/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { cleanupTests, dateIsValid, doubleFollow, createMultipleServers, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, waitJobs } from '@shared/extra-utils' const expect = chai.expect describe('Test jobs', function () { let servers: PeerTubeServer[] before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) servers = await createMultipleServers(2) await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) // Server 1 and server 2 follow each other await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) }) it('Should create some jobs', async function () { this.timeout(120000) await servers[1].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video1' } }) await servers[1].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video2' } }) await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should list jobs', async function () { const body = await servers[1].jobs.getJobsList({ state: 'completed' }) expect(body.total).to.be.above(2) expect(body.data).to.have.length.above(2) }) it('Should list jobs with sort, pagination and job type', async function () { { const body = await servers[1].jobs.getJobsList({ state: 'completed', start: 1, count: 2, sort: 'createdAt' }) expect(body.total).to.be.above(2) expect(body.data).to.have.lengthOf(2) let job = body.data[0] // Skip repeat jobs if (job.type === 'videos-views') job = body.data[1] expect(job.state).to.equal('completed') expect(job.type.startsWith('activitypub-')).to.be.true expect(dateIsValid(job.createdAt as string)).to.be.true expect(dateIsValid(job.processedOn as string)).to.be.true expect(dateIsValid(job.finishedOn as string)).to.be.true } { const body = await servers[1].jobs.getJobsList({ state: 'completed', start: 0, count: 100, sort: 'createdAt', jobType: 'activitypub-http-broadcast' }) expect(body.total).to.be.above(2) for (const j of body.data) { expect(j.type).to.equal('activitypub-http-broadcast') } } }) it('Should list all jobs', async function () { const body = await servers[1].jobs.getJobsList() expect(body.total).to.be.above(2) const jobs = body.data expect(jobs).to.have.length.above(2) // We know there are a least 1 delayed job (video views) and 1 completed job (broadcast) expect(jobs.find(j => j.state === 'delayed')).to.not.be.undefined expect(jobs.find(j => j.state === 'completed')).to.not.be.undefined }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests(servers) }) })