createQueryBuilder('e') ->leftJoin('e.user', 'u') ->andWhere(' = :userId')->setParameter('userId', $userId) ->orderBy('', 'desc') ; } /** * Retrieves all entries for a user. * * @param int $userId * * @return QueryBuilder */ public function getBuilderForAllByUser($userId) { return $this ->getBuilderByUser($userId) ; } /** * Retrieves unread entries for a user. * * @param int $userId * * @return QueryBuilder */ public function getBuilderForUnreadByUser($userId) { return $this ->getBuilderByUser($userId) ->andWhere('e.isArchived = false') ; } /** * Retrieves read entries for a user. * * @param int $userId * * @return QueryBuilder */ public function getBuilderForArchiveByUser($userId) { return $this ->getBuilderByUser($userId) ->andWhere('e.isArchived = true') ; } /** * Retrieves starred entries for a user. * * @param int $userId * * @return QueryBuilder */ public function getBuilderForStarredByUser($userId) { return $this ->getBuilderByUser($userId) ->andWhere('e.isStarred = true') ; } /** * Find Entries. * * @param int $userId * @param bool $isArchived * @param bool $isStarred * @param string $sort * @param string $order * * @return array */ public function findEntries($userId, $isArchived = null, $isStarred = null, $sort = 'created', $order = 'ASC') { $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('e') ->where('e.user =:userId')->setParameter('userId', $userId); if (null !== $isArchived) { $qb->andWhere('e.isArchived =:isArchived')->setParameter('isArchived', (bool) $isArchived); } if (null !== $isStarred) { $qb->andWhere('e.isStarred =:isStarred')->setParameter('isStarred', (bool) $isStarred); } if ('created' === $sort) { $qb->orderBy('', $order); } elseif ('updated' === $sort) { $qb->orderBy('e.updatedAt', $order); } $pagerAdapter = new DoctrineORMAdapter($qb); return new Pagerfanta($pagerAdapter); } /** * Fetch an entry with a tag. Only used for tests. * * @return Entry */ public function findOneWithTags($userId) { $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('e') ->innerJoin('e.tags', 't') ->innerJoin('e.user', 'u') ->addSelect('t', 'u') ->where('e.user=:userId')->setParameter('userId', $userId) ; return $qb->getQuery()->getResult(); } /** * Find distinct language for a given user. * Used to build the filter language list. * * @param int $userId User id * * @return array */ public function findDistinctLanguageByUser($userId) { $results = $this->createQueryBuilder('e') ->select('e.language') ->where('e.user = :userId')->setParameter('userId', $userId) ->andWhere('e.language IS NOT NULL') ->groupBy('e.language') ->orderBy('e.language', ' ASC') ->getQuery() ->getResult(); $languages = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $languages[$result['language']] = $result['language']; } return $languages; } /** * Used only in test case to get the right entry associated to the right user. * * @param string $username * * @return Entry */ public function findOneByUsernameAndNotArchived($username) { return $this->createQueryBuilder('e') ->leftJoin('e.user', 'u') ->where('u.username = :username')->setParameter('username', $username) ->andWhere('e.isArchived = false') ->setMaxResults(1) ->getQuery() ->getSingleResult(); } /** * Remove a tag from all user entries. * * We need to loop on each entry attached to the given tag to remove it, since Doctrine doesn't know EntryTag entity because it's a ManyToMany relation. * It could be faster with one query but I don't know how to retrieve the table name `entry_tag` which can have a prefix: * * DELETE et FROM entry_tag et WHERE et.entry_id IN ( SELECT FROM entry e WHERE e.user_id = :userId ) AND et.tag_id = :tagId * * @param int $userId * @param Tag $tag */ public function removeTag($userId, Tag $tag) { $entries = $this->getBuilderByUser($userId) ->innerJoin('e.tags', 't') ->andWhere(' = :tagId')->setParameter('tagId', $tag->getId()) ->getQuery() ->getResult(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $entry->removeTag($tag); } $this->getEntityManager()->flush(); } /** * Find all entries that are attached to a give tag id. * * @param int $userId * @param int $tagId * * @return array */ public function findAllByTagId($userId, $tagId) { return $this->getBuilderByUser($userId) ->innerJoin('e.tags', 't') ->andWhere(' = :tagId')->setParameter('tagId', $tagId) ->getQuery() ->getResult(); } /** * Find an entry by its url and its owner. * If it exists, return the entry otherwise return false. * * @param $url * @param $userId * * @return array|bool */ public function existByUrlAndUserId($url, $userId) { $res = $this->createQueryBuilder('e') ->select(', e.createdAt') ->where('e.url = :url')->setParameter('url', $url) ->andWhere('e.user = :user_id')->setParameter('user_id', $userId) ->getQuery() ->getResult(); if (count($res)) { return current($res); } return false; } }