{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ---- Machine generated code. ---- Output of edi-parser-scaffolder module Text.Edifact.D96A.Segments.PAC ( -- * Definition segmentPAC -- * Dependencies , compositeC202 , compositeC402 , compositeC531 , compositeC532 , simple7224 ) where import Text.Edifact.D96A.Composites (compositeC202, compositeC402, compositeC531, compositeC532) import Text.Edifact.D96A.Simples (simple7224) import Text.Edifact.Parsing import Text.Edifact.Types (Value) -- | Derived from this specification: -- -- > PAC PACKAGE -- > -- > Function: To describe the number and type of packages/physical -- > units. -- > -- > 010 7224 NUMBER OF PACKAGES C n..8 -- > -- > 020 C531 PACKAGING DETAILS C -- > 7075 Packaging level, coded C an..3 -- > 7233 Packaging related information, coded C an..3 -- > 7073 Packaging terms and conditions, coded C an..3 -- > -- > 030 C202 PACKAGE TYPE C -- > 7065 Type of packages identification C an..17 -- > 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 -- > 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 -- > 7064 Type of packages C an..35 -- > -- > 040 C402 PACKAGE TYPE IDENTIFICATION C -- > 7077 Item description type, coded M an..3 -- > 7064 Type of packages M an..35 -- > 7143 Item number type, coded C an..3 -- > 7064 Type of packages C an..35 -- > 7143 Item number type, coded C an..3 -- > -- > 050 C532 RETURNABLE PACKAGE DETAILS C -- > 8395 Returnable package freight payment C an..3 -- > responsibility, coded -- > 8393 Returnable package load contents, coded C an..3 -- -- Dependencies: 'compositeC202', 'compositeC402', 'compositeC531', 'compositeC532', 'simple7224'. segmentPAC :: Parser Value segmentPAC = segment "PAC" [ "010" .@ optional simple7224 , "020" .@ optional compositeC531 , "030" .@ optional compositeC202 , "040" .@ optional compositeC402 , "050" .@ optional compositeC532 ]