/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import * as chai from 'chai' import 'mocha' import { join } from 'path' import * as request from 'supertest' import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../../../shared/models/videos' import { VideoComment, VideoCommentThreadTree } from '../../../../shared/models/videos/video-comment.model' import { addVideoChannel, checkTmpIsEmpty, checkVideoFilesWereRemoved, cleanupTests, completeVideoCheck, createUser, dateIsValid, doubleFollow, flushAndRunMultipleServers, getLocalVideos, getVideo, getVideoChannelsList, getVideosList, rateVideo, removeVideo, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, testImage, updateVideo, uploadVideo, userLogin, viewVideo, wait, webtorrentAdd } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils' import { addVideoCommentReply, addVideoCommentThread, deleteVideoComment, getVideoCommentThreads, getVideoThreadComments, findCommentId } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils/videos/video-comments' import { waitJobs } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils/server/jobs' import { HttpStatusCode } from '../../../../shared/core-utils/miscs/http-error-codes' const expect = chai.expect describe('Test multiple servers', function () { let servers: ServerInfo[] = [] const toRemove = [] let videoUUID = '' let videoChannelId: number before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(3) // Get the access tokens await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) { const videoChannel = { name: 'super_channel_name', displayName: 'my channel', description: 'super channel' } await addVideoChannel(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoChannel) const channelRes = await getVideoChannelsList(servers[0].url, 0, 1) videoChannelId = channelRes.body.data[0].id } // Server 1 and server 2 follow each other await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) // Server 1 and server 3 follow each other await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[2]) // Server 2 and server 3 follow each other await doubleFollow(servers[1], servers[2]) }) it('Should not have videos for all servers', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const videos = res.body.data expect(videos).to.be.an('array') expect(videos.length).to.equal(0) } }) describe('Should upload the video and propagate on each server', function () { it('Should upload the video on server 1 and propagate on each server', async function () { this.timeout(25000) const videoAttributes = { name: 'my super name for server 1', category: 5, licence: 4, language: 'ja', nsfw: true, description: 'my super description for server 1', support: 'my super support text for server 1', originallyPublishedAt: '2019-02-10T13:38:14.449Z', tags: [ 'tag1p1', 'tag2p1' ], channelId: videoChannelId, fixture: 'video_short1.webm' } await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoAttributes) await waitJobs(servers) // All servers should have this video let publishedAt: string = null for (const server of servers) { const isLocal = server.port === servers[0].port const checkAttributes = { name: 'my super name for server 1', category: 5, licence: 4, language: 'ja', nsfw: true, description: 'my super description for server 1', support: 'my super support text for server 1', originallyPublishedAt: '2019-02-10T13:38:14.449Z', account: { name: 'root', host: 'localhost:' + servers[0].port }, isLocal, publishedAt, duration: 10, tags: [ 'tag1p1', 'tag2p1' ], privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, commentsEnabled: true, downloadEnabled: true, channel: { displayName: 'my channel', name: 'super_channel_name', description: 'super channel', isLocal }, fixture: 'video_short1.webm', files: [ { resolution: 720, size: 572456 } ] } const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const videos = res.body.data expect(videos).to.be.an('array') expect(videos.length).to.equal(1) const video = videos[0] await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video, checkAttributes) publishedAt = video.publishedAt } }) it('Should upload the video on server 2 and propagate on each server', async function () { this.timeout(100000) const user = { username: 'user1', password: 'super_password' } await createUser({ url: servers[1].url, accessToken: servers[1].accessToken, username: user.username, password: user.password }) const userAccessToken = await userLogin(servers[1], user) const videoAttributes = { name: 'my super name for server 2', category: 4, licence: 3, language: 'de', nsfw: true, description: 'my super description for server 2', support: 'my super support text for server 2', tags: [ 'tag1p2', 'tag2p2', 'tag3p2' ], fixture: 'video_short2.webm', thumbnailfile: 'thumbnail.jpg', previewfile: 'preview.jpg' } await uploadVideo(servers[1].url, userAccessToken, videoAttributes, HttpStatusCode.OK_200, 'resumable') // Transcoding await waitJobs(servers) // All servers should have this video for (const server of servers) { const isLocal = server.url === 'http://localhost:' + servers[1].port const checkAttributes = { name: 'my super name for server 2', category: 4, licence: 3, language: 'de', nsfw: true, description: 'my super description for server 2', support: 