/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { omit } from 'lodash' import * as request from 'supertest' import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/core-utils/miscs/http-error-codes' import { Account, CustomConfig, HTMLServerConfig, ServerConfig, VideoPlaylistPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { addVideoInPlaylist, cleanupTests, createVideoPlaylist, doubleFollow, flushAndRunMultipleServers, getAccount, getConfig, getCustomConfig, getVideosList, makeGetRequest, makeHTMLRequest, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel, updateCustomConfig, updateCustomSubConfig, updateMyUser, updateVideoChannel, uploadVideo, waitJobs } from '../../shared/extra-utils' const expect = chai.expect function checkIndexTags (html: string, title: string, description: string, css: string, config: ServerConfig) { expect(html).to.contain('' + title + '') expect(html).to.contain('') expect(html).to.contain('') const htmlConfig: HTMLServerConfig = omit(config, 'signup') expect(html).to.contain(``) } describe('Test a client controllers', function () { let servers: ServerInfo[] = [] let account: Account const videoName = 'my super name for server 1' const videoDescription = 'my
super __description__ for *server* 1

' const videoDescriptionPlainText = 'my super description for server 1' const playlistName = 'super playlist name' const playlistDescription = 'super playlist description' let playlistUUID: string const channelDescription = 'my super channel description' const watchVideoBasePaths = [ '/videos/watch/', '/w/' ] const watchPlaylistBasePaths = [ '/videos/watch/playlist/', '/w/p/' ] before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2) await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) await setDefaultVideoChannel(servers) await updateVideoChannel(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, servers[0].videoChannel.name, { description: channelDescription }) // Video const videoAttributes = { name: videoName, description: videoDescription } await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoAttributes) const resVideosRequest = await getVideosList(servers[0].url) const videos = resVideosRequest.body.data expect(videos.length).to.equal(1) servers[0].video = videos[0] // Playlist const playlistAttrs = { displayName: playlistName, description: playlistDescription, privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id } const resVideoPlaylistRequest = await createVideoPlaylist({ url: servers[0].url, token: servers[0].accessToken, playlistAttrs }) const playlist = resVideoPlaylistRequest.body.videoPlaylist const playlistId = playlist.id playlistUUID = playlist.uuid await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: servers[0].url, token: servers[0].accessToken, playlistId, elementAttrs: { videoId: servers[0].video.id } }) // Account await updateMyUser({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, description: 'my account description' }) const resAccountRequest = await getAccount(servers[0].url, `${servers[0].user.username}@${servers[0].host}`) account = resAccountRequest.body await waitJobs(servers) }) describe('oEmbed', function () { it('Should have valid oEmbed discovery tags for videos', async function () { for (const basePath of watchVideoBasePaths) { const path = basePath + servers[0].video.uuid const res = await request(servers[0].url) .get(path) .set('Accept', 'text/html') .expect(HttpStatusCode.OK_200) const port = servers[0].port const expectedLink = '` expect(res.text).to.contain(expectedLink) } }) it('Should have valid oEmbed discovery tags for a playlist', async function () { for (const basePath of watchPlaylistBasePaths) { const res = await request(servers[0].url) .get(basePath + playlistUUID) .set('Accept', 'text/html') .expect(HttpStatusCode.OK_200) const port = servers[0].port const expectedLink = '` expect(res.text).to.contain(expectedLink) } }) }) describe('Open Graph', function () { async function accountPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain(``) } async function channelPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain(``) } async function watchVideoPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain(``) } async function watchPlaylistPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain(``) } it('Should have valid Open Graph tags on the account page', async function () { await accountPageTest('/accounts/' + servers[0].user.username) await accountPageTest('/a/' + servers[0].user.username) await accountPageTest('/@' + servers[0].user.username) }) it('Should have valid Open Graph tags on the channel page', async function () { await channelPageTest('/video-channels/' + servers[0].videoChannel.name) await channelPageTest('/c/' + servers[0].videoChannel.name) await channelPageTest('/@' + servers[0].videoChannel.name) }) it('Should have valid Open Graph tags on the watch page', async function () { await watchVideoPageTest('/videos/watch/' + servers[0].video.id) await watchVideoPageTest('/videos/watch/' + servers[0].video.uuid) await watchVideoPageTest('/w/' + servers[0].video.uuid) await watchVideoPageTest('/w/' + servers[0].video.id) }) it('Should have valid Open Graph tags on the watch playlist page', async function () { await watchPlaylistPageTest('/videos/watch/playlist/' + playlistUUID) await watchPlaylistPageTest('/w/p/' + playlistUUID) }) }) describe('Twitter card', async function () { describe('Not whitelisted', function () { async function accountPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain(``) } async function channelPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain(``) } async function watchVideoPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain(``) } async function watchPlaylistPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain(``) expect(text).to.contain(``) } it('Should have valid twitter card on the watch video page', async function () { await watchVideoPageTest('/videos/watch/' + servers[0].video.id) await