import { program } from 'commander' import { access, constants } from 'fs-extra' import { isAbsolute } from 'path' import { assignToken, buildCommonVideoOptions, buildServer, buildVideoAttributesFromCommander, getServerCredentials } from './cli' let command = program .name('upload') command = buildCommonVideoOptions(command) command .option('-u, --url ', 'Server url') .option('-U, --username ', 'Username') .option('-p, --password ', 'Password') .option('-b, --thumbnail ', 'Thumbnail path') .option('-v, --preview ', 'Preview path') .option('-f, --file ', 'Video absolute file path') .parse(process.argv) const options = command.opts() getServerCredentials(command) .then(({ url, username, password }) => { if (!options.videoName || !options.file) { if (!options.videoName) console.error('--video-name is required.') if (!options.file) console.error('--file is required.') process.exit(-1) } if (isAbsolute(options.file) === false) { console.error('File path should be absolute.') process.exit(-1) } run(url, username, password).catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(-1) }) }) .catch(err => console.error(err)) async function run (url: string, username: string, password: string) { const server = buildServer(url) await assignToken(server, username, password) await access(options.file, constants.F_OK) console.log('Uploading %s video...', options.videoName) const baseAttributes = await buildVideoAttributesFromCommander(server, program) const attributes = { ...baseAttributes, fixture: options.file, thumbnailfile: options.thumbnail, previewfile: options.preview } try { await server.videos.upload({ attributes }) console.log(`Video ${options.videoName} uploaded.`) process.exit(0) } catch (err) { const message = err.message || '' if (message.includes('413')) { console.error('Aborted: the video file you try to upload it too big for this PeerTube instance.') } else { console.error(require('util').inspect(err)) } process.exit(-1) } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------