FROM janitortechnology/ubuntu-dev # Install PeerTube's dependencies. # Packages are from RUN sudo apt-get update -q && sudo apt-get install -qy \ ffmpeg \ postgresql \ openssl # Download PeerTube's source code. RUN git clone -b develop /home/user/PeerTube WORKDIR /home/user/PeerTube # Configure the IDEs to use Janitor's source directory as workspace. ENV WORKSPACE /home/user/PeerTube/ # Install dependencies. RUN yarn install --pure-lockfile # Configure Janitor for PeerTube. COPY --chown=user:user janitor.json /home/user/ # Configure and build PeerTube. COPY create_user.sql /tmp/ RUN sudo service postgresql start \ && sudo -u postgres psql --file=/tmp/create_user.sql \ && npm run build COPY --chown=user:user supervisord.conf /tmp/supervisord-extra.conf RUN cat /tmp/supervisord-extra.conf | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisord.conf # Expose frontend, API and RTMP EXPOSE 3000 9000 1935