGJtZotyrmiHc", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Putincoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "PUT - Putincoin", firstAddress: "PViWnfr2uFtovd6e7joM49C94CsGSnqJis", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Ravencoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "RVN - Ravencoin", firstAddress: "RBuDoVNnzvFsEcX8XKPm8ic4mgiCzjUCNk", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Reddcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "RDD - Reddcoin", firstAddress: "RtgRvXMBng1y51ftteveFqwNfyRG18HpxQ", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of RevolutionVR', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "RVR - RevolutionVR", firstAddress: "VXeeoP2jkzZnMFxtc66ZBZK1NHN5QJnnjL", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Rubycoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "RBY - Rubycoin", firstAddress: "RV76JDtjTs11JdMDRToYn6CHecMRPLnKS6", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Salus', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SLS - Salus", firstAddress: "SNzPi1CafHFm3WWjRo43aMgiaEEj3ogjww", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Smileycoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SMLY - Smileycoin", firstAddress: "BEZVnEBCAyFByrgKpwAgYgtvP4rKAd9Sj2", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Solarcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SLR - Solarcoin", firstAddress: "8LZ13HbnjtaMJWSvvVFNTLf71zFfDrhwLu", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of stash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "STASH - Stash", firstAddress: "XxwAsWB7REDKmAvHA85SbEZQQtpxeUDxS3", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of stash testnet', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "STASH - Stash Testnet", firstAddress: "yWQCTSkUst7ddYuebKsqa1kSoXEjpCkGKR", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Stratis', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "STRAT - Stratis", firstAddress: "ScfJnq3QDhKgDMEds6sqUE1ot6ShfhmXXq", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Stratis Test', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "TSTRAT - Stratis Testnet", firstAddress: "TRLWm3dye4FRrDWouwYUSUZP96xb76mBE3", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Syscoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SYS - Syscoin", firstAddress: "SZwJi42Pst3VAMomyK5DG4157WM5ofRmSj", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Toa', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "TOA - Toa", firstAddress: "TSe1QAnUwQzUfbBusDzRJ9URttrRGKoNKF", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Ultimatesecurecash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "USC - Ultimatesecurecash", firstAddress: "UPyLAZU2Che5fiy7Ed8xVJFmXAUhitA4ug", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Unobtanium', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "UNO - Unobtanium", firstAddress: "uUBMPVMXrR6qhqornJqKTWgr8L69vihSL9", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Vcash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "XVC - Vcash", firstAddress: "VuL53MSY6KjvAjKSeRkh3NDnKykacDVeps", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Verge', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "XVG - Verge", firstAddress: "DCrVuGkMjLJpTGgwAgv9AcMdeb1nkWbjZA", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Vertcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "VTC - Vertcoin", firstAddress: "Vf6koGuiWdXQfx8tNqxoNeEDxh4xh5cxsG", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Vivo', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "VIVO - Vivo", firstAddress: "VFmBwuXXGhJe7MarQG2GfzHMFebRHgfSpB", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Vpncoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "VASH - Vpncoin", firstAddress: "VoEmH1qXC4TsSgBAStR21QYetwnFqbqCx9", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Whitecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "XWC - Whitecoin", firstAddress: "WcSwCAUqrSgeSYbsaS3SSWWhsx8KRYTFDR", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Wincoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "WC - Wincoin", firstAddress: "WaDVCESMGgyKgNESdn3u43NnwmGSkZED3Z", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Zcoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "XZC - Zcoin", firstAddress: "a6VcMdP4XgAA9Tr7xNszmPG5FZpfRf17Cq", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Zcash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ZEC - Zcash", firstAddress: "t1Sz8AneMcVuzUg3tPJ8et5AS5LFJ7K2EF9", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Zclassic', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ZCL - Zclassic", firstAddress: "t1TBMxTvVJRybUbMLGWq8H4A8F4VUL7czEc", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Zencash', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ZEN - Zencash", firstAddress: "znWh9XASyW2dZq5tck84wFjiwuqVysi7q3p", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Energi', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "NRG - Energi", firstAddress: "EejRy4t4nidzhGGzkJUgFP3z4HYBjhTsRt", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Ethereum Classic', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ETC - Ethereum Classic", firstAddress: "0x3c05e5556693808367afB62eF3b63e35d6eD249A", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Pirl', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "PIRL - Pirl", firstAddress: "0xe77FC0723dA122B5025CA79193c28563eB47e776", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of MIX', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "MIX - MIX", firstAddress: "0x98BC5e63aeb6A4e82d72850d20710F07E29A29F1", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Musicoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "MUSIC - Musicoin", firstAddress: "0xDc060e4A0b0313ea83Cf6B3A39B9db2D29004897", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Poa', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "POA - Poa", firstAddress: "0x53aF28d754e106210C3d0467Dd581eaf7e3C5e60", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Expanse', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "EXP - Expanse", firstAddress: "0xf57FeAbf26582b6E3E666559d3B1Cc6fB2b2c5F6", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Callisto', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "CLO - Callisto", firstAddress: "0x4f9364F7420B317266C51Dc8eB979717D4dE3f4E", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of HUSH', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "HUSH - Hush", firstAddress: "t1g6rLXUnJaiJuu4q4zmJjoa9Gk4fwKpiuA", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of ExchangeCoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "EXCC - ExchangeCoin", firstAddress: "22txYKpFN5fwGwdSs2UBf7ywewbLM92YqK7E", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Artax', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "XAX - Artax", firstAddress: "AYxaQPY7XLidG31V7F3yNzwxPYpYzRqG4q", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of BitcoinGreen', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BITG - Bitcoin Green", firstAddress: "GeNGm9SkEfwbsws3UrrUSE2sJeyWYjzraY", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of ANON', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ANON - ANON", firstAddress: "AnU6pijpEeUZFWSTyM2qTqZQn996Zq1Xard", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of ProjectCoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "PRJ - ProjectCoin", firstAddress: "PXZG97saRseSCftfe1mcFmfAA7pf6qBbaz", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Phore', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "PHR - Phore", firstAddress: "PJThxpoXAG6hqrmdeQQbVDX4TJtFTMMymC", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Safecoin', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "SAFE - Safecoin", firstAddress: "RtxHpnhJz6RY8k9owP3ua5QWraunmewB1G", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Blocknode', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BND - Blocknode", firstAddress: "BG8xZSAur2jYLG9VXt8dYfkKxxeR7w9bSe", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Blocknode Testnet', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "tBND - Blocknode Testnet", firstAddress: "bSptsFyDktFSKpWveRywJsDoJA2TC6qfHv", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of LitecoinZ', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "LTZ - LitecoinZ", firstAddress: "L1VTXju7hLgKV4T7fGXS9sKsnm2gmtRCmyw", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of BlockStamp', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "BST - BlockStamp", firstAddress: "15gypKtim4cVTj137ApfryG17RkvSbPazZ", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of DEXON', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "DXN - DEXON", firstAddress: "0x136a58788033E028CCd740FbDec6734358DB56Ec", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Ellaism', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ELLA - Ellaism", firstAddress: "0xa8B0BeA09eeBc41062308546a01d6E544277e2Ca", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); it('Allows selection of Ethersocial Network', function(done) { var params = { selectText: "ESN - Ethersocial Network", firstAddress: "0x6EE99Be2A0C7F887a71e21C8608ACF0aa0D2b767", }; testNetwork(done, params); }); // BIP39 seed is set from phrase it('Sets the bip39 seed from the prhase', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.seed')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(seed) { expect(seed).toBe("20da140d3dd1df8713cefcc4d54ce0e445b4151027a1ab567b832f6da5fcc5afc1c3a3f199ab78b8e0ab4652efd7f414ac2c9a3b81bceb879a70f377aa0a58f3"); done(); }) }); }); // BIP32 root key is set from phrase it('Sets the bip39 root key from the prhase', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(seed) { expect(seed).toBe("xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpi"); done(); }) }); }); // Tabs show correct addresses when changed it('Shows the correct address when tab is changed', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("17uQ7s2izWPwBmEVFikTmZUjbBKWYdJchz"); done(); }); }); }); }); // BIP44 derivation path is shown it('Shows the derivation path for bip44 tab', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip44 .path')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("m/44'/0'/0'/0"); done(); }) }); }); // BIP44 extended private key is shown it('Shows the extended private key for bip44 tab', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-priv-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("xprvA2DxxvPZcyRvYgZMGS53nadR32mVDeCyqQYyFhrCVbJNjPoxMeVf7QT5g7mQASbTf9Kp4cryvcXnu2qurjWKcrdsr91jXymdCDNxKgLFKJG"); done(); }) }); }); // BIP44 extended public key is shown it('Shows the extended public key for bip44 tab', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-pub-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("xpub6FDKNRvTTLzDmAdpNTc49ia9b4byd6vqCdUa46Fp3vqMcC96uBoufCmZXQLiN5AK3iSCJMhf9gT2sxkpyaPepRuA7W3MujV5tGmF5VfbueM"); done(); }) }); }); // BIP44 account field changes address list it('Changes the address list if bip44 account is changed', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip44 .account')) .sendKeys('1'); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("1Nq2Wmu726XHCuGhctEtGmhxo3wzk5wZ1H"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP44 change field changes address list it('Changes the address list if bip44 change is changed', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip44 .change')) .sendKeys('1'); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("1KAGfWgqfVbSSXY56fNQ7YnhyKuoskHtYo"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP32 derivation path can be set it('Can use a custom bip32 derivation path', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32 .path')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32 .path')) .sendKeys('m/1'); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("16pYQQdLD1hH4hwTGLXBaZ9Teboi1AGL8L"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP32 can use hardened derivation paths it('Can use a hardened derivation paths', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32 .path')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32 .path')) .sendKeys("m/0'"); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("14aXZeprXAE3UUKQc4ihvwBvww2LuEoHo4"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP32 extended private key is shown it('Shows the BIP32 extended private key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-priv-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(privKey) { expect(privKey).toBe("xprv9va99uTVE5aLiutUVLTyfxfe8v8aaXjSQ1XxZbK6SezYVuikA9MnjQVTA8rQHpNA5LKvyQBpLiHbBQiiccKiBDs7eRmBogsvq3THFeLHYbe"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP32 extended public key is shown it('Shows the BIP32 extended public key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-pub-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(pubKey) { expect(pubKey).toBe("xpub69ZVZQzP4T8dwPxwbMzz36cNgwy4yzTHmETZMyihzzXXNi3thgg3HCow1RtY252wdw5rS8369xKnraN5Q93y3FkFfJp2XEHWUrkyXsjS93P"); done(); }); }); }); // Derivation path is shown in table it('Shows the derivation path in the table', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstPath(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("m/44'/0'/0'/0/0"); done(); }); }); }); // Derivation path for address can be hardened it('Can derive hardened addresses', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.executeScript(function() { $(".hardened-addresses").prop("checked", true); }); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("18exLzUv7kfpiXRzmCjFDoC9qwNLFyvwyd"); done(); }); }); }); // Derivation path visibility can be toggled it('Can toggle visibility of the derivation path column', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.index-toggle')) .click(); testColumnValuesAreInvisible(done, "index"); }); }); // Address is shown it('Shows the address in the table', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug"); done(); }); }); }); // Addresses are shown in order of derivation path it('Shows the address in order of derivation path', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { testRowsAreInCorrectOrder(done); }); }); // Address visibility