{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ---- Machine generated code. ---- Output of edi-parser-scaffolder module Text.Edifact.D01B.Simples.S7405 ( simple7405 ) where import Text.Edifact.Parsing import Text.Edifact.Types (Value) -- | Derived from this specification: -- -- > 7405 Object identification code qualifier [C] -- > -- > Desc: Code qualifying the identification of an object. -- > -- > Repr: an..3 -- > -- > AA House bill of lading -- > A number that is used to identify goods from a freight -- > forwarder/consolidator. -- > -- > AB 1st structure element name -- > The first element in a series of elements that together -- > define the structure of an object. -- > -- > AC 2nd structure element name -- > The second element in a series of elements that together -- > define the structure of an object. -- > -- > AD 3rd structure element name -- > The third element in a series of elements that together -- > define the structure of an object. -- > -- > AE 4th structure element name -- > The fourth element in a series of elements that together -- > define the structure of an object. -- > -- > AF 5th structure element name -- > The fifth element in a series of elements that together -- > define the structure of an object. -- > -- > AG 6th structure element name -- > The sixth element in a series of elements that together -- > define the structure of an object. -- > -- > AH 7th structure element name -- > The seventh element in a series of elements that -- > together define the structure of an object. -- > -- > AI 8th structure element name -- > The eighth element in a series of elements that together -- > define the structure of an object. -- > -- > AJ 9th structure element name -- > The ninth element in a series of elements that together -- > define the structure of an object. -- > -- > AK Data set -- > The identity of a data set. -- > -- > AL Kanban card number -- > Reference number assigned by a consignee to a Kanban -- > card. -- > -- > AM Level number -- > Level number in a hierarchy or other structure. -- > -- > AN Manufacturing reference number -- > A unique number identifying a particular assembly or -- > other manufacturing process. -- > -- > AO Position number in package -- > A number to identify the position within a package -- > according to agreed rules between partners. -- > -- > AP Product -- > A name or number which identifies a product. -- > -- > AQ Release number -- > Number assigned to a release. -- > -- > AR Statistical concept -- > Statistical concept. -- > -- > AS Table -- > A table of items e.g. figures and text represented in -- > rows and columns. -- > -- > AT Transport packing group number -- > Number identifying a group of articles in a predescribed -- > unit load for shipment/dispatch as agreed between -- > partners. -- > -- > AU Value list -- > A coded or non coded list of values. -- > -- > AV Value list subset -- > A subset of a coded or non coded list of values. -- > -- > AW Serial shipping container code -- > A single unique serial number which identifies shipping -- > containers or shipping packages. -- > -- > AX Case number -- > A code to identify the number assigned to a given case. -- > -- > AY Financial security identification number -- > Identification number of a financial security. -- > -- > AZ Compact disk player security code number -- > The security code number of the compact disk player. -- > -- > BA Question in questionnaire -- > The identity number of a question in a questionnaire. -- > -- > BB Questionnaire -- > The identification of a questionnaire. -- > -- > BC Check digit -- > The check digit of the primary number. -- > -- > BD Vehicle telephone identification number -- > The number which identifies the telephone equipment -- > fitted to the vehicle. -- > -- > BE Batch excluded -- > Products manufactured in Batch not to be included in -- > consignment. -- > -- > BF Door key number -- > The number on the key that fits the door lock. -- > -- > BG Fleet number -- > The number of the fleet to which a vehicle is assigned. -- > -- > BH Ignition key number -- > The number on the key that fits the ignition lock. -- > -- > BI Radio security code number -- > The security code number of the radio. -- > -- > X BJ Serial shipping container code -- > Code requested for deletion. -- > -- > Note: -- > 1. This code value will be removed effective with -- > directory D.03A. -- > -- > BK Fleet vehicle unit number -- > The unit number of the vehicle within the fleet -- > allocated by the fleet operator. -- > -- > BL Vehicle registration number -- > The registration number of the vehicle. -- > -- > BM Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN) -- > A reference number identifying the accounting -- > classification. -- > -- > BN Serial number -- > Identification number of an item which distinguishes -- > this specific item out of a number of identical items. -- > -- > BO