/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { ServerConfig } from '@shared/models' import { addVideoCommentReply, addVideoCommentThread, createLive, doubleFollow, getConfig, getPluginTestPath, getVideo, getVideoCommentThreads, getVideosList, getVideosListPagination, getVideoThreadComments, getVideoWithToken, installPlugin, registerUser, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel, updateCustomSubConfig, updateVideo, uploadVideo, waitJobs } from '../../../shared/extra-utils' import { cleanupTests, flushAndRunMultipleServers, ServerInfo } from '../../../shared/extra-utils/server/servers' import { getGoodVideoUrl, getMyVideoImports, importVideo } from '../../../shared/extra-utils/videos/video-imports' import { VideoDetails, VideoImport, VideoImportState, VideoPrivacy } from '../../../shared/models/videos' import { VideoCommentThreadTree } from '../../../shared/models/videos/video-comment.model' const expect = chai.expect describe('Test plugin filter hooks', function () { let servers: ServerInfo[] let videoUUID: string let threadId: number before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2) await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) await setDefaultVideoChannel(servers) await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) await installPlugin({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, path: getPluginTestPath() }) await installPlugin({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, path: getPluginTestPath('-two') }) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, { name: 'default video ' + i }) } const res = await getVideosList(servers[0].url) videoUUID = res.body.data[0].uuid await updateCustomSubConfig(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, { live: { enabled: true }, signup: { enabled: true }, import: { videos: { http: { enabled: true }, torrent: { enabled: true } } } }) }) it('Should run filter:api.videos.list.params', async function () { const res = await getVideosListPagination(servers[0].url, 0, 2) // 2 plugins do +1 to the count parameter expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(4) }) it('Should run filter:api.videos.list.result', async function () { const res = await getVideosListPagination(servers[0].url, 0, 0) // Plugin do +1 to the total result expect(res.body.total).to.equal(11) }) it('Should run filter:api.video.get.result', async function () { const res = await getVideo(servers[0].url, videoUUID) expect(res.body.name).to.contain('<3') }) it('Should run filter:api.video.upload.accept.result', async function () { await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, { name: 'video with bad word' }, 403) }) it('Should run filter:api.live-video.create.accept.result', async function () { const attributes = { name: 'video with bad word', privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id } await createLive(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, attributes, 403) }) it('Should run filter:api.video.pre-import-url.accept.result', async function () { const baseAttributes = { name: 'normal title', privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id, targetUrl: getGoodVideoUrl() + 'bad' } await importVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, baseAttributes, 403) }) it('Should run filter:api.video.pre-import-torrent.accept.result', async function () { const baseAttributes = { name: 'bad torrent', privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id, torrentfile: 'video-720p.torrent' as any } await importVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, baseAttributes, 403) }) it('Should run filter:api.video.post-import-url.accept.result', async function () { this.timeout(60000) let videoImportId: number { const baseAttributes = { name: 'title with bad word', privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id, targetUrl: getGoodVideoUrl() } const res = await importVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, baseAttributes) videoImportId = res.body.id } await waitJobs(servers) { const res = await getMyVideoImports(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken) const videoImports = res.body.data as VideoImport[] const videoImport = videoImports.find(i => i.id === videoImportId) expect(videoImport.state.id).to.equal(VideoImportState.REJECTED) expect(videoImport.state.label).to.equal('Rejected') } }) it('Should run filter:api.video.post-import-torrent.accept.result', async function () { this.timeout(60000) let videoImportId: number { const baseAttributes = { name: 'title with bad word', privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id, torrentfile: 'video-720p.torrent' as any } const res = await importVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, baseAttributes) videoImportId = res.body.id } await waitJobs(servers) { const res = await getMyVideoImports(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken) const videoImports = res.body.data as VideoImport[] const videoImport = videoImports.find(i => i.id === videoImportId) expect(videoImport.state.id).to.equal(VideoImportState.REJECTED) expect(videoImport.state.label).to.equal('Rejected') } }) it('Should run filter:api.video-thread.create.accept.result', async function () { await addVideoCommentThread(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, 'comment with bad word', 403) }) it('Should run filter:api.video-comment-reply.create.accept.result', async function () { const res = await addVideoCommentThread(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, 'thread') threadId = res.body.comment.id await addVideoCommentReply(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, threadId, 'comment with bad word', 403) await addVideoCommentReply(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, threadId, 'comment with good word', 200) }) it('Should run filter:api.video-threads.list.params', async function () { const res = await getVideoCommentThreads(servers[0].url, videoUUID, 0, 0) // our plugin do +1 to the count parameter expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) }) it('Should run filter:api.video-threads.list.result', async function () { const res = await getVideoCommentThreads(servers[0].url, videoUUID, 0, 0) // Plugin do +1 to the total result expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) }) it('Should run filter:api.video-thread-comments.list.params') it('Should run filter:api.video-thread-comments.list.result', async function () { const res = await getVideoThreadComments(servers[0].url, videoUUID, threadId) const thread = res.body as VideoCommentThreadTree expect(thread.comment.text.endsWith(' <3')).to.be.true }) describe('Should run filter:video.auto-blacklist.result', function () { async function checkIsBlacklisted (oldRes: any, value: boolean) { const videoId = oldRes.body.video.uuid const res = await getVideoWithToken(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoId) const video: VideoDetails = res.body expect(video.blacklisted).to.equal(value) } it('Should blacklist on upload', async function () { const res = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, { name: 'video please blacklist me' }) await checkIsBlacklisted(res, true) }) it('Should blacklist on import', async function () { this.timeout(15000) const attributes = { name: 'video please blacklist me', targetUrl: getGoodVideoUrl(), channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id } const res = await importVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, attributes) await checkIsBlacklisted(res, true) }) it('Should blacklist on update', async function () { const res = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, { name: 'video' }) const videoId = res.body.video.uuid await checkIsBlacklisted(res, false) await updateVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoId, { name: 'please blacklist me' }) await checkIsBlacklisted(res, true) }) it('Should blacklist on remote upload', async function () { this.timeout(45000) const res = await uploadVideo(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, { name: 'remote please blacklist me' }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkIsBlacklisted(res, true) }) it('Should blacklist on remote update', async function () { this.timeout(45000) const res = await uploadVideo(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, { name: 'video' }) await waitJobs(servers) const videoId = res.body.video.uuid await checkIsBlacklisted(res, false) await updateVideo(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, videoId, { name: 'please blacklist me' }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkIsBlacklisted(res, true) }) }) describe('Should run filter:api.user.signup.allowed.result', function () { it('Should run on config endpoint', async function () { const res = await getConfig(servers[0].url) expect((res.body as ServerConfig).signup.allowed).to.be.true }) it('Should allow a signup', async function () { await registerUser(servers[0].url, 'john', 'password') }) it('Should not allow a signup', async function () { const res = await registerUser(servers[0].url, 'jma', 'password', 403) expect(res.body.error).to.equal('No jma') }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests(servers) }) })