can be toggled it('Can toggle visibility of the address column', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.address-toggle')) .click(); testColumnValuesAreInvisible(done, "address"); }); }); // Public key is shown in table it('Shows the public key in the table', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElements(By.css('.pubkey')) .then(function(els) { els[0].getText() .then(function(pubkey) { expect(pubkey).toBe("033f5aed5f6cfbafaf223188095b5980814897295f723815fea5d3f4b648d0d0b3"); done(); }); }); }); }); // Public key visibility can be toggled it('Can toggle visibility of the public key column', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.public-key-toggle')) .click(); testColumnValuesAreInvisible(done, "pubkey"); }); }); // Private key is shown in table it('Shows the private key in the table', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElements(By.css('.privkey')) .then(function(els) { els[0].getText() .then(function(pubkey) { expect(pubkey).toBe("L26cVSpWFkJ6aQkPkKmTzLqTdLJ923e6CzrVh9cmx21QHsoUmrEE"); done(); }); }); }); }); // Private key visibility can be toggled it('Can toggle visibility of the private key column', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.private-key-toggle')) .click(); testColumnValuesAreInvisible(done, "privkey"); }); }); // More addresses can be generated it('Can generate more rows in the table', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.more')) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElements(By.css('.address')) .then(function(els) { expect(els.length).toBe(40); done(); }); }); }); }); // A custom number of additional addresses can be generated it('Can generate more rows in the table', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.rows-to-add')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('.rows-to-add')) .sendKeys('1'); driver.findElement(By.css('.more')) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElements(By.css('.address')) .then(function(els) { expect(els.length).toBe(21); done(); }); }); }); }); // Additional addresses are shown in order of derivation path it('Shows additional addresses in order of derivation path', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.more')) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { testRowsAreInCorrectOrder(done); }); }); }); // BIP32 root key can be set by the user it('Allows the user to set the BIP32 root key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .sendKeys('xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpi'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug"); done(); }); }); }); // Setting BIP32 root key clears the existing phrase, passphrase and seed // TODO this doesn't work in selenium with chrome it('Confirms the existing phrase should be cleared', function(done) { if (browser == "chrome") { pending("Selenium + Chrome headless bug for alert, see https://stackoverflow.com/q/45242264"); } driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('A non-blank but invalid value'); driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .sendKeys('xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpi'); driver.switchTo().alert().accept(); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .getAttribute("value").then(function(value) { expect(value).toBe(""); done(); }); }); // Clearing of phrase, passphrase and seed can be cancelled by user // TODO this doesn't work in selenium with chrome it('Allows the clearing of the phrase to be cancelled', function(done) { if (browser == "chrome") { pending("Selenium + Chrome headless bug for alert, see https://stackoverflow.com/q/45242264"); } driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .sendKeys('x'); driver.switchTo().alert().dismiss(); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .getAttribute("value").then(function(value) { expect(value).toBe("abandon abandon ability"); done(); }); }); }); // Custom BIP32 root key is used when changing the derivation path it('Can set derivation path for root key instead of phrase', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip44 .account')) .sendKeys('1'); driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .sendKeys('xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpi'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("1Nq2Wmu726XHCuGhctEtGmhxo3wzk5wZ1H"); done(); }); }); }); // Incorrect mnemonic shows error it('Shows an error for incorrect mnemonic', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon abandon'); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { expect(feedback).toBe("Invalid mnemonic"); done(); }); }); }); // Incorrect word shows suggested replacement it('Shows word suggestion for incorrect word', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon abiliti'); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { var msg = "abiliti not in wordlist, did you mean ability?"; expect(feedback).toBe(msg); done(); }); }); }); // Github pull request 48 // First four letters of word shows that word, not closest // since first four letters gives unique word in BIP39 wordlist // eg ille should show illegal, not idle it('Shows word suggestion based on first four chars', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('ille'); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { var msg = "ille not in wordlist, did you mean illegal?"; expect(feedback).toBe(msg); done(); }); }); }); // Incorrect BIP32 root key shows error it('Shows error for incorrect root key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .sendKeys('xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpj'); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { var msg = "Invalid root key"; expect(feedback).toBe(msg); done(); }); }); }); // Derivation path not starting with m shows error it('Shows error for derivation path not starting with m', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32 .path')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32 .path')) .sendKeys('n/0'); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { var msg = "First character must be 'm'"; expect(feedback).toBe(msg); done(); }); }); }); // Derivation path containing invalid characters shows useful error it('Shows error for derivation path not starting with m', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32 .path')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32 .path')) .sendKeys('m/1/0wrong1/1'); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { var msg = "Invalid characters 0wrong1 found at depth 2"; expect(feedback).toBe(msg); done(); }); }); }); // Github Issue 11: Default word length is 15 // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/11 it('Sets the default word length to 15', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.strength')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(strength) { expect(strength).toBe("15"); done(); }); }); // Github Issue 12: Generate more rows with private keys hidden // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/12 it('Sets the correct hidden column state on new