'use strict' const async = require('async') const chai = require('chai') const expect = chai.expect const request = require('supertest') const utils = require('./utils') describe('Test basic friends', function () { let servers = [] function testMadeFriends (servers, serverToTest, callback) { const friends = [] for (let i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { if (servers[i].url === serverToTest.url) continue friends.push(servers[i].url) } utils.getFriendsList(serverToTest.url, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err const result = res.body const resultUrls = [ result[0].url, result[1].url ] expect(result).to.be.an('array') expect(result.length).to.equal(2) expect(resultUrls[0]).to.not.equal(resultUrls[1]) const errorString = 'Friends url do not correspond for ' + serverToTest.url expect(friends).to.contain(resultUrls[0], errorString) expect(friends).to.contain(resultUrls[1], errorString) callback() }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------- before(function (done) { this.timeout(20000) utils.flushAndRunMultipleServers(3, function (serversRun, urlsRun) { servers = serversRun done() }) }) it('Should not have friends', function (done) { async.each(servers, function (server, callback) { utils.getFriendsList(server.url, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err const result = res.body expect(result).to.be.an('array') expect(result.length).to.equal(0) callback() }) }, done) }) it('Should make friends', function (done) { this.timeout(10000) const path = '/api/v1/pods/makefriends' async.series([ // The second pod make friend with the third function (next) { request(servers[1].url) .get(path) .set('Accept', 'application/json') .expect(204) .end(next) }, // Wait for the request between pods function (next) { setTimeout(next, 1000) }, // The second pod should have the third as a friend function (next) { utils.getFriendsList(servers[1].url, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err const result = res.body expect(result).to.be.an('array') expect(result.length).to.equal(1) expect(result[0].url).to.be.equal(servers[2].url) next() }) }, // Same here, the third pod should have the second pod as a friend function (next) { utils.getFriendsList(servers[2].url, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err const result = res.body expect(result).to.be.an('array') expect(result.length).to.equal(1) expect(result[0].url).to.be.equal(servers[1].url) next() }) }, // Finally the first pod make friend with the second pod function (next) { request(servers[0].url) .get(path) .set('Accept', 'application/json') .expect(204) .end(next) }, // Wait for the request between pods function (next) { setTimeout(next, 1000) } ], // Now each pod should be friend with the other ones function (err) { if (err) throw err async.each(servers, function (server, callback) { testMadeFriends(servers, server, callback) }, done) }) }) it('Should not be allowed to make friend again', function (done) { utils.makeFriends(servers[1].url, 409, done) }) it('Should quit friends of pod 2', function (done) { async.series([ // Pod 1 quit friends function (next) { utils.quitFriends(servers[1].url, next) }, // Pod 1 should not have friends anymore function (next) { utils.getFriendsList(servers[1].url, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err const result = res.body expect(result).to.be.an('array') expect(result.length).to.equal(0) next() }) }, // Other pods shouldn't have pod 1 too function (next) { async.each([ servers[0].url, servers[2].url ], function (url, callback) { utils.getFriendsList(url, function (err, res) { if (err) throw err const result = res.body expect(result).to.be.an('array') expect(result.length).to.equal(1) expect(result[0].url).not.to.be.equal(servers[1].url) callback() }) }, next) } ], done) }) it('Should allow pod 2 to make friend again', function (done) { utils.makeFriends(servers[1].url, function () { async.each(servers, function (server, callback) { testMadeFriends(servers, server, callback) }, done) }) }) after(function (done) { servers.forEach(function (server) { process.kill(-server.app.pid) }) if