/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import { expect } from 'chai' import { pathExists, readdir, stat } from 'fs-extra' import { join } from 'path' import { buildAbsoluteFixturePath } from '@shared/core-utils' import { sha1 } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { HttpStatusCode, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { cleanupTests, createSingleServer, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel } from '@shared/server-commands' // Most classic resumable upload tests are done in other test suites describe('Test resumable upload', function () { const defaultFixture = 'video_short.mp4' let server: PeerTubeServer let rootId: number let userAccessToken: string let userChannelId: number async function buildSize (fixture: string, size?: number) { if (size !== undefined) return size const baseFixture = buildAbsoluteFixturePath(fixture) return (await stat(baseFixture)).size } async function prepareUpload (options: { channelId?: number token?: string size?: number originalName?: string lastModified?: number } = {}) { const { token, originalName, lastModified } = options const size = await buildSize(defaultFixture, options.size) const attributes = { name: 'video', channelId: options.channelId ?? server.store.channel.id, privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, fixture: defaultFixture } const mimetype = 'video/mp4' const res = await server.videos.prepareResumableUpload({ token, attributes, size, mimetype, originalName, lastModified }) return res.header['location'].split('?')[1] } async function sendChunks (options: { token?: string pathUploadId: string size?: number expectedStatus?: HttpStatusCode contentLength?: number contentRange?: string contentRangeBuilder?: (start: number, chunk: any) => string digestBuilder?: (chunk: any) => string }) { const { token, pathUploadId, expectedStatus, contentLength, contentRangeBuilder, digestBuilder } = options const size = await buildSize(defaultFixture, options.size) const absoluteFilePath = buildAbsoluteFixturePath(defaultFixture) return server.videos.sendResumableChunks({ token, pathUploadId, videoFilePath: absoluteFilePath, size, contentLength, contentRangeBuilder, digestBuilder, expectedStatus }) } async function checkFileSize (uploadIdArg: string, expectedSize: number | null) { const uploadId = uploadIdArg.replace(/^upload_id=/, '') const subPath = join('tmp', 'resumable-uploads', uploadId) const filePath = server.servers.buildDirectory(subPath) const exists = await pathExists(filePath) if (expectedSize === null) { expect(exists).to.be.false return } expect(exists).to.be.true expect((await stat(filePath)).size).to.equal(expectedSize) } async function countResumableUploads () { const subPath = join('tmp', 'resumable-uploads') const filePath = server.servers.buildDirectory(subPath) const files = await readdir(filePath) return files.length } before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) server = await createSingleServer(1) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) await setDefaultVideoChannel([ server ]) const body = await server.users.getMyInfo() rootId = body.id { userAccessToken = await server.users.generateUserAndToken('user1') const { videoChannels } = await server.users.getMyInfo({ token: userAccessToken }) userChannelId = videoChannels[0].id } await server.users.update({ userId: rootId, videoQuota: 10_000_000 }) }) describe('Directory cleaning', function () { // FIXME: https://github.com/kukhariev/node-uploadx/pull/524/files#r852989382 // it('Should correctly delete files after an upload', async function () { // const uploadId = await prepareUpload() // await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId }) // await server.videos.endResumableUpload({ pathUploadId: uploadId }) // expect(await countResumableUploads()).to.equal(0) // }) it('Should not delete files after an unfinished upload', async function () { await prepareUpload() expect(await countResumableUploads()).to.equal(2) }) it('Should not delete recent uploads', async function () { await server.debug.sendCommand({ body: { command: 'remove-dandling-resumable-uploads' } }) expect(await countResumableUploads()).to.equal(2) }) it('Should delete old uploads', async function () { await server.debug.sendCommand({ body: { command: 'remove-dandling-resumable-uploads' } }) expect(await countResumableUploads()).to.equal(0) }) }) describe('Resumable upload and chunks', function () { it('Should accept the same amount of chunks', async function () { const uploadId = await prepareUpload() await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId }) await checkFileSize(uploadId, null) }) it('Should not accept more chunks than expected', async function () { const uploadId = await prepareUpload({ size: 100 }) await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409 }) await checkFileSize(uploadId, 0) }) it('Should not accept more chunks than expected with an invalid content length/content range', async function () { const uploadId = await prepareUpload({ size: 1500 }) // Content length check can be different depending on the node version try { await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409, contentLength: 1000 }) await checkFileSize(uploadId, 0) } catch { await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400, contentLength: 1000 }) await checkFileSize(uploadId, 0) } }) it('Should not accept more chunks than expected with an invalid content length', async function () { const uploadId = await prepareUpload({ size: 500 }) const size = 1000 // Content length check seems to have changed in v16 const expectedStatus = process.version.startsWith('v16') ? HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409 : HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 const contentRangeBuilder = (start: number) => `bytes ${start}-${start + size - 1}/${size}` await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, expectedStatus, contentRangeBuilder, contentLength: size }) await checkFileSize(uploadId, 0) }) it('Should be able to accept 2 PUT requests', async function () { const uploadId = await prepareUpload() const result1 = await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId }) const result2 = await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId }) expect(result1.body.video.uuid).to.exist expect(result1.body.video.uuid).to.equal(result2.body.video.uuid) expect(result1.headers['x-resumable-upload-cached']).to.not.exist expect(result2.headers['x-resumable-upload-cached']).to.equal('true') await checkFileSize(uploadId, null) }) it('Should not have the same upload id with 2 different users', async function () { const originalName = 'toto.mp4' const lastModified = new Date().getTime() const uploadId1 = await prepareUpload({ originalName, lastModified, token: server.accessToken }) const uploadId2 = await prepareUpload({ originalName, lastModified, channelId: userChannelId, token: userAccessToken }) expect(uploadId1).to.not.equal(uploadId2) }) it('Should have the same upload id with the same user', async function () { const originalName = 'toto.mp4' const lastModified = new Date().getTime() const uploadId1 = await prepareUpload({ originalName, lastModified }) const uploadId2 = await prepareUpload({ originalName, lastModified }) expect(uploadId1).to.equal(uploadId2) }) it('Should not cache a request with 2 different users', async function () { const originalName = 'toto.mp4' const lastModified = new Date().getTime() const uploadId = await prepareUpload({ originalName, lastModified, token: server.accessToken }) await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, token: server.accessToken }) await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, token: userAccessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) it('Should not cache a request after a delete', async function () { const originalName = 'toto.mp4' const lastModified = new Date().getTime() const uploadId1 = await prepareUpload({ originalName, lastModified, token: server.accessToken }) await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId1 }) await server.videos.endResumableUpload({ pathUploadId: uploadId1 }) const uploadId2 = await prepareUpload({ originalName, lastModified, token: server.accessToken }) expect(uploadId1).to.equal(uploadId2) const result2 = await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId1 }) expect(result2.headers['x-resumable-upload-cached']).to.not.exist }) it('Should refuse an invalid digest', async function () { const uploadId = await prepareUpload({ token: server.accessToken }) await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, token: server.accessToken, digestBuilder: () => 'sha=' + 'a'.repeat(40), expectedStatus: 460 as any }) }) it('Should accept an appropriate digest', async function () { const uploadId = await prepareUpload({ token: server.accessToken }) await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, token: server.accessToken, digestBuilder: (chunk: Buffer) => { return 'sha1=' + sha1(chunk, 'base64') } }) }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) })