'my super support text for server 2', account: { name: 'user1', host: 'localhost:' + servers[1].port }, isLocal, commentsEnabled: true, downloadEnabled: true, duration: 5, tags: [ 'tag1p2', 'tag2p2', 'tag3p2' ], privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channel: { displayName: 'Main user1 channel', name: 'user1_channel', description: 'super channel', isLocal }, fixture: 'video_short2.webm', files: [ { resolution: 240, size: 270000 }, { resolution: 360, size: 359000 }, { resolution: 480, size: 465000 }, { resolution: 720, size: 788000 } ], thumbnailfile: 'thumbnail', previewfile: 'preview' } const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const videos = res.body.data expect(videos).to.be.an('array') expect(videos.length).to.equal(2) const video = videos[1] await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video, checkAttributes) } }) it('Should upload two videos on server 3 and propagate on each server', async function () { this.timeout(45000) const videoAttributes1 = { name: 'my super name for server 3', category: 6, licence: 5, language: 'de', nsfw: true, description: 'my super description for server 3', support: 'my super support text for server 3', tags: [ 'tag1p3' ], fixture: 'video_short3.webm' } await uploadVideo(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, videoAttributes1) const videoAttributes2 = { name: 'my super name for server 3-2', category: 7, licence: 6, language: 'ko', nsfw: false, description: 'my super description for server 3-2', support: 'my super support text for server 3-2', tags: [ 'tag2p3', 'tag3p3', 'tag4p3' ], fixture: 'video_short.webm' } await uploadVideo(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, videoAttributes2) await waitJobs(servers) // All servers should have this video for (const server of servers) { const isLocal = server.url === 'http://localhost:' + servers[2].port const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const videos = res.body.data expect(videos).to.be.an('array') expect(videos.length).to.equal(4) // We not sure about the order of the two last uploads let video1 = null let video2 = null if (videos[2].name === 'my super name for server 3') { video1 = videos[2] video2 = videos[3] } else { video1 = videos[3] video2 = videos[2] } const checkAttributesVideo1 = { name: 'my super name for server 3', category: 6, licence: 5, language: 'de', nsfw: true, description: 'my super description for server 3', support: 'my super support text for server 3', account: { name: 'root', host: 'localhost:' + servers[2].port }, isLocal, duration: 5, commentsEnabled: true, downloadEnabled: true, tags: [ 'tag1p3' ], privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channel: { displayName: 'Main root channel', name: 'root_channel', description: '', isLocal }, fixture: 'video_short3.webm', files: [ { resolution: 720, size: 292677 } ] } await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video1, checkAttributesVideo1) const checkAttributesVideo2 = { name: 'my super name for server 3-2', category: 7, licence: 6, language: 'ko', nsfw: false, description: 'my super description for server 3-2', support: 'my super support text for server 3-2', account: { name: 'root', host: 'localhost:' + servers[2].port }, commentsEnabled: true, downloadEnabled: true, isLocal, duration: 5, tags: [ 'tag2p3', 'tag3p3', 'tag4p3' ], privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channel: { displayName: 'Main root channel', name: 'root_channel', description: '', isLocal }, fixture: 'video_short.webm', files: [ { resolution: 720, size: 218910 } ] } await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video2, checkAttributesVideo2) } }) }) describe('It should list local videos', function () { it('Should list only local videos on server 1', async function () { const { body } = await getLocalVideos(servers[0].url) expect(body.total).to.equal(1) expect(body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(body.data.length).to.equal(1) expect(body.data[0].name).to.equal('my super name for server 1') }) it('Should list only local videos on server 2', async function () { const { body } = await getLocalVideos(servers[1].url) expect(body.total).to.equal(1) expect(body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(body.data.length).to.equal(1) expect(body.data[0].name).to.equal('my super name for server 2') }) it('Should list only local videos on server 3', async function () { const { body } = await getLocalVideos(servers[2].url) expect(body.total).to.equal(2) expect(body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(body.data.length).to.equal(2) expect(body.data[0].name).to.equal('my super name for server 3') expect(body.data[1].name).to.equal('my super name for server 3-2') }) }) describe('Should seed the uploaded video', function () { it('Should add the file 1 by asking server 3', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const res = await getVideosList(servers[2].url) const video = res.body.data[0] toRemove.push(res.body.data[2]) toRemove.push(res.body.data[3]) const res2 = await getVideo(servers[2].url, video.id) const videoDetails = res2.body