/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { cleanupTests, createSingleServer, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { Video, VideoPlaylistPrivacy } from '@shared/models' const expect = chai.expect describe('Test services', function () { let server: PeerTubeServer = null let playlistUUID: string let playlistDisplayName: string let video: Video before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) server = await createSingleServer(1) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) await setDefaultVideoChannel([ server ]) { const attributes = { name: 'my super name' } await server.videos.upload({ attributes }) const { data } = await server.videos.list() video = data[0] } { const created = await server.playlists.create({ attributes: { displayName: 'The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: server.store.channel.id } }) playlistUUID = created.uuid playlistDisplayName = 'The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck' await server.playlists.addElement({ playlistId: created.id, attributes: { videoId: video.id } }) } }) it('Should have a valid oEmbed video response', async function () { for (const basePath of [ '/videos/watch/', '/w/' ]) { for (const suffix of [ '', '?param=1' ]) { const oembedUrl = server.url + basePath + video.uuid + suffix const res = await server.services.getOEmbed({ oembedUrl }) const expectedHtml = '' const expectedThumbnailUrl = 'http://localhost:' + server.port + video.previewPath expect(res.body.html).to.equal(expectedHtml) expect(res.body.title).to.equal(video.name) expect(res.body.author_name).to.equal(server.store.channel.displayName) expect(res.body.width).to.equal(560) expect(res.body.height).to.equal(315) expect(res.body.thumbnail_url).to.equal(expectedThumbnailUrl) expect(res.body.thumbnail_width).to.equal(850) expect(res.body.thumbnail_height).to.equal(480) } } }) it('Should have a valid playlist oEmbed response', async function () { for (const basePath of [ '/videos/watch/playlist/', '/w/p/' ]) { for (const suffix of [ '', '?param=1' ]) { const oembedUrl = server.url + basePath + playlistUUID + suffix const res = await server.services.getOEmbed({ oembedUrl }) const expectedHtml = '' expect(res.body.html).to.equal(expectedHtml) expect(res.body.title).to.equal('The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck') expect(res.body.author_name).to.equal(server.store.channel.displayName) expect(res.body.width).to.equal(560) expect(res.body.height).to.equal(315) expect(res.body.thumbnail_url).exist expect(res.body.thumbnail_width).to.equal(280) expect(res.body.thumbnail_height).to.equal(157) } } }) it('Should have a valid oEmbed response with small max height query', async function () { for (const basePath of [ '/videos/watch/', '/w/' ]) { const oembedUrl = 'http://localhost:' + server.port + basePath + video.uuid const format = 'json' const maxHeight = 50 const maxWidth = 50 const res = await server.services.getOEmbed({ oembedUrl, format, maxHeight, maxWidth }) const expectedHtml = '' expect(res.body.html).to.equal(expectedHtml) expect(res.body.title).to.equal(video.name) expect(res.body.author_name).to.equal(server.store.channel.displayName) expect(res.body.height).to.equal(50) expect(res.body.width).to.equal(50) expect(res.body).to.not.have.property('thumbnail_url') expect(res.body).to.not.have.property('thumbnail_width') expect(res.body).to.not.have.property('thumbnail_height') } }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) })