getMockBuilder('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $em ->expects($this->once()) ->method('flush'); $em ->expects($this->exactly(2)) ->method('clear'); $body = <<<'JSON' { "item_id": "1402935436", "resolved_id": "1402935436", "given_url": "", "given_title": "Leslie Jones is back on Twitter and her comeback tweet rules", "favorite": "0", "status": "0", "time_added": "1473020899", "time_updated": "1473020899", "time_read": "0", "time_favorited": "0", "sort_id": 0, "resolved_title": "Leslie Jones is back on Twitter and her comeback tweet rules", "resolved_url": "", "excerpt": "Leslie Jones is back to communicating with her adoring public on Twitter after cowardly hacker-trolls drove her away, probably to compensate for their own failings. It all started with a mic drop ...", "is_article": "1", "is_index": "0", "has_video": "0", "has_image": "1", "word_count": "200", "tags": { "ifttt": { "item_id": "1402935436", "tag": "ifttt" }, "mashable": { "item_id": "1402935436", "tag": "mashable" } }, "authors": { "2484273": { "item_id": "1402935436", "author_id": "2484273", "name": "Adam Rosenberg", "url": "" } }, "image": { "item_id": "1402935436", "src": "", "width": "0", "height": "0" }, "images": { "1": { "item_id": "1402935436", "image_id": "1", "src": "", "width": "0", "height": "0", "credit": "Image: Steve Eichner/NameFace/Sipa USA", "caption": "" } }, "userId": 1 } JSON; $user = new User(); $entry = new Entry($user); $userRepository = $this->getMockBuilder('Wallabag\UserBundle\Repository\UserRepository') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userRepository ->expects($this->once()) ->method('find') // userId from the body json above ->with(1) ->willReturn($user); $import = $this->getMockBuilder('Wallabag\ImportBundle\Import\AbstractImport') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $import ->expects($this->once()) ->method('setUser') ->with($user); $import ->expects($this->once()) ->method('parseEntry') ->with(json_decode($body, true)) ->willReturn($entry); $consumer = new AMPQEntryConsumer( $em, $userRepository, $import ); $message = new AMQPMessage($body); $consumer->execute($message); } public function testMessageWithBadUser() { $em = $this->getMockBuilder('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $em ->expects($this->never()) ->method('flush'); $em ->expects($this->never()) ->method('clear'); $body = '{ "userId": 123 }'; $user = new User(); $entry = new Entry($user); $userRepository = $this->getMockBuilder('Wallabag\UserBundle\Repository\UserRepository') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userRepository ->expects($this->once()) ->method('find') // userId from the body json above ->with(123) ->willReturn(null); $import = $this->getMockBuilder('Wallabag\ImportBundle\Import\AbstractImport') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $consumer = new AMPQEntryConsumer( $em, $userRepository, $import ); $message = new AMQPMessage($body); $consumer->execute($message); } public function testMessageWithEntryProcessed() { $em = $this->getMockBuilder('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $em ->expects($this->never()) ->method('flush'); $em ->expects($this->never()) ->method('clear'); $body = '{ "userId": 123 }'; $user = new User(); $userRepository = $this->getMockBuilder('Wallabag\UserBundle\Repository\UserRepository') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userRepository ->expects($this->once()) ->method('find') // userId from the body json above ->with(123) ->willReturn($user); $import = $this->getMockBuilder('Wallabag\ImportBundle\Import\AbstractImport') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $import ->expects($this->once()) ->method('setUser') ->with($user); $import ->expects($this->once()) ->method('parseEntry') ->with(json_decode($body, true)) ->willReturn(null); $consumer = new AMPQEntryConsumer( $em, $userRepository, $import ); $message = new AMQPMessage($body); $consumer->execute($message); } }