/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import * as chai from 'chai' import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/models' import { cleanupTests, createSingleServer, killallServers, LogsCommand, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, waitJobs } from '@shared/server-commands' const expect = chai.expect describe('Test logs', function () { let server: PeerTubeServer let logsCommand: LogsCommand before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) server = await createSingleServer(1) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) logsCommand = server.logs }) describe('With the standard log file', function () { it('Should get logs with a start date', async function () { this.timeout(20000) await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 1' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const now = new Date() await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 2' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('video 1')).to.be.false expect(logsString.includes('video 2')).to.be.true }) it('Should get logs with an end date', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 3' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const now1 = new Date() await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 4' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const now2 = new Date() await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 5' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now1, endDate: now2 }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('video 3')).to.be.false expect(logsString.includes('video 4')).to.be.true expect(logsString.includes('video 5')).to.be.false }) it('Should filter by level', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const now = new Date() await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 6' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) { const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now, level: 'info' }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('video 6')).to.be.true } { const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now, level: 'warn' }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('video 6')).to.be.false } }) it('Should filter by tag', async function () { const now = new Date() const { uuid } = await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 6' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) { const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now, level: 'debug', tagsOneOf: [ 'toto' ] }) expect(body).to.have.lengthOf(0) } { const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now, level: 'debug', tagsOneOf: [ uuid ] }) expect(body).to.not.have.lengthOf(0) for (const line of body) { expect(line.tags).to.contain(uuid) } } }) it('Should log ping requests', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const now = new Date() await server.servers.ping() const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now, level: 'info' }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('/api/v1/ping')).to.be.true }) it('Should not log ping requests', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await killallServers([ server ]) await server.run({ log: { log_ping_requests: false } }) const now = new Date() await server.servers.ping() const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now, level: 'info' }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('/api/v1/ping')).to.be.false }) }) describe('With the audit log', function () { it('Should get logs with a start date', async function () { this.timeout(20000) await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 7' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const now = new Date() await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 8' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const body = await logsCommand.getAuditLogs({ startDate: now }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('video 7')).to.be.false expect(logsString.includes('video 8')).to.be.true expect(body).to.have.lengthOf(1) const item = body[0] const message = JSON.parse(item.message) expect(message.domain).to.equal('videos') expect(message.action).to.equal('create') }) it('Should get logs with an end date', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 9' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const now1 = new Date() await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 10' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const now2 = new Date() await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 11' } }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const body = await logsCommand.getAuditLogs({ startDate: now1, endDate: now2 }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('video 9')).to.be.false expect(logsString.includes('video 10')).to.be.true expect(logsString.includes('video 11')).to.be.false }) }) describe('When creating log from the client', function () { it('Should create a warn client log', async function () { const now = new Date() await server.logs.createLogClient({ payload: { level: 'warn', url: 'http://example.com', message: 'my super client message' }, token: null }) const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('my super client message')).to.be.true }) it('Should create an error authenticated client log', async function () { const now = new Date() await server.logs.createLogClient({ payload: { url: 'https://example.com/page1', level: 'error', message: 'my super client message 2', userAgent: 'super user agent', meta: '{hello}', stackTrace: 'super stack trace' } }) const body = await logsCommand.getLogs({ startDate: now }) const logsString = JSON.stringify(body) expect(logsString.includes('my super client message 2')).to.be.true expect(logsString.includes('super user agent')).to.be.true expect(logsString.includes('super stack trace')).to.be.true expect(logsString.includes('{hello}')).to.be.true expect(logsString.includes('https://example.com/page1')).to.be.true }) it('Should refuse to create client logs', async function () { await server.kill() await server.run({ log: { accept_client_log: false } }) await server.logs.createLogClient({ payload: { level: 'warn', url: 'http://example.com', message: 'my super client message' }, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) })