rows', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.private-key-toggle')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.more')) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElements(By.css('.privkey')) .then(function(els) { expect(els.length).toBe(40); }); testColumnValuesAreInvisible(done, "privkey"); }); }); }); // Github Issue 19: Mnemonic is not sensitive to whitespace // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/19 it('Ignores excess whitespace in the mnemonic', function(done) { var doublespace = " "; var mnemonic = "urge cat" + doublespace + "bid"; driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys(mnemonic); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(seed) { expect(seed).toBe("xprv9s21ZrQH143K3isaZsWbKVoTtbvd34Y1ZGRugGdMeBGbM3AgBVzTH159mj1cbbtYSJtQr65w6L5xy5L9SFC7c9VJZWHxgAzpj4mun5LhrbC"); done(); }); }); }); // Github Issue 23: Part 1: Use correct derivation path when changing tabs // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/23 it('Uses the correct derivation path when changing tabs', function(done) { // 1) and 2) set the phrase driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // 3) select bip32 tab driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // 4) switch from bitcoin to litecoin selectNetwork("LTC - Litecoin"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // 5) Check address is displayed correctly getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("LS8MP5LZ5AdzSZveRrjm3aYVoPgnfFh5T5"); // 5) Check derivation path is displayed correctly getFirstPath(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("m/0/0"); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); // Github Issue 23 Part 2: Coin selection in derivation path // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/23#issuecomment-238011920 it('Uses the correct derivation path when changing coins', function(done) { // set the phrase driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // switch from bitcoin to clam selectNetwork("CLAM - Clams"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // check derivation path is displayed correctly getFirstPath(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("m/44'/23'/0'/0/0"); done(); }); }); }); }); // Github Issue 26: When using a Root key derrived altcoins are incorrect // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/26 it('Uses the correct derivation for altcoins with root keys', function(done) { // 1) 2) and 3) set the root key driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .sendKeys("xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpi"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // 4) switch from bitcoin to viacoin selectNetwork("VIA - Viacoin"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // 5) ensure the derived address is correct getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("Vq9Eq4N5SQnjqZvxtxzo7hZPW5XnyJsmXT"); done(); }); }); }); }); // Selecting a language with no existing phrase should generate a phrase in // that language. it('Generate a random phrase when language is selected and no current phrase', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css("a[href='#japanese']")) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .getAttribute("value").then(function(phrase) { expect(phrase.search(/[a-z]/)).toBe(-1); expect(phrase.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); done(); }); }); }); // Selecting a language with existing phrase should update the phrase to use // that language. it('Updates existing phrases when the language is changed', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css("a[href='#italian']")) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .getAttribute("value").then(function(phrase) { // Check only the language changes, not the phrase expect(phrase).toBe("abaco abaco abbaglio"); getFirstAddress(function(address) { // Check the address is correct expect(address).toBe("1Dz5TgDhdki9spa6xbPFbBqv5sjMrx3xgV"); done(); }); }); }); }); }); // Suggested replacement for erroneous word in non-English language it('Shows word suggestion for incorrect word in non-English language', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abaco abaco zbbaglio'); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { var msg = "zbbaglio not in wordlist, did you mean abbaglio?"; expect(feedback).toBe(msg); done(); }); }); }); // Japanese word does not break across lines. // Point 2 from // https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md#japanese it('Does not break Japanese words across lines', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .getCssValue("word-break") .then(function(value) { expect(value).toBe("keep-all"); done(); }); }); // Language can be specified at page load using hash value in url it('Can set the language from the url hash', function(done) { driver.get(url + "#japanese").then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.generate')).click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .getAttribute("value").then(function(phrase) { expect(phrase.search(/[a-z]/)).toBe(-1); expect(phrase.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); done(); }); }); }); }); // Entropy can be entered by the user it('Allows entropy to be entered', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys('00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .getAttribute("value").then(function(phrase) { expect(phrase).toBe("abandon abandon ability"); getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug"); done(); }) }); }); }); // A warning about entropy is shown to the user, with additional information it('Shows a warning about using entropy', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy-container')) .getText() .then(function(containerText) { var warning = "mnemonic may be insecure"; expect(containerText).toContain(warning); driver.findElement(By.css('#entropy-notes')) .findElement(By.xpath("parent::*")) .getText() .then(function(notesText) { var detail = "flipping a fair coin, rolling a fair dice, noise measurements etc"; expect(notesText).toContain(detail); done(); }); }); }); // The types of entropy available are described to the user it('Shows the types of entropy available', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .getAttribute("placeholder") .then(function(placeholderText) { var options = [ "binary", "base 6", "dice", "base 10", "hexadecimal", "cards", ]; for (var i=0; i 0; }) .then(function(qrShowing) { expect(qrShowing).toBe(true); // hover away from the phrase driver.actions().mouseMove(generateEl).perform().then(function() {; // check the qr code hides driver.executeScript(function() { return $(".qr-container").find("canvas").length == 0; }) .then(function(qrHidden) { expect(qrHidden).toBe(true); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); // BIP44 account extendend private key is shown // github issue 37 - compatibility with electrum it('Shows the bip44 account extended private key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css("#bip44 .account-xprv")) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(xprv) { expect(xprv).toBe("xprv9yzrnt4zWVJUr1k2VxSPy9ettKz5PpeDMgaVG7UKedhqnw1tDkxP2UyYNhuNSumk2sLE5ctwKZs9vwjsq3e1vo9egCK6CzP87H2cVYXpfwQ"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP44 