const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(videoDetails.files[0].magnetUri, true) expect(torrent.files).to.be.an('array') expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1) expect(torrent.files[0].path).to.exist.and.to.not.equal('') }) it('Should add the file 2 by asking server 1', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const res = await getVideosList(servers[0].url) const video = res.body.data[1] const res2 = await getVideo(servers[0].url, video.id) const videoDetails = res2.body const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(videoDetails.files[0].magnetUri, true) expect(torrent.files).to.be.an('array') expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1) expect(torrent.files[0].path).to.exist.and.to.not.equal('') }) it('Should add the file 3 by asking server 2', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const res = await getVideosList(servers[1].url) const video = res.body.data[2] const res2 = await getVideo(servers[1].url, video.id) const videoDetails = res2.body const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(videoDetails.files[0].magnetUri, true) expect(torrent.files).to.be.an('array') expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1) expect(torrent.files[0].path).to.exist.and.to.not.equal('') }) it('Should add the file 3-2 by asking server 1', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const res = await getVideosList(servers[0].url) const video = res.body.data[3] const res2 = await getVideo(servers[0].url, video.id) const videoDetails = res2.body const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(videoDetails.files[0].magnetUri) expect(torrent.files).to.be.an('array') expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1) expect(torrent.files[0].path).to.exist.and.to.not.equal('') }) it('Should add the file 2 in 360p by asking server 1', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const res = await getVideosList(servers[0].url) const video = res.body.data.find(v => v.name === 'my super name for server 2') const res2 = await getVideo(servers[0].url, video.id) const videoDetails = res2.body const file = videoDetails.files.find(f => f.resolution.id === 360) expect(file).not.to.be.undefined const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(file.magnetUri) expect(torrent.files).to.be.an('array') expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1) expect(torrent.files[0].path).to.exist.and.to.not.equal('') }) }) describe('Should update video views, likes and dislikes', function () { let localVideosServer3 = [] let remoteVideosServer1 = [] let remoteVideosServer2 = [] let remoteVideosServer3 = [] before(async function () { const res1 = await getVideosList(servers[0].url) remoteVideosServer1 = res1.body.data.filter(video => video.isLocal === false).map(video => video.uuid) const res2 = await getVideosList(servers[1].url) remoteVideosServer2 = res2.body.data.filter(video => video.isLocal === false).map(video => video.uuid) const res3 = await getVideosList(servers[2].url) localVideosServer3 = res3.body.data.filter(video => video.isLocal === true).map(video => video.uuid) remoteVideosServer3 = res3.body.data.filter(video => video.isLocal === false).map(video => video.uuid) }) it('Should view multiple videos on owned servers', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await viewVideo(servers[2].url, localVideosServer3[0]) await wait(1000) await viewVideo(servers[2].url, localVideosServer3[0]) await viewVideo(servers[2].url, localVideosServer3[1]) await wait(1000) await viewVideo(servers[2].url, localVideosServer3[0]) await viewVideo(servers[2].url, localVideosServer3[0]) await waitJobs(servers) // Wait the repeatable job await wait(6000) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const videos = res.body.data const video0 = videos.find(v => v.uuid === localVideosServer3[0]) const video1 = videos.find(v => v.uuid === localVideosServer3[1]) expect(video0.views).to.equal(3) expect(video1.views).to.equal(1) } }) it('Should view multiple videos on each servers', async function () { this.timeout(45000) const tasks: Promise[] = [] tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[0].url, remoteVideosServer1[0])) tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[1].url, remoteVideosServer2[0])) tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[1].url, remoteVideosServer2[0])) tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[2].url, remoteVideosServer3[0])) tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[2].url, remoteVideosServer3[1])) tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[2].url, remoteVideosServer3[1])) tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[2].url, remoteVideosServer3[1])) tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[2].url, localVideosServer3[1])) tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[2].url, localVideosServer3[1])) tasks.push(viewVideo(servers[2].url, localVideosServer3[1])) await Promise.all(tasks) await waitJobs(servers) // Wait the repeatable job await wait(16000) await waitJobs(servers) let baseVideos = null for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const videos = res.body.data // Initialize base videos for future comparisons if (baseVideos === null) { baseVideos = videos continue } for (const baseVideo of baseVideos) { const