'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs')); const retryPromise = require('promise-retry'); const spawn = require('cross-spawn'); const colors = require('chalk'); const debug = require('debug')('purs-loader'); const dargs = require('./dargs'); const Psc = require('./Psc'); const PsModuleMap = require('./PsModuleMap'); function connect(psModule) { const options = psModule.options const cache = psModule.cache if (cache.ideServer) return Promise.resolve(psModule) cache.ideServer = true const connect_ = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const args = dargs(options.pscIdeArgs) debug('attempting to connect to psc-ide-server', args) const ideClient = spawn('psc-ide-client', args) ideClient.stderr.on('data', data => { debug(data.toString()) cache.ideServer = false reject(true) }) ideClient.stdout.once('data', data => { debug(data.toString()) if (data.toString()[0] === '{') { const res = JSON.parse(data.toString()) if (res.resultType === 'success') { cache.ideServer = ideServer resolve(psModule) } else { cache.ideServer = ideServer reject(true) } } else { cache.ideServer = false reject(true) } }) ideClient.stdin.resume() ideClient.stdin.write(JSON.stringify({ command: 'load' })) ideClient.stdin.write('\n') }) const args = dargs(Object.assign({ outputDirectory: options.output, }, options.pscIdeArgs)) debug('attempting to start psc-ide-server', args) const ideServer = cache.ideServer = spawn('psc-ide-server', []) ideServer.stderr.on('data', data => { debug(data.toString()) }) return retryPromise((retry, number) => { return connect_().catch(error => { if (!cache.ideServer && number === 9) { debug(error) console.log( 'failed to connect to or start psc-ide-server, ' + 'full compilation will occur on rebuild' ) return Promise.resolve(psModule) } return retry(error) }) }, { retries: 9, factor: 1, minTimeout: 333, maxTimeout: 333, }) } module.exports.connect = connect; function rebuild(psModule) { const options = psModule.options const cache = psModule.cache debug('attempting rebuild with psc-ide-client %s', psModule.srcPath) const request = (body) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const args = dargs(options.pscIdeArgs) const ideClient = spawn('psc-ide-client', args) var stdout = '' var stderr = '' ideClient.stdout.on('data', data => { stdout = stdout + data.toString() }) ideClient.stderr.on('data', data => { stderr = stderr + data.toString() }) ideClient.on('close', code => { if (code !== 0) { const error = stderr === '' ? 'Failed to spawn psc-ide-client' : stderr return reject(new Error(error)) } let res = null try { res = JSON.parse(stdout.toString()) debug(res) } catch (err) { return reject(err) } if (res && !Array.isArray(res.result)) { return res.resultType === 'success' ? resolve(psModule) : reject('psc-ide rebuild failed') } Promise.map(res.result, (item, i) => { debug(item) return formatIdeResult(item, options, i, res.result.length) }) .then(compileMessages => { if (res.resultType === 'error') { if (res.result.some(item => item.errorCode === 'UnknownModule' || item.errorCode === 'UnknownName')) { debug('unknown module, attempting full recompile') return Psc.compile(psModule) .then(() => PsModuleMap.makeMap(options.src).then(map => { debug('rebuilt module map'); cache.psModuleMap = map; })) .then(() => request({ command: 'load' })) .then(resolve) .catch(() => reject('psc-ide rebuild failed')) } cache.errors = compileMessages.join('\n') reject('psc-ide rebuild failed') } else { cache.warnings = compileMessages.join('\n') resolve(psModule) } }) }) ideClient.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(body)) ideClient.stdin.write('\n') }) return request({ command: 'rebuild', params: { file: psModule.srcPath, } }) } module.exports.rebuild = rebuild; function formatIdeResult(result, options, index, length) { const srcPath = path.relative(options.context, result.filename) const pos = result.position const fileAndPos = `${srcPath}:${pos.startLine}:${pos.startColumn}` let numAndErr = `[${index+1}/${length} ${result.errorCode}]` numAndErr = options.pscIdeColors ? colors.yellow(numAndErr) : numAndErr return fs.readFileAsync(result.filename, 'utf8').then(source => { const lines = source.split('\n').slice(pos.startLine - 1, pos.endLine) const endsOnNewline = pos.endColumn === 1 && pos.startLine !== pos.endLine const up = options.pscIdeColors ? colors.red('^') : '^' const down = options.pscIdeColors ? colors.red('v') : 'v' let trimmed = lines.slice(0) if (endsOnNewline) { lines.splice(lines.length - 1, 1) pos.endLine = pos.endLine - 1 pos.endColumn = lines[lines.length - 1].length || 1 } // strip newlines at the end if (endsOnNewline) { trimmed = lines.reverse().reduce((trimmed, line, i) => { if (i === 0 && line === '') trimmed.trimming = true if (!trimmed.trimming) trimmed.push(line) if (trimmed.trimming && line !== '') { trimmed.trimming = false trimmed.push(line) } return trimmed }, []).reverse() pos.endLine = pos.endLine - (lines.length - trimmed.length) pos.endColumn = trimmed[trimmed.length - 1].length || 1 } const spaces = ' '.repeat(String(pos.endLine).length) let snippet = trimmed.map((line, i) => { return ` ${pos.startLine + i} ${line}` }).join('\n') if (trimmed.length === 1) { snippet += `\n ${spaces} ${' '.repeat(pos.startColumn - 1)}${up.repeat(pos.endColumn - pos.startColumn + 1)}` } else { snippet = ` ${spaces} ${' '.repeat(pos.startColumn - 1)}${down}\n${snippet}` snippet += `\n ${spaces} ${' '.repeat(pos.endColumn - 1)}${up}` } return Promise.resolve( `\n${numAndErr} ${fileAndPos}\n\n${snippet}\n\n${result.message}` ) }) }