/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { snakeCase } from 'lodash' import validator from 'validator' import { getAverageBitrate, getMaxBitrate } from '@shared/core-utils' import { VideoResolution } from '@shared/models' import { objectConverter, parseBytes } from '../../helpers/core-utils' const expect = chai.expect describe('Parse Bytes', function () { it('Should pass when given valid value', async function () { // just return it expect(parseBytes(1024)).to.be.eq(1024) expect(parseBytes(1048576)).to.be.eq(1048576) expect(parseBytes('1024')).to.be.eq(1024) expect(parseBytes('1048576')).to.be.eq(1048576) // sizes expect(parseBytes('1B')).to.be.eq(1024) expect(parseBytes('1MB')).to.be.eq(1048576) expect(parseBytes('1GB')).to.be.eq(1073741824) expect(parseBytes('1TB')).to.be.eq(1099511627776) expect(parseBytes('5GB')).to.be.eq(5368709120) expect(parseBytes('5TB')).to.be.eq(5497558138880) expect(parseBytes('1024B')).to.be.eq(1048576) expect(parseBytes('1024MB')).to.be.eq(1073741824) expect(parseBytes('1024GB')).to.be.eq(1099511627776) expect(parseBytes('1024TB')).to.be.eq(1125899906842624) // with whitespace expect(parseBytes('1 GB')).to.be.eq(1073741824) expect(parseBytes('1\tGB')).to.be.eq(1073741824) // sum value expect(parseBytes('1TB 1024MB')).to.be.eq(1100585369600) expect(parseBytes('4GB 1024MB')).to.be.eq(5368709120) expect(parseBytes('4TB 1024GB')).to.be.eq(5497558138880) expect(parseBytes('4TB 1024GB 0MB')).to.be.eq(5497558138880) expect(parseBytes('1024TB 1024GB 1024MB')).to.be.eq(1127000492212224) }) it('Should be invalid when given invalid value', async function () { expect(parseBytes('6GB 1GB')).to.be.eq(6) }) }) describe('Object', function () { it('Should convert an object', async function () { function keyConverter (k: string) { return snakeCase(k) } function valueConverter (v: any) { if (validator.isNumeric(v + '')) return parseInt('' + v, 10) return v } const obj = { mySuperKey: 'hello', mySuper2Key: '45', mySuper3Key: { mySuperSubKey: '15', mySuperSub2Key: 'hello', mySuperSub3Key: [ '1', 'hello', 2 ], mySuperSub4Key: 4 }, mySuper4Key: 45, toto: { super_key: '15', superKey2: 'hello' }, super_key: { superKey4: 15 } } const res = objectConverter(obj, keyConverter, valueConverter) expect(res.my_super_key).to.equal('hello') expect(res.my_super_2_key).to.equal(45) expect(res.my_super_3_key.my_super_sub_key).to.equal(15) expect(res.my_super_3_key.my_super_sub_2_key).to.equal('hello') expect(res.my_super_3_key.my_super_sub_3_key).to.deep.equal([ 1, 'hello', 2 ]) expect(res.my_super_3_key.my_super_sub_4_key).to.equal(4) expect(res.toto.super_key).to.equal(15) expect(res.toto.super_key_2).to.equal('hello') expect(res.super_key.super_key_4).to.equal(15) // Immutable expect(res.mySuperKey).to.be.undefined expect(obj['my_super_key']).to.be.undefined }) }) describe('Bitrate', function () { it('Should get appropriate max bitrate', function () { const tests = [ { resolution: VideoResolution.H_240P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 600, max: 800 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_360P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 1200, max: 1600 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_480P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 2000, max: 2300 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_720P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 4000, max: 4400 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_1080P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 8000, max: 10000 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_4K, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 25000, max: 30000 } ] for (const test of tests) { expect(getMaxBitrate(test)).to.be.above(test.min * 1000).and.below(test.max * 1000) } }) it('Should get appropriate average bitrate', function () { const tests = [ { resolution: VideoResolution.H_240P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 350, max: 450 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_360P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 700, max: 900 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_480P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 1100, max: 1300 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_720P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 2300, max: 2500 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_1080P, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 4700, max: 5000 }, { resolution: VideoResolution.H_4K, ratio: 16 / 9, fps: 24, min: 15000, max: 17000 } ] for (const test of tests) { expect(getAverageBitrate(test)).to.be.above(test.min * 1000).and.below(test.max * 1000) } }) })