- name: Run specific tasks include_tasks: "{{ item.specific_task_file }}" when: item.specific_task_file is defined loop: "{{ netdata_extra_config }}" - name: Configure plugins apt dependencies apt: name: "{{ netdata_plugins_apt }}" state: present vars: netdata_plugins_apt: "{{ netdata_extra_config | map(attribute='apt_dependencies') | reject('undefined') | list | flatten | unique }}" register: netdata_plugins_apt_deps_st until: netdata_plugins_apt_deps_st is succeeded - name: Get list of pip dependencies set_fact: netdata_plugins_pip: "{{ netdata_extra_config | map(attribute='pip_dependencies') | reject('undefined') | list | flatten | unique }}" - name: Install pip for python dependencies apt: name: "{{ python_package }}" state: present when: - netdata_plugins_pip|length > 0 - ansible_os_family == 'Debian' vars: python_package: "{{ netdata_pip_package[ansible_distribution ~ ansible_distribution_version] | default('python-pip') }}" register: netdata_pip_install until: netdata_pip_install is succeeded - name: Configure plugins pip dependencies pip: name: "{{ netdata_plugins_pip }}" state: present when: netdata_plugins_pip|length > 0 register: netdata_plugins_pip_deps_st until: netdata_plugins_pip_deps_st is succeeded - name: Add netdata to extra groups user: name: netdata groups: "{{ netdata_plugins_groups }}" append: yes notify: restart netdata vars: netdata_plugins_groups: "{{ netdata_extra_config | map(attribute='extra_groups') | reject('undefined') | list | flatten | unique }}" - name: Get list of files to grant read on set_fact: netdata_plugins_files: "{{ netdata_extra_config | map(attribute='read_files') | reject('undefined') | list | flatten | unique }}" - name: Install acl if files need to be granted access apt: name: acl state: present when: netdata_plugins_files|length > 0 - name: Grant read access to files acl: path: "{{ item }}" entity: netdata etype: user permissions: r state: present notify: restart netdata loop: "{{ netdata_plugins_files }}" - name: Configure plugins copy: dest: "{{ netdata_collector_conf_dir }}/{{ collector.name }}.conf" content: "{{ content[collector.format | default('yaml')] }}" mode: 0640 owner: netdata when: collector.config is defined notify: restart netdata loop: "{{ netdata_extra_config }}" loop_control: loop_var: collector label: "{{ collector.name }}" vars: netdata_collector_conf_dir: "/etc/netdata/{{ collector.type }}.d" bash_content_tmp: "{{ collector.config.items() | sort | list | map('join','=') | list }}" bash_content: "{{ bash_content_tmp | map('regex_replace','(.*)=(.*)',collector.name ~ '_\\1=\\2') | join('\n') }}" yaml_content: "{{ collector.config | to_nice_yaml }}" json_content: "{{ collector.config | to_nice_json }}" content: bash: "{{ bash_content ~ '\n' }}" json: "{{ json_content }}" yaml: "{{ yaml_content }}" no_log: "{{ collector.no_log | default(false) }}" - name: Remove old config file: path: "{{ netdata_old_collector_conf_dir }}/{{ collector.name }}.conf" state: absent when: collector.replace is defined notify: restart netdata loop: "{{ netdata_extra_config }}" loop_control: loop_var: collector label: "{{ collector.name }}" vars: netdata_old_collector_conf_dir: "/etc/netdata/{{ collector.replace }}.d" - name: Configure chart copy: dest: "{{ netdata_collector_chart_dir }}" src: "{{ collector.chart_name }}.chart.sh" mode: 0755 owner: netdata when: collector.chart_name is defined notify: restart netdata loop: "{{ netdata_extra_config }}" loop_control: loop_var: collector label: "{{ collector.name }}" vars: netdata_collector_chart_dir: "/usr/libexec/netdata/charts.d/" - name: Configure plugins health template: dest: "{{ netdata_health_conf_dir }}/{{ collector.name }}.conf" src: health_template.j2 mode: 0640 owner: netdata when: collector.health_config is defined notify: restart netdata # a reload would be enough loop: "{{ netdata_extra_config }}" loop_control: loop_var: collector label: "{{ collector.name }}" - name: Configure overrides copy: dest: "{{ netdata_health_conf_dir }}/{{ override.name }}.conf" content: | # {{ override.name }} {{ override.override }} mode: 0640 owner: netdata notify: reload netdata loop: "{{ netdata_alarms_overrides }}" loop_control: loop_var: override label: "{{ override.name }}" - name: Configure alarm template: dest: "{{ netdata_health_conf_dir }}/{{ collector.name }}.conf" src: "netdata_alarm.conf.j2" mode: 0755 owner: netdata when: collector.alarm_config is defined notify: restart netdata loop: "{{ netdata_extra_config }}" loop_control: loop_var: collector label: "{{ collector.name }}"