#!/usr/bin/env bash binary="${0/*\/}" localCommit="${PRETEND_LOCAL_COMMIT:-aaa000aaa000aaa000aaa000aaa000aaa000aaa0}" remoteCommit="${PRETEND_REMOTE_COMMIT:-bbb000bbb000bbb000bbb000bbb000bbb000bbb0}" uptodateDeployment="${DEPLOY_UP_TO_DATE_APP:-}" echo "${1}" >> "${binary}-commands" if [ "${binary}" = "clever" ] && [ "${1}" = "--version" ]; then echo "2.6.1" elif [ "${binary}" = "clever" ] && [ "${1}" = "activity" ]; then echo "2020-02-02T20:20:02+02:00 OK DEPLOY ${remoteCommit} Git" elif [ "${binary}" = "clever" ] && [ "${1}" = "status" ]; then echo "test-app: running (1*pico, Commit: ${remoteCommit})" elif [ "${binary}" = "clever" ] && [ "${1}" = "deploy" ]; then if [ -z "${uptodateDeployment}" ]; then echo "Clever deploy done." else # Mimic the current behavior until https://github.com/CleverCloud/clever-tools/issues/422 is solved >&2 echo "The clever-cloud application is up-to-date. Try this command to restart the application:" >&2 echo " clever restart" exit 1 fi elif [ "${binary}" = "git" ]; then echo "${localCommit}" else echo "${binary} called with arguments: ${*}" fi