Fund -- > A code identifying a fund. -- > -- > BP Special Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN) -- > A reference number identifying a special accounting -- > classification. -- > -- > BQ Project -- > A code identifying a project. -- > -- > BR Transportation Account Code (TAC) -- > A code identifying a transportation account. -- > -- > BS Financial details -- > A code identifying financial details for accounting. -- > -- > BT Account manager -- > A code identifying the account manager. -- > -- > BU Buyer's package identification -- > A package identification number allocated by a buyer. -- > -- > BV Predecessor constraint -- > Identity number is a predecessor constraint. -- > -- > BW Successor constraint -- > Identity number is a successor constraint. -- > -- > BX Batch number -- > Unique number affixed by manufacturer to a batch of -- > products produced under similar conditions. -- > -- > BY Person identity number -- > The identity number of a person. -- > -- > BZ Health-care professional identity number -- > The identity number of a health-care professional. -- > -- > CA Private institution identity number -- > The identity number of a private institution. -- > -- > CB Public institution identity number -- > The identity number of a public institution. -- > -- > CC Tree structure -- > The identity number of a structure containing two or -- > more objects linked in a hierarchy. -- > -- > CD Tree structure subset -- > The identity number of a subset of a structure -- > containing two or more objects linked in a hierarchy. -- > -- > CE Link set -- > The identity number of a set of links. -- > -- > CF Organisation chart -- > The identity number of an organisation chart. -- > -- > CG Healthcare provider number (non-government) -- > Identity number assigned to a healthcare provider by a -- > non-government body. -- > -- > CH Primary patient identification number -- > Primary number identifying a patient. -- > -- > CI Insurer identification number -- > A unique identifier assigned to an insurer. -- > -- > CJ Hospital issued healthcare provider number -- > Identity number of a healthcare service provider issued -- > by a hospital. -- > -- > CK Healthcare practice identification number -- > Uniquely identifies the practice in which one or more -- > healthcare providers conduct business. -- > -- > CL Agent identification number -- > A unique identifier assigned to an agent. -- > -- > CM Insurer group identification number -- > The identification number of the insurer's group. -- > -- > CN Chassis number -- > Unique number affixed by manufacturer to a chassis for -- > identification purposes. -- > -- > CO Invoice number -- > Number assigned to the invoice. -- > -- > CP Account number -- > Account identification number. -- > -- > CQ Internal control number -- > Control number assigned for internal use. -- > -- > CR Policy number -- > Number uniquely identifying a policy. -- > -- > CS Attribute set -- > A set of attributes. -- > -- > CT Footnote set -- > A set of footnotes. -- > -- > EE Engine number -- > Unique number affixed by manufacturer to an engine for -- > identification purposes. -- > -- > EM Emulsion number -- > Manufacturer assigned reference to a photographic -- > product indicating sensitivity. -- > -- > IL Invoice line number -- > Sequential numerical assignment to identical invoiced -- > goods which are subject to the same conditions of sale. -- > -- > ML Marking/label number -- > The number on the marking or label. -- > -- > PN Part number -- > Manufacturer-assigned reference to a product part. -- > -- > SC Secondary Customs tariff number -- > Indicate (e.g. in segment GIR) the secondary (sub-) -- > level of a Customs tariff number. -- > -- > VV Vehicle identity number -- > Unique serial number assigned by the manufacturer that -- > distinguishes one vehicle from another. -- > -- > VW Skid number -- > A number identifying a skid or pallet. -- > -- > VX Authorisation -- > Official approval. -- > -- > VY Insurance policy -- > Contract of insurance. -- > -- > VZ Transport unit identification according to ISO/IEC 15459 -- > The identification of a transport unit according to -- > ISO/IEC 15459 (ISO: International Organization for -- > Standardization. IEC: International Electrotechnical -- > Commission). -- > -- > WA Indivisible transport unit according to ISO/IEC 15459 -- > The identification of an indivisible transport unit -- > according to ISO/IEC 15459 (ISO: International -- > Organization for Standardization. IEC: International -- > Electrotechnical Commission). -- > -- > WB Divisible transport unit according to ISO/IEC 15459 -- > The identification of a divisible transport unit -- > according to ISO/IEC 15459 (ISO: International -- > Organization for Standardization. IEC: International -- > Electrotechnical Commission). simple7405 :: Parser Value simple7405 = simple "7405" (alphaNumeric `upTo` 3)