account extendend public key is shown // github issue 37 - compatibility with electrum it('Shows the bip44 account extended public key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css("#bip44 .account-xpub")) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(xprv) { expect(xprv).toBe("xpub6CzDCPbtLrrn4VpVbyyQLHbdSMpZoHN4iuW64VswCyEpfjM2mJGdaHJ2DyuZwtst96E16VvcERb8BBeJdHSCVmAq9RhtRQg6eAZFrTKCNqf"); done(); }); }); }); // github issue 40 // BIP32 root key can be set as an xpub it('Generates addresses from xpub as bip32 root key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); // set xpub for account 0 of bip44 for 'abandon abandon ability' driver.findElement(By.css("#root-key")) .sendKeys("xpub6CzDCPbtLrrn4VpVbyyQLHbdSMpZoHN4iuW64VswCyEpfjM2mJGdaHJ2DyuZwtst96E16VvcERb8BBeJdHSCVmAq9RhtRQg6eAZFrTKCNqf"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // check the addresses are generated getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug"); // check the xprv key is not set driver.findElement(By.css(".extended-priv-key")) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(xprv) { expect(xprv).toBe("NA"); // check the private key is not set driver.findElements(By.css(".privkey")) .then(function(els) { els[0] .getText() .then(function(privkey) { expect(xprv).toBe("NA"); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); // github issue 40 // xpub for bip32 root key will not work with hardened derivation paths it('Shows error for hardened derivation paths with xpub root key', function(done) { // set xpub for account 0 of bip44 for 'abandon abandon ability' driver.findElement(By.css("#root-key")) .sendKeys("xpub6CzDCPbtLrrn4VpVbyyQLHbdSMpZoHN4iuW64VswCyEpfjM2mJGdaHJ2DyuZwtst96E16VvcERb8BBeJdHSCVmAq9RhtRQg6eAZFrTKCNqf"); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { // Check feedback is correct driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { var msg = "Hardened derivation path is invalid with xpub key"; expect(feedback).toBe(msg); // Check no addresses are shown driver.findElements(By.css('.addresses tr')) .then(function(rows) { expect(rows.length).toBe(0); done(); }); }); }); }); // github issue 39 // no root key shows feedback it('Shows feedback for no root key', function(done) { // set xpub for account 0 of bip44 for 'abandon abandon ability' driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click(); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { // Check feedback is correct driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { expect(feedback).toBe("Invalid root key"); done(); }); }); }); // Github issue 44 // display error switching tabs while addresses are generating it('Can change details while old addresses are still being generated', function(done) { // Set to generate 199 more addresses. // This will take a long time allowing a new set of addresses to be // generated midway through this lot. // The newly generated addresses should not include any from the old set. // Any more than 199 will show an alert which needs to be accepted. driver.findElement(By.css('.rows-to-add')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('.rows-to-add')) .sendKeys('199'); // set the prhase driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // change tabs which should cancel the previous generating driver.findElement(By.css('.rows-to-add')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('.rows-to-add')) .sendKeys('20'); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click() driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElements(By.css('.index')) .then(function(els) { // check the derivation paths have the right quantity expect(els.length).toBe(20); // check the derivation paths are in order testRowsAreInCorrectOrder(done); }); }); }); }, generateDelay + 10000); // Github issue 49 // padding for binary should give length with multiple of 256 // hashed entropy 1111 is length 252, so requires 4 leading zeros // prior to issue 49 it would only generate 2 leading zeros, ie missing 2 it('Pads hashed entropy with leading zeros', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.executeScript(function() { $(".mnemonic-length").val("15").trigger("change"); }); driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys("1111"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(phrase) { expect(phrase).toBe("avocado valid quantum cross link predict excuse edit street able flame large galaxy ginger nuclear"); done(); }); }); }); // Github pull request 55 // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/pull/55 // Client select it('Can set the derivation path on bip32 tab for bitcoincore', function(done) { testClientSelect(done, { selectValue: "0", bip32path: "m/0'/0'", useHardenedAddresses: "true", }); }); it('Can set the derivation path on bip32 tab for multibit', function(done) { testClientSelect(done, { selectValue: "2", bip32path: "m/0'/0", useHardenedAddresses: null, }); }); it('Can set the derivation path on bip32 tab for coinomi/ledger', function(done) { testClientSelect(done, { selectValue: "3", bip32path: "m/44'/0'/0'", useHardenedAddresses: null, }); }); // github issue 58 // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/58 // bip32 derivation is correct, does not drop leading zeros // see also // https://medium.com/@alexberegszaszi/why-do-my-bip32-wallets-disagree-6f3254cc5846 it('Retains leading zeros for bip32 derivation', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("fruit wave dwarf banana earth journey tattoo true farm silk olive fence"); driver.findElement(By.css(".passphrase")) .sendKeys("banana"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { // Note that bitcore generates an incorrect address // 13EuKhffWkBE2KUwcbkbELZb1MpzbimJ3Y // see the medium.com link above for more details expect(address).toBe("17rxURoF96VhmkcEGCj5LNQkmN9HVhWb7F"); done(); }); }); }); // github issue 60 // Japanese mnemonics generate incorrect bip32 seed // BIP39 seed is set from phrase it('Generates correct seed for Japanese mnemonics', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("あいこくしん あいこくしん あいこくしん あいこくしん あいこくしん あいこくしん あいこくしん あいこくしん あいこくしん あいこくしん あいこくしん あおぞら"); driver.findElement(By.css(".passphrase")) .sendKeys("メートルガバヴァぱばぐゞちぢ十人十色"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css(".seed")) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(seed) { expect(seed).toBe("a262d6fb6122ecf45be09c50492b31f92e9beb7d9a845987a02cefda57a15f9c467a17872029a9e92299b5cbdf306e3a0ee620245cbd508959b6cb7ca637bd55"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP49 official test vectors // https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0049.mediawiki#test-vectors it('Generates BIP49 addresses matching the official test vectors', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click(); selectNetwork("BTC - Bitcoin Testnet"); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("2Mww8dCYPUpKHofjgcXcBCEGmniw9CoaiD2"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP49 derivation path is shown it('Shows the bip49 derivation path', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .path')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("m/49'/0'/0'/0"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP49 