sameVideo = videos.find(video => video.name === baseVideo.name) expect(baseVideo.views).to.equal(sameVideo.views) } } }) it('Should like and dislikes videos on different services', async function () { this.timeout(50000) await rateVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, remoteVideosServer1[0], 'like') await wait(500) await rateVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, remoteVideosServer1[0], 'dislike') await wait(500) await rateVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, remoteVideosServer1[0], 'like') await rateVideo(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, localVideosServer3[1], 'like') await wait(500) await rateVideo(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, localVideosServer3[1], 'dislike') await rateVideo(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, remoteVideosServer3[1], 'dislike') await wait(500) await rateVideo(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, remoteVideosServer3[0], 'like') await waitJobs(servers) await wait(5000) let baseVideos = null for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const videos = res.body.data // Initialize base videos for future comparisons if (baseVideos === null) { baseVideos = videos continue } for (const baseVideo of baseVideos) { const sameVideo = videos.find(video => video.name === baseVideo.name) expect(baseVideo.likes).to.equal(sameVideo.likes) expect(baseVideo.dislikes).to.equal(sameVideo.dislikes) } } }) }) describe('Should manipulate these videos', function () { it('Should update the video 3 by asking server 3', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const attributes = { name: 'my super video updated', category: 10, licence: 7, language: 'fr', nsfw: true, description: 'my super description updated', support: 'my super support text updated', tags: [ 'tag_up_1', 'tag_up_2' ], thumbnailfile: 'thumbnail.jpg', originallyPublishedAt: '2019-02-11T13:38:14.449Z', previewfile: 'preview.jpg' } await updateVideo(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, toRemove[0].id, attributes) await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should have the video 3 updated on each server', async function () { this.timeout(10000) for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const videos = res.body.data const videoUpdated = videos.find(video => video.name === 'my super video updated') expect(!!videoUpdated).to.be.true const isLocal = server.url === 'http://localhost:' + servers[2].port const checkAttributes = { name: 'my super video updated', category: 10, licence: 7, language: 'fr', nsfw: true, description: 'my super description updated', support: 'my super support text updated', originallyPublishedAt: '2019-02-11T13:38:14.449Z', account: { name: 'root', host: 'localhost:' + servers[2].port }, isLocal, duration: 5, commentsEnabled: true, downloadEnabled: true, tags: [ 'tag_up_1', 'tag_up_2' ], privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channel: { displayName: 'Main root channel', name: 'root_channel', description: '', isLocal }, fixture: 'video_short3.webm', files: [ { resolution: 720, size: 292677 } ], thumbnailfile: 'thumbnail', previewfile: 'preview' } await completeVideoCheck(server.url, videoUpdated, checkAttributes) } }) it('Should remove the videos 3 and 3-2 by asking server 3', async function () { this.timeout(10000) await removeVideo(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, toRemove[0].id) await removeVideo(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, toRemove[1].id) await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should not have files of videos 3 and 3-2 on each server', async function () { for (const server of servers) { await checkVideoFilesWereRemoved(toRemove[0].uuid, server.internalServerNumber) await checkVideoFilesWereRemoved(toRemove[1].uuid, server.internalServerNumber) } }) it('Should have videos 1 and 3 on each server', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const videos = res.body.data expect(videos).to.be.an('array') expect(videos.length).to.equal(2) expect(videos[0].name).not.to.equal(videos[1].name) expect(videos[0].name).not.to.equal(toRemove[0].name) expect(videos[1].name).not.to.equal(toRemove[0].name) expect(videos[0].name).not.to.equal(toRemove[1].name) expect(videos[1].name).not.to.equal(toRemove[1].name) videoUUID = videos.find(video => video.name === 'my super name for server 1').uuid } }) it('Should get the same video by UUID on each server', async function () { let baseVideo = null for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoUUID) const video = res.body if (baseVideo === null) { baseVideo = video continue } expect(baseVideo.name).to.equal(video.name) expect(baseVideo.uuid).to.equal(video.uuid) expect(baseVideo.category.id).to.equal(video.category.id) expect(baseVideo.language.id).to.equal(video.language.id) expect(baseVideo.licence.id).to.equal(video.licence.id) expect(baseVideo.nsfw).to.equal(video.nsfw) expect(baseVideo.account.name).to.equal(video.account.name) expect(baseVideo.account.displayName).to.equal(video.account.displayName) expect(baseVideo.account.url).to.equal(video.account.url) expect(baseVideo.account.host).to.equal(video.account.host) expect(baseVideo.tags).to.deep.equal(video.tags) } }) it('Should