{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Copyright : (c) 2015 Julien Tanguy License : BSD3 Maintainer : julien.tanguy@jhome.fr This test suite is based on the pymacaroons test suite: -} module Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Tests where import Data.List import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import Test.Tasty -- import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding (Success, Failure) import Data.Either import Crypto.Macaroon import Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier import Crypto.Macaroon.Instances tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier" [ sigs ] {- - Test fixtures -} sec = B8.pack "this is our super secret key; only we should know it" m :: Macaroon m = create sec key loc where key = B8.pack "we used our sec key" loc = B8.pack "http://mybank/" m2 :: Macaroon m2 = addFirstPartyCaveat "test = caveat" m m3 :: Macaroon m3 = addFirstPartyCaveat "value = 42" m2 -- exTC = verifyExact "test" "caveat" (many' letter_ascii) -- exTZ = verifyExact "test" "bleh" (many' letter_ascii) -- exV42 = verifyExact "value" 42 decimal -- exV43 = verifyExact "value" 43 decimal -- funTCPre = verifyFun "test" (string "test = " *> many' letter_ascii) -- (\e -> if "cav" `isPrefixOf` e then Right e else Left "Does not start with cav" ) -- funTV43lte = verifyFun "value" (string "value = " *> decimal) -- (\v -> if v <= 43 then Right v else Left "Greater than 43") -- allvs = [exTC, exTZ, exV42, exV43, funTCPre, funTV43lte] {- - Tests -} sigs = testProperty "Signatures" $ \sm -> verifySig (secret sm) (macaroon sm) == Right (macaroon sm) -- TODO: Re-do tests {- firstParty = testGroup "First party caveats" [ testGroup "Pure verifiers" [ testProperty "Zero caveat" $ forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> Right m == verifyCavs vs m) , testProperty "One caveat" $ forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> disjoin [ Right m2 == verifyCavs vs m2 .&&. any (`elem` vs) [exTC,funTCPre] .&&. (exTZ `notElem` vs) , True === isLeft( verifyCavs vs m2) ]) , testProperty "Two Exact" $ forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> disjoin [ Right m3 == verifyCavs vs m3 .&&. any (`elem` vs) [exTC,funTCPre] .&&. (exTZ `notElem` vs) .&&. any (`elem` vs) [exV42,funTV43lte] .&&. (exV43 `notElem` vs) , True === isLeft (verifyCavs vs m3) ]) ] , testGroup "Pure verifiers with sig" [ testProperty "Zero caveat" $ forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> Right m == verifyMacaroon sec vs m) , testProperty "One caveat" $ forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> disjoin [ Right m2 == verifyMacaroon sec vs m2 .&&. any (`elem` vs) [exTC,funTCPre] .&&. (exTZ `notElem` vs) , True === isLeft (verifyMacaroon sec vs m2) ]) , testProperty "Two Exact" $ forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> disjoin [ Right m3 == verifyMacaroon sec vs m3 .&&. any (`elem` vs) [exTC,funTCPre] .&&. (exTZ `notElem` vs) .&&. any (`elem` vs) [exV42,funTV43lte] .&&. (exV43 `notElem` vs) , True === isLeft (verifyMacaroon sec vs m3) ]) ] ] -}