{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : Crypto.Macaroon.Internal Copyright : (c) 2015 Julien Tanguy License : BSD3 Maintainer : julien.tanguy@jhome.fr Stability : experimental Portability : portable Internal representation of a macaroon -} module Crypto.Macaroon.Internal where import Control.DeepSeq import Crypto.Cipher.AES import Crypto.Hash import Data.Byteable import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import Data.Hex import Data.List -- |Type alias for Macaroons and Caveat keys and identifiers type Key = BS.ByteString -- |Type alias for Macaroons and Caveat locations type Location = BS.ByteString -- |Type alias for Macaroons signatures type Sig = BS.ByteString -- | Main structure of a macaroon data Macaroon = MkMacaroon { location :: Location -- ^ Target location , identifier :: Key -- ^ Macaroon Identifier , caveats :: [Caveat] -- ^ List of caveats , signature :: Sig -- ^ Macaroon HMAC signature } instance Eq Macaroon where (MkMacaroon l1 i1 c1 s1) == (MkMacaroon l2 i2 c2 s2) = (l1 `constEqBytes` l2) &&! (i1 `constEqBytes` i2) &&! (c1 == c2) &&! (s1 `constEqBytes` s2) -- | show instance conforming to the @inspect@ "specification" instance Show Macaroon where -- We use intercalate because unlines would add a trailing newline show (MkMacaroon l i c s) = intercalate "\n" [ "location " ++ B8.unpack l , "identifier " ++ B8.unpack i , concatMap show c , "signature " ++ B8.unpack (hex s) ] -- | NFData instance for use in the benchmark instance NFData Macaroon where rnf (MkMacaroon loc ident cavs sig) = rnf loc `seq` rnf ident `seq` rnf cavs `seq` rnf sig -- | Caveat structure data Caveat = MkCaveat { cid :: Key -- ^ Caveat identifier , vid :: Key -- ^ Caveat verification key identifier , cl :: Location -- ^ Caveat target location } instance Eq Caveat where (MkCaveat c1 v1 l1) == (MkCaveat c2 v2 l2) = (c1 `constEqBytes` c2) &&! (v1 `constEqBytes` v2) &&! (l1 `constEqBytes` l2) -- | show instance conforming to the @inspect@ "specification" instance Show Caveat where show (MkCaveat c v l) | v == BS.empty = "cid " ++ B8.unpack c | otherwise = unlines [ "cid " ++ B8.unpack c , "vid " ++ B8.unpack v , "cl " ++ B8.unpack l ] -- | NFData instance for use in the benchmark instance NFData Caveat where rnf (MkCaveat cid vid cl) = rnf cid `seq` rnf vid `seq` rnf cl -- | Primitive to add a First or Third party caveat to a macaroon -- For internal use only addCaveat :: Location -> Key -> Key -> Macaroon -> Macaroon addCaveat loc cid vid m = m { caveats = cavs ++ [cav'], signature = sig} where cavs = caveats m cav' = MkCaveat cid vid loc sig = toBytes (hmac (signature m) (BS.append vid cid) :: HMAC SHA256) -- | Utility non-short circuiting '&&' function. (&&!) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool True &&! True = True True &&! False = False False &&! True = False False &&! False = False