{% extends "WallabagCoreBundle::layout.html.twig" %} {% block title %}{% trans %}Developer{% endtrans %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans %}Welcome to the wallabag API{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Documentation{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Clients{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Existing clients{% endtrans %}

{% if clients %}
    {% for client in clients %}
  • #{{ client.id }}
    {% trans %}Client ID:{% endtrans %} {{ client.id }}_{{ client.randomId }}
    {% trans %}Client secret:{% endtrans %} {{ client.secret }}
    {% trans %}Redirect URIs:{% endtrans %} {{ client.redirectUris|json_encode() }}
    {% trans %}Grant type allowed:{% endtrans %} {{ client.allowedGrantTypes|json_encode() }}

    {% trans %}You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !{% endtrans %}
    {% trans %}If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag.{% endtrans %}
    {% trans %}Remove this client{% endtrans %}

  • {% endfor %}
{% else %} {% trans %}No client yet.{% endtrans %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}