{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ---- Machine generated code. ---- Output of edi-parser-scaffolder module Text.Edifact.D96A.Segments.MEA ( -- * Definition segmentMEA -- * Dependencies , compositeC174 , compositeC502 , simple6311 , simple7383 ) where import Text.Edifact.D96A.Composites (compositeC174, compositeC502) import Text.Edifact.D96A.Simples (simple6311, simple7383) import Text.Edifact.Parsing import Text.Edifact.Types (Value) -- | Derived from this specification: -- -- > MEA MEASUREMENTS -- > -- > Function: To specify physical measurements, including dimension -- > tolerances, weights and counts. -- > -- > 010 6311 MEASUREMENT APPLICATION QUALIFIER M an..3 -- > -- > 020 C502 MEASUREMENT DETAILS C -- > 6313 Measurement dimension, coded C an..3 -- > 6321 Measurement significance, coded C an..3 -- > 6155 Measurement attribute, coded C an..3 -- > 6154 Measurement attribute C an..70 -- > -- > 030 C174 VALUE/RANGE C -- > 6411 Measure unit qualifier M an..3 -- > 6314 Measurement value C n..18 -- > 6162 Range minimum C n..18 -- > 6152 Range maximum C n..18 -- > 6432 Significant digits C n..2 -- > -- > 040 7383 SURFACE/LAYER INDICATOR, CODED C an..3 -- -- Dependencies: 'compositeC174', 'compositeC502', 'simple6311', 'simple7383'. segmentMEA :: Parser Value segmentMEA = segment "MEA" [ "010" .@ mandatory simple6311 , "020" .@ optional compositeC502 , "030" .@ optional compositeC174 , "040" .@ optional simple7383 ]