client = $client; $this->baseFolder = $baseFolder; $this->wallabagUrl = rtrim($wallabagUrl, '/'); $this->logger = $logger; $this->mimeGuesser = new MimeTypeExtensionGuesser(); $this->setFolder(); } /** * Setup base folder where all images are going to be saved. */ private function setFolder() { // if folder doesn't exist, attempt to create one and store the folder name in property $folder if (!file_exists($this->baseFolder)) { mkdir($this->baseFolder, 0755, true); } } /** * Process the html and extract image from it, save them to local and return the updated html. * * @param int $entryId ID of the entry * @param string $html * @param string $url Used as a base path for relative image and folder * * @return string */ public function processHtml($entryId, $html, $url) { $crawler = new Crawler($html); $result = $crawler ->filterXpath('//img') ->extract(['src']); $relativePath = $this->getRelativePath($entryId); // download and save the image to the folder foreach ($result as $image) { $imagePath = $this->processSingleImage($entryId, $image, $url, $relativePath); if (false === $imagePath) { continue; } // if image contains "&" and we can't find it in the html it might be because it's encoded as & if (false !== stripos($image, '&') && false === stripos($html, $image)) { $image = str_replace('&', '&', $image); } $html = str_replace($image, $imagePath, $html); } return $html; } /** * Process a single image: * - retrieve it * - re-saved it (for security reason) * - return the new local path. * * @param int $entryId ID of the entry * @param string $imagePath Path to the image to retrieve * @param string $url Url from where the image were found * @param string $relativePath Relative local path to saved the image * * @return string Relative url to access the image from the web */ public function processSingleImage($entryId, $imagePath, $url, $relativePath = null) { if (null === $relativePath) { $relativePath = $this->getRelativePath($entryId); } $this->logger->debug('DownloadImages: working on image: '.$imagePath); $folderPath = $this->baseFolder.'/'.$relativePath; // build image path $absolutePath = $this->getAbsoluteLink($url, $imagePath); if (false === $absolutePath) { $this->logger->error('DownloadImages: Can not determine the absolute path for that image, skipping.'); return false; } try { $res = $this->client->get($absolutePath); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->error('DownloadImages: Can not retrieve image, skipping.', ['exception' => $e]); return false; } $ext = $this->getExtensionFromResponse($res, $imagePath); if (false === $res) { return false; } $hashImage = hash('crc32', $absolutePath); $localPath = $folderPath.'/'.$hashImage.'.'.$ext; try { $im = imagecreatefromstring($res->getBody()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $im = false; } if (false === $im) { $this->logger->error('DownloadImages: Error while regenerating image', ['path' => $localPath]); return false; } switch ($ext) { case 'gif': imagegif($im, $localPath); $this->logger->debug('DownloadImages: Re-creating gif'); break; case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': imagejpeg($im, $localPath, self::REGENERATE_PICTURES_QUALITY); $this->logger->debug('DownloadImages: Re-creating jpg'); break; case 'png': imagealphablending($im, false); imagesavealpha($im, true); imagepng($im, $localPath, ceil(self::REGENERATE_PICTURES_QUALITY / 100 * 9)); $this->logger->debug('DownloadImages: Re-creating png'); } imagedestroy($im); return $this->wallabagUrl.'/assets/images/'.$relativePath.'/'.$hashImage.'.'.$ext; } /** * Remove all images for the given entry id. * * @param int $entryId ID of the entry */ public function removeImages($entryId) { $relativePath = $this->getRelativePath($entryId); $folderPath = $this->baseFolder.'/'.$relativePath; $finder = new Finder(); $finder ->files() ->ignoreDotFiles(true) ->in($folderPath); foreach ($finder as $file) { @unlink($file->getRealPath()); } @rmdir($folderPath); } /** * Generate the folder where we are going to save images based on the entry url. * * @param int $entryId ID of the entry * * @return string */ private function getRelativePath($entryId) { $hashId = hash('crc32', $entryId); $relativePath = $hashId[0].'/'.$hashId[1].'/'.$hashId; $folderPath = $this->baseFolder.'/'.$relativePath; if (!file_exists($folderPath)) { mkdir($folderPath, 0777, true); } $this->logger->debug('DownloadImages: Folder used for that Entry id', ['folder' => $folderPath, 'entryId' => $entryId]); return $relativePath; } /** * Make an $url absolute based on the $base. * * @see Graby->makeAbsoluteStr * * @param string $base Base url * @param string $url Url to make it absolute * * @return false|string */ private function getAbsoluteLink($base, $url) { if (preg_match('!^https?://!i', $url)) { // already absolute return $url; } $base = new \SimplePie_IRI($base); // remove '//' in URL path (causes URLs not to resolve properly) if (isset($base->ipath)) { $base->ipath = preg_replace('!//+!', '/', $base->ipath); } if ($absolute = \SimplePie_IRI::absolutize($base, $url)) { return $absolute->get_uri(); } $this->logger->error('DownloadImages: Can not make an absolute link', ['base' => $base, 'url' => $url]); return false; } /** * Retrieve and validate the extension from the response of the url of the image. * * @param Response $res Guzzle Response * @param string $imagePath Path from the src image from the content (used for log only) * * @return string|false Extension name or false if validation failed */ private function getExtensionFromResponse(Response $res, $imagePath) { $ext = $this->mimeGuesser->guess($res->getHeader('content-type')); $this->logger->debug('DownloadImages: Checking extension', ['ext' => $ext, 'header' => $res->getHeader('content-type')]); // ok header doesn't have the extension, try a different way if (empty($ext)) { $types = [ 'jpeg' => "\xFF\xD8\xFF", 'gif' => 'GIF', 'png' => "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a", ]; $bytes = substr((string) $res->getBody(), 0, 8); foreach ($types as $type => $header) { if (0 === strpos($bytes, $header)) { $ext = $type; break; } } $this->logger->debug('DownloadImages: Checking extension (alternative)', ['ext' => $ext]); } if (!in_array($ext, ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'], true)) { $this->logger->error('DownloadImages: Processed image with not allowed extension. Skipping: '.$imagePath); return false; } return $ext; } }