extended private key is shown it('Shows the bip49 extended private key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-priv-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(xprv) { expect(xprv).toBe("yprvALYB4DYRG6CzzVgzQZwwqjAA2wjBGC3iEd7KYYScpoDdmf75qMRWZWxoFcRXBJjgEXdFqJ9vDRGRLJQsrL22Su5jMbNFeM9vetaGVqy9Qy2"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP49 extended public key is shown it('Shows the bip49 extended public key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-pub-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(xprv) { expect(xprv).toBe("ypub6ZXXTj5K6TmJCymTWbUxCs6tayZffemZbr2vLvrEP8kceTSENtjm7KHH6thvAKxVar9fGe8rgsPEX369zURLZ68b4f7Vexz7RuXsjQ69YDt"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP49 account field changes address list it('Can set the bip49 account field', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .account')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .account')) .sendKeys("1"); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("381wg1GGN4rP88rNC9v7QWsiww63yLVPsn"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP49 change field changes address list it('Can set the bip49 change field', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .change')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .change')) .sendKeys("1"); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("3PEM7MiKed5konBoN66PQhK8r3hjGhy9dT"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP49 account extendend private key is shown it('Shows the bip49 account extended private key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .account-xprv')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(xprv) { expect(xprv).toBe("yprvAHtB1M5Wp675aLzFy9TJYK2mSsLkg6mcBRh5DZTR7L4EnYSmYPaL63KFA4ycg1PngW5LfkmejxzosCs17TKZMpRFKc3z5SJar6QAKaFcaZL"); done(); }); }); }); // BIP49 account extendend public key is shown it('Shows the bip49 account extended public key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .account-xpub')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(xprv) { expect(xprv).toBe("ypub6WsXQrcQeTfNnq4j5AzJuSyVzuBF5ZVTYecg1ws2ffbDfLmv5vtadqdj1NgR6C6gufMpMfJpHxvb6JEQKvETVNWCRanNedfJtnTchZiJtsL"); done(); }); }); }); // Test selecting coin where bip49 is unavailable (eg CLAM) it('Shows an error on bip49 tab for coins without bip49', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { selectNetwork("CLAM - Clams"); // bip49 available is hidden driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .available')) .getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).toContain("hidden"); // bip49 unavailable is shown driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .unavailable')) .getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).not.toContain("hidden"); // check there are no addresses shown driver.findElements(By.css('.addresses tr')) .then(function(rows) { expect(rows.length).toBe(0); // check the derived private key is blank driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-priv-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(xprv) { expect(xprv).toBe(''); // check the derived public key is blank driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-pub-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(xpub) { expect(xpub).toBe(''); done(); }); }); }) }); }); }); }); // github issue 43 // Cleared mnemonic and root key still allows addresses to be generated // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/43 it('Clears old root keys from memory when mnemonic is cleared', function(done) { // set the phrase driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // clear the mnemonic and root key // using selenium .clear() doesn't seem to trigger the 'input' event // so clear it using keys instead driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys(Key.CONTROL,"a"); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys(Key.DELETE); driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .sendKeys(Key.CONTROL,"a"); driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .sendKeys(Key.DELETE); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // try to generate more addresses driver.findElement(By.css('.more')) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElements(By.css(".addresses tr")) .then(function(els) { // check there are no addresses shown expect(els.length).toBe(0); done(); }); }); }); }); }); // Github issue 95 // error trying to generate addresses from xpub with hardened derivation it('Shows error for hardened addresses with xpub root key', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click() driver.executeScript(function() { $(".hardened-addresses").prop("checked", true); }); // set xpub for account 0 of bip44 for 'abandon abandon ability' driver.findElement(By.css("#root-key")) .sendKeys("xpub6CzDCPbtLrrn4VpVbyyQLHbdSMpZoHN4iuW64VswCyEpfjM2mJGdaHJ2DyuZwtst96E16VvcERb8BBeJdHSCVmAq9RhtRQg6eAZFrTKCNqf"); driver.sleep(feedbackDelay).then(function() { // Check feedback is correct driver.findElement(By.css('.feedback')) .getText() .then(function(feedback) { var msg = "Hardened derivation path is invalid with xpub key"; expect(feedback).toBe(msg); done(); }); }); }); // Litecoin uses ltub by default, and can optionally be set to xprv // github issue 96 // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/96 // Issue with extended keys on Litecoin it('Uses ltub by default for litecoin, but can be set to xprv', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); selectNetwork("LTC - Litecoin"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // check the extended key is generated correctly driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(rootKey) { expect(rootKey).toBe("Ltpv71G8qDifUiNesiPqf6h5V6eQ8ic77oxQiYtawiACjBEx3sTXNR2HGDGnHETYxESjqkMLFBkKhWVq67ey1B2MKQXannUqNy1RZVHbmrEjnEU"); // set litecoin to use ltub driver.executeScript(function() { $(".litecoin-use-ltub").prop("checked", false); $(".litecoin-use-ltub").trigger("change"); }); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(rootKey) { expect(rootKey).toBe("xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpi"); done(); }); }) }); }); }); // github issue 99 // https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/99#issuecomment-327094159 // "warn me emphatically when they have detected invalid input" to the entropy field // A warning is shown when entropy is filtered and discarded it('Warns when entropy is filtered and discarded', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); // set entropy to have no filtered content driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys("00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // check the filter warning does not show driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy-container .filter-warning')) .getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).toContain("hidden"); // set entropy to have some filtered content driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys("10000000 zxcvbn 00000000 00000000 00000000"); driver.sleep(entropyFeedbackDelay).then(function() { // check