get the preview from each server', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoUUID) const video = res.body await testImage(server.url, 'video_short1-preview.webm', video.previewPath) } }) }) describe('Should comment these videos', function () { let childOfFirstChild: VideoCommentThreadTree it('Should add comment (threads and replies)', async function () { this.timeout(25000) { const text = 'my super first comment' await addVideoCommentThread(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, text) } { const text = 'my super second comment' await addVideoCommentThread(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, videoUUID, text) } await waitJobs(servers) { const threadId = await findCommentId(servers[1].url, videoUUID, 'my super first comment') const text = 'my super answer to thread 1' await addVideoCommentReply(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, videoUUID, threadId, text) } await waitJobs(servers) { const threadId = await findCommentId(servers[2].url, videoUUID, 'my super first comment') const res2 = await getVideoThreadComments(servers[2].url, videoUUID, threadId) const childCommentId = res2.body.children[0].comment.id const text3 = 'my second answer to thread 1' await addVideoCommentReply(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, videoUUID, threadId, text3) const text2 = 'my super answer to answer of thread 1' await addVideoCommentReply(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, videoUUID, childCommentId, text2) } await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should have these threads', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideoCommentThreads(server.url, videoUUID, 0, 5) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(res.body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(2) { const comment: VideoComment = res.body.data.find(c => c.text === 'my super first comment') expect(comment).to.not.be.undefined expect(comment.inReplyToCommentId).to.be.null expect(comment.account.name).to.equal('root') expect(comment.account.host).to.equal('localhost:' + servers[0].port) expect(comment.totalReplies).to.equal(3) expect(dateIsValid(comment.createdAt as string)).to.be.true expect(dateIsValid(comment.updatedAt as string)).to.be.true } { const comment: VideoComment = res.body.data.find(c => c.text === 'my super second comment') expect(comment).to.not.be.undefined expect(comment.inReplyToCommentId).to.be.null expect(comment.account.name).to.equal('root') expect(comment.account.host).to.equal('localhost:' + servers[2].port) expect(comment.totalReplies).to.equal(0) expect(dateIsValid(comment.createdAt as string)).to.be.true expect(dateIsValid(comment.updatedAt as string)).to.be.true } } }) it('Should have these comments', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res1 = await getVideoCommentThreads(server.url, videoUUID, 0, 5) const threadId = res1.body.data.find(c => c.text === 'my super first comment').id const res2 = await getVideoThreadComments(server.url, videoUUID, threadId) const tree: VideoCommentThreadTree = res2.body expect(tree.comment.text).equal('my super first comment') expect(tree.comment.account.name).equal('root') expect(tree.comment.account.host).equal('localhost:' + servers[0].port) expect(tree.children).to.have.lengthOf(2) const firstChild = tree.children[0] expect(firstChild.comment.text).to.equal('my super answer to thread 1') expect(firstChild.comment.account.name).equal('root') expect(firstChild.comment.account.host).equal('localhost:' + servers[1].port) expect(firstChild.children).to.have.lengthOf(1) childOfFirstChild = firstChild.children[0] expect(childOfFirstChild.comment.text).to.equal('my super answer to answer of thread 1') expect(childOfFirstChild.comment.account.name).equal('root') expect(childOfFirstChild.comment.account.host).equal('localhost:' + servers[2].port) expect(childOfFirstChild.children).to.have.lengthOf(0) const secondChild = tree.children[1] expect(secondChild.comment.text).to.equal('my second answer to thread 1') expect(secondChild.comment.account.name).equal('root') expect(secondChild.comment.account.host).equal('localhost:' + servers[2].port) expect(secondChild.children).to.have.lengthOf(0) } }) it('Should delete a reply', async function () { this.timeout(10000) await deleteVideoComment(servers[2].url, servers[2].accessToken, videoUUID, childOfFirstChild.comment.id) await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should have this comment marked as deleted', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res1 = await getVideoCommentThreads(server.url, videoUUID, 0, 5) const threadId = res1.body.data.find(c => c.text === 'my super first comment').id const res2 = await getVideoThreadComments(server.url, videoUUID, threadId) const tree: VideoCommentThreadTree = res2.body expect(tree.comment.text).equal('my super first comment') const firstChild = tree.children[0] expect(firstChild.comment.text).to.equal('my super answer to thread 1') expect(firstChild.children).to.have.lengthOf(1) const deletedComment = firstChild.children[0].comment expect(deletedComment.isDeleted).to.be.true expect(deletedComment.deletedAt).to.not.be.null expect(deletedComment.account).to.be.null