watchVideoPageTest('/videos/watch/' + servers[0].video.uuid) await watchVideoPageTest('/w/' + servers[0].video.uuid) await watchVideoPageTest('/w/' + servers[0].video.id) }) it('Should have valid twitter card on the watch playlist page', async function () { await watchPlaylistPageTest('/videos/watch/playlist/' + playlistUUID) await watchPlaylistPageTest('/w/p/' + playlistUUID) }) it('Should have valid twitter card on the account page', async function () { await accountPageTest('/accounts/' + account.name) await accountPageTest('/a/' + account.name) await accountPageTest('/@' + account.name) }) it('Should have valid twitter card on the channel page', async function () { await channelPageTest('/video-channels/' + servers[0].videoChannel.name) await channelPageTest('/c/' + servers[0].videoChannel.name) await channelPageTest('/@' + servers[0].videoChannel.name) }) }) describe('Whitelisted', function () { before(async function () { const res = await getCustomConfig(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken) const config = res.body as CustomConfig config.services.twitter = { username: '@Kuja', whitelisted: true } await updateCustomConfig(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, config) }) async function accountPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain('') } async function channelPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain('') } async function watchVideoPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain('') } async function watchPlaylistPageTest (path: string) { const res = await makeGetRequest({ url: servers[0].url, path, accept: 'text/html', statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const text = res.text expect(text).to.contain('') expect(text).to.contain('') } it('Should have valid twitter card on the watch video page', async function () { await watchVideoPageTest('/videos/watch/' + servers[0].video.id) await watchVideoPageTest('/videos/watch/' + servers[0].video.uuid) await watchVideoPageTest('/w/' + servers[0].video.uuid) await watchVideoPageTest('/w/' + servers[0].video.id) }) it('Should have valid twitter card on the watch playlist page', async function () { await watchPlaylistPageTest('/videos/watch/playlist/' + playlistUUID) await watchPlaylistPageTest('/w/p/' + playlistUUID) }) it('Should have valid twitter card on the account page', async function () { await accountPageTest('/accounts/' + account.name) await accountPageTest('/a/' + account.name) await accountPageTest('/@' + account.name) }) it('Should have valid twitter card on the channel page', async function () { await channelPageTest('/video-channels/' + servers[0].videoChannel.name) await channelPageTest('/c/' + servers[0].videoChannel.name) await channelPageTest('/@' + servers[0].videoChannel.name) }) }) }) describe('Index HTML', function () { it('Should have valid index html tags (title, description...)', async function () { const resConfig = await getConfig(servers[0].url) const res = await makeHTMLRequest(servers[0].url, '/videos/trending') const description = 'PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.' checkIndexTags(res.text, 'PeerTube', description, '', resConfig.body) }) it('Should update the customized configuration and have the correct index html tags', async function () { await updateCustomSubConfig(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, { instance: { name: 'PeerTube updated', shortDescription: 'my short description', description: 'my super description', terms: 'my super terms', defaultNSFWPolicy: 'blur', defaultClientRoute: '/videos/recently-added', customizations: { javascript: 'alert("coucou")', css: 'body { background-color: red; }' } } }) const resConfig = await getConfig(servers[0].url) const res = await makeHTMLRequest(servers[0].url, '/videos/trending') checkIndexTags(res.text, 'PeerTube updated', 'my short description', 'body { background-color: red; }', resConfig.body) }) it('Should have valid index html updated tags (title, description...)', async function () { const resConfig = await getConfig(servers[0].url) const res = await makeHTMLRequest(servers[0].url, '/videos/trending') checkIndexTags(res.text, 'PeerTube updated', 'my short description', 'body { background-color: red; }', resConfig.body) }) it('Should use the original video URL for the canonical tag', async function () { for (const basePath of watchVideoBasePaths) { const res = await makeHTMLRequest(servers[1].url, basePath + servers[0].video.uuid) expect(res.text).to.contain(``) } }) it('Should use the original account URL for the canonical tag', async function () { const accountURLtest = (res) => { expect(res.text).to.contain(``) } accountURLtest(await makeHTMLRequest(servers[1].url, '/accounts/root@' + servers[0].host)) accountURLtest(await makeHTMLRequest(servers[1].url, '/a/root@' + servers[0].host)) accountURLtest(await makeHTMLRequest(servers[1].url, '/@root@' + servers[0].host)) }) it('Should use the original channel URL for the canonical tag', async function () { const channelURLtests = (res) => { expect(res.text).to.contain(``) } channelURLtests(await makeHTMLRequest(servers[1].url, '/video-channels/root_channel@' + servers[0].host)) channelURLtests(await makeHTMLRequest(servers[1].url, '/c/root_channel@' + servers[0].host)) channelURLtests(await makeHTMLRequest(servers[1].url, '/@root_channel@' + servers[0].host)) }) it('Should use the original playlist URL for the canonical tag', async function () { for (const basePath of watchPlaylistBasePaths) { const res = await makeHTMLRequest(servers[1].url, basePath + playlistUUID) expect(res.text).to.contain(``) } }) }) describe('Embed HTML', function () { it('Should have the correct embed html tags', async function () { const resConfig = await getConfig(servers[0].url) const res = await makeHTMLRequest(servers[0].url, servers[0].video.embedPath) checkIndexTags(res.text, 'PeerTube updated', 'my short description', 'body { background-color: red; }', resConfig.body) }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests(servers) }) })