the filter warning shows driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy-container .filter-warning')) .getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).not.toContain("hidden"); done(); }); }); }); }); }); // Bitcoin Cash address can be set to use cashaddr format it('Can use cashaddr format for bitcoin cash addresses', function(done) { driver.executeScript(function() { $(".use-bch-cashaddr-addresses").prop("checked", true); }); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); selectNetwork("BCH - Bitcoin Cash"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("bitcoincash:qzlquk7w4hkudxypl4fgv8x279r754dkvur7jpcsps"); done(); }); }); }); // Bitcoin Cash address can be set to use bitpay format it('Can use bitpay format for bitcoin cash addresses', function(done) { driver.executeScript(function() { $(".use-bch-bitpay-addresses").prop("checked", true); }); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); selectNetwork("BCH - Bitcoin Cash"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("CZnpA9HPmvhuhLLPWJP8rNDpLUYXy1LXFk"); done(); }); }); }); // Bitcoin Cash address can be set to use legacy format it('Can use legacy format for bitcoin cash addresses', function(done) { driver.executeScript(function() { $(".use-bch-legacy-addresses").prop("checked", true); }); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); selectNetwork("BCH - Bitcoin Cash"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("1JKvb6wKtsjNoCRxpZ4DGrbniML7z5U16A"); done(); }); }); }); // End of tests ported from old suit, so no more comments above each test now it('Can generate more addresses from a custom index', function(done) { var expectedIndexes = [ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59 ]; driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // Set start of next lot of rows to be from index 40 // which means indexes 20-39 will not be in the table. driver.findElement(By.css('.more-rows-start-index')) .sendKeys("40"); driver.findElement(By.css('.more')) .click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { // Check actual indexes in the table match the expected pattern driver.findElements(By.css(".index")) .then(function(els) { expect(els.length).toBe(expectedIndexes.length); var testRowAtIndex = function(i) { if (i >= expectedIndexes.length) { done(); } else { els[i].getText() .then(function(actualPath) { var noHardened = actualPath.replace(/'/g, ""); var pathBits = noHardened.split("/") var lastBit = pathBits[pathBits.length-1]; var actualIndex = parseInt(lastBit); var expectedIndex = expectedIndexes[i]; expect(actualIndex).toBe(expectedIndex); testRowAtIndex(i+1); }); } } testRowAtIndex(0); }); }); }); }); it('Can generate BIP141 addresses with P2WPKH-in-P2SH semanitcs', function(done) { // Sourced from BIP49 official test specs driver.findElement(By.css('#bip141-tab a')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.bip141-path')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('.bip141-path')) .sendKeys("m/49'/1'/0'/0"); selectNetwork("BTC - Bitcoin Testnet"); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("2Mww8dCYPUpKHofjgcXcBCEGmniw9CoaiD2"); done(); }); }); }); it('Can generate BIP141 addresses with P2WPKH semanitcs', function(done) { // This result tested against bitcoinjs-lib test spec for segwit address // using the first private key of this mnemonic and default path m/0 // https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/blob/9c8503cab0c6c30a95127042703bc18e8d28c76d/test/integration/addresses.js#L50 // so whilst not directly comparable, substituting the private key produces // identical results between this tool and the bitcoinjs-lib test. // Private key generated is: // L3L8Nu9whawPBNLGtFqDhKut9DKKfG3CQoysupT7BimqVCZsLFNP driver.findElement(By.css('#bip141-tab a')) .click(); // Choose P2WPKH driver.executeScript(function() { $(".bip141-semantics option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".bip141-semantics option").filter(function(i,e) { return $(e).html() == "P2WPKH"; }).prop("selected", true); $(".bip141-semantics").trigger("change"); }); driver.findElement(By.css(".phrase")) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("bc1qfwu6a5a3evygrk8zvdxxvz4547lmpyx5vsfxe9"); done(); }); }); }); it('Shows the entropy used by the PRNG when clicking generate', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.generate')).click(); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(entropy) { expect(entropy).not.toBe(""); done(); }); }); }); it('Shows the index of each word in the mnemonic', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys("abandon abandon ability"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.word-indexes')) .getText() .then(function(indexes) { expect(indexes).toBe("0, 0, 1"); done(); }); }); }); it('Shows the derivation path for bip84 tab', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84 .path')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("m/84'/0'/0'/0"); done(); }) }); }); it('Shows the extended private key for bip84 tab', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-priv-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("zprvAev3RKrZ3QVKiUFCfdeMRen1BPDJgdNt1XpxiDy8acSs4kkAGTCvq7HeRYRNNpo8EtEjCFQBWavJwtCUR29y4TUCH4X5RXMcyq48uN8y9BP"); done(); }) }); }); it('Shows the extended public key for bip84 tab', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.extended-pub-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("zpub6suPpqPSsn3cvxKfmfBMnnijjR3o666jNkkZWcNk8wyqwZ5JozXBNuc8Gs7DB3uLwTDvGVTspVEAUQcEjKF3pZHgywVbubdTqbXTUg7usyx"); done(); }) }); }); it('Changes the address list if bip84 account is changed', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84 .account')) .sendKeys('1'); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("bc1qp7vv669t2fy965jdzvqwrraana89ctd5ewc662"); done(); }); }); }); it('Changes the address list if bip84 change is changed', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84 .change')) .sendKeys('1'); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("bc1qr39vj6rh06ff05m53uxq8uazehwhccswylhrs2"); done(); }); }); }); it('Passes the official BIP84 test spec for rootpriv', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css(".root-key")) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(rootKey) { expect(rootKey).toBe("zprvAWgYBBk7JR8Gjrh4UJQ2uJdG1r3WNRRfURiABBE3RvMXYSrRJL62XuezvGdPvG6GFBZduosCc1YP5wixPox7zhZLfiUm8aunE96BBa4Kei5"); done(); }) }); }); it('Passes the official BIP84 test spec for account 0 xprv', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css("#bip84 .account-xprv")) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(rootKey) { expect(rootKey).toBe("zprvAdG4iTXWBoARxkkzNpNh8r6Qag3irQB8PzEMkAFeTRXxHpbF9z4QgEvBRmfvqWvGp42t42nvgGpNgYSJA9iefm1yYNZKEm7z6qUWCroSQnE"); done(); }) }); }); it('Passes the official BIP84 test spec for account 0 xpub', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css("#bip84 .account-xpub")) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(rootKey) { expect(rootKey).toBe("zpub6rFR7y4Q2AijBEqTUquhVz398htDFrtymD9xYYfG1m4wAcvPhXNfE3EfH1r1ADqtfSdVCToUG868RvUUkgDKf31mGDtKsAYz2oz2AGutZYs"); done(); }) }); }); it('Passes