expect(deletedComment.text).to.equal('') const secondChild = tree.children[1] expect(secondChild.comment.text).to.equal('my second answer to thread 1') } }) it('Should delete the thread comments', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const res = await getVideoCommentThreads(servers[0].url, videoUUID, 0, 5) const threadId = res.body.data.find(c => c.text === 'my super first comment').id await deleteVideoComment(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, threadId) await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should have the threads marked as deleted on other servers too', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideoCommentThreads(server.url, videoUUID, 0, 5) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(res.body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(2) { const comment: VideoComment = res.body.data[0] expect(comment).to.not.be.undefined expect(comment.inReplyToCommentId).to.be.null expect(comment.account.name).to.equal('root') expect(comment.account.host).to.equal('localhost:' + servers[2].port) expect(comment.totalReplies).to.equal(0) expect(dateIsValid(comment.createdAt as string)).to.be.true expect(dateIsValid(comment.updatedAt as string)).to.be.true } { const deletedComment: VideoComment = res.body.data[1] expect(deletedComment).to.not.be.undefined expect(deletedComment.isDeleted).to.be.true expect(deletedComment.deletedAt).to.not.be.null expect(deletedComment.text).to.equal('') expect(deletedComment.inReplyToCommentId).to.be.null expect(deletedComment.account).to.be.null expect(deletedComment.totalReplies).to.equal(3) expect(dateIsValid(deletedComment.createdAt as string)).to.be.true expect(dateIsValid(deletedComment.updatedAt as string)).to.be.true expect(dateIsValid(deletedComment.deletedAt as string)).to.be.true } } }) it('Should delete a remote thread by the origin server', async function () { this.timeout(5000) const res = await getVideoCommentThreads(servers[0].url, videoUUID, 0, 5) const threadId = res.body.data.find(c => c.text === 'my super second comment').id await deleteVideoComment(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, threadId) await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should have the threads marked as deleted on other servers too', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideoCommentThreads(server.url, videoUUID, 0, 5) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(2) { const comment: VideoComment = res.body.data[0] expect(comment.text).to.equal('') expect(comment.isDeleted).to.be.true expect(comment.createdAt).to.not.be.null expect(comment.deletedAt).to.not.be.null expect(comment.account).to.be.null expect(comment.totalReplies).to.equal(0) } { const comment: VideoComment = res.body.data[1] expect(comment.text).to.equal('') expect(comment.isDeleted).to.be.true expect(comment.createdAt).to.not.be.null expect(comment.deletedAt).to.not.be.null expect(comment.account).to.be.null expect(comment.totalReplies).to.equal(3) } } }) it('Should disable comments and download', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const attributes = { commentsEnabled: false, downloadEnabled: false } await updateVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, attributes) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoUUID) expect(res.body.commentsEnabled).to.be.false expect(res.body.downloadEnabled).to.be.false const text = 'my super forbidden comment' await addVideoCommentThread(server.url, server.accessToken, videoUUID, text, HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409) } }) }) describe('With minimum parameters', function () { it('Should upload and propagate the video', async function () { this.timeout(60000) const path = '/api/v1/videos/upload' const req = request(servers[1].url) .post(path) .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + servers[1].accessToken) .field('name', 'minimum parameters') .field('privacy', '1') .field('channelId', '1') const filePath = join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm') await req.attach('videofile', filePath) .expect(HttpStatusCode.OK_200) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const video = res.body.data.find(v => v.name === 'minimum parameters') const isLocal = server.url === 'http://localhost:' + servers[1].port const checkAttributes = { name: 'minimum parameters', category: null, licence: null, language: null, nsfw: false, description: null, support: null, account: { name: 'root', host: 'localhost:' + servers[1].port }, isLocal, duration: 5, commentsEnabled: true, downloadEnabled: true, tags: [], privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, channel: { displayName: 'Main root channel', name: 'root_channel', description: '', isLocal }, fixture: 'video_short.webm', files: [ { resolution: 720, size: 59000 }, { resolution: 480, size: 34000 }, { resolution: 360, size: 31000 }, { resolution: 240, size: 23000 } ] } await completeVideoCheck(server.url, video, checkAttributes) } }) }) describe('TMP directory', function () { it('Should have an empty tmp directory', async function () { for (const server of servers) { await checkTmpIsEmpty(server) } }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests(servers) }) })