/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import { expect } from 'chai' import { decrypt, encrypt } from '@server/helpers/peertube-crypto' describe('Encrypt/Descrypt', function () { it('Should encrypt and decrypt the string', async function () { const secret = 'my_secret' const str = 'my super string' const encrypted = await encrypt(str, secret) const decrypted = await decrypt(encrypted, secret) expect(str).to.equal(decrypted) }) it('Should not decrypt without the same secret', async function () { const str = 'my super string' const encrypted = await encrypt(str, 'my_secret') let error = false try { await decrypt(encrypted, 'my_sicret') } catch (err) { error = true } expect(error).to.be.true }) })