the official BIP84 test spec for account 0 first address', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("bc1qcr8te4kr609gcawutmrza0j4xv80jy8z306fyu"); done(); }); }); }); it('Passes the official BIP84 test spec for account 0 first change address', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about'); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84 .change')) .sendKeys('1'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("bc1q8c6fshw2dlwun7ekn9qwf37cu2rn755upcp6el"); done(); }); }); }); it('Can display the table as csv', function(done) { var headings = "path,address,public key,private key"; var row1 = "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0,1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug,033f5aed5f6cfbafaf223188095b5980814897295f723815fea5d3f4b648d0d0b3,L26cVSpWFkJ6aQkPkKmTzLqTdLJ923e6CzrVh9cmx21QHsoUmrEE"; var row20 = "m/44'/0'/0'/0/19,1KhBy28XLAciXnnRvm71PvQJaETyrxGV55,02b4b3e396434d8cdd20c03ac4aaa07387784d5d867b75987f516f5705ee68cb3a,L4GrDrjReMsCAu5DkLXn79jSb95qR7Zfx7eshybCQZ1qL32MXJab"; driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.csv')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(csv) { expect(csv).toContain(headings); expect(csv).toContain(row1); expect(csv).toContain(row20); done(); }); }); }); it('LeftPads ethereum keys that are less than 32 bytes', function(done) { // see https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/155 selectNetwork("ETH - Ethereum"); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-path')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip32-path')) .sendKeys("m/44'/60'/0'"); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('scout sort custom elite radar rare vivid thing trophy gesture cover snake change narrow kite list nation sustain buffalo erode open balance system young'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("0x8943E785B4a5714FC87a3aFAad1eB1FeB602B118"); done(); }); }); }); it('Can encrypt private keys using BIP38', function(done) { // see https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/140 driver.executeScript(function() { $(".use-bip38").prop("checked", true); }); driver.findElement(By.css('.bip38-password')) .sendKeys('bip38password'); driver.findElement(By.css('.rows-to-add')) .clear(); driver.findElement(By.css('.rows-to-add')) .sendKeys('1'); driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(bip38delay).then(function() { // address getFirstRowValue(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("1NCvSdumA3ngMM9c4aqU56AM6rqXddfuXB"); // pubkey getFirstRowValue(function(pubkey) { expect(pubkey).toBe("043f5aed5f6cfbafaf223188095b5980814897295f723815fea5d3f4b648d0d0b3884a74447ea901729b1e73a999b7520e7cb55b4120e6432c64153ccab8a848e1"); // privkey getFirstRowValue(function(privkey) { expect(privkey).toBe("6PRNRiFnj1RoR3sXhymdCvoZCgnUHQpfupNdKkFbWJkwWQEKesWt1EDMDM"); done(); }, ".privkey"); }, ".pubkey"); }, ".address"); }); }, bip38delay + 5000); it('Shows the checksum for the entropy', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys("00000000000000000000000000000000"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.checksum')) .getText() .then(function(text) { expect(text).toBe("1"); done(); }); }); }); it('Shows the checksum for the entropy with the correct groupings', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); // create a checksum of 20 bits, which spans multiple words driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys("F000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.checksum')) .getText() .then(function(text) { // first group is 9 bits, second group is 11 expect(text).toBe("011010111 01110000110"); done(); }); }); }); it('Uses vprv for bitcoin testnet p2wpkh', function(done) { selectNetwork("BTC - Bitcoin Testnet"); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip84-tab a')) .click() driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('.root-key')) .getAttribute("value") .then(function(path) { expect(path).toBe("vprv9DMUxX4ShgxML9N2YV5CvWEebWrM9aJ5ULpbRRyzyWu6vs4BzTvbfFFrH41N5hVi7MYSfiugd765L3JmAfDM5po36Y8ouCKRDeYQwByCmS7"); done(); }) }); }); it('Shows a warning if generating weak mnemonics', function(done) { driver.executeScript(function() { $(".strength option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".strength option[value=6]").prop("selected", true); $(".strength").trigger("change"); }); driver.findElement(By.css(".generate-container .warning")) .getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).not.toContain("hidden"); done(); }); }); it('Does not show a warning if generating strong mnemonics', function(done) { driver.executeScript(function() { $(".strength option[selected]").removeAttr("selected"); $(".strength option[value=12]").prop("selected", true); }); driver.findElement(By.css(".generate-container .warning")) .getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).toContain("hidden"); done(); }); }); it('Shows a warning if overriding weak entropy with longer mnemonics', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys("0123456789abcdef"); // 6 words driver.executeScript(function() { $(".mnemonic-length").val("12").trigger("change"); }); driver.findElement(By.css(".weak-entropy-override-warning")) .getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).not.toContain("hidden"); done(); }); }); it('Does not show a warning if entropy is stronger than mnemonic length', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.use-entropy')) .click(); driver.findElement(By.css('.entropy')) .sendKeys("0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"); // 18 words driver.executeScript(function() { $(".mnemonic-length").val("12").trigger("change"); }); driver.findElement(By.css(".weak-entropy-override-warning")) .getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).toContain("hidden"); done(); }); }); it('Shows litecoin BIP49 addresses', function(done) { driver.findElement(By.css('.phrase')) .sendKeys('abandon abandon ability'); selectNetwork("LTC - Litecoin"); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click() // bip49 addresses are shown driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49 .available')) .getAttribute("class") .then(function(classes) { expect(classes).not.toContain("hidden"); // check first address getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("MFwLPhsXoBuSLL8cLmW9uK6tChkzduV8qN"); done(); }); }); }); }); it('Can use root keys to generate segwit table rows', function(done) { // segwit uses ypub / zpub instead of xpub but the root key should still // be valid regardless of the encoding used to import that key. // Maybe this breaks the reason for the different extended key prefixes, but // since the parsed root key is used behind the scenes anyhow this should be // allowed. driver.findElement(By.css('#root-key')) .sendKeys('xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpi'); driver.findElement(By.css('#bip49-tab a')) .click() // bip49 addresses are shown driver.sleep(generateDelay).then(function() { getFirstAddress(function(address) { expect(address).toBe("3QG2Y9AA4xZ846gKHZqNf7mvVKbLqMKxr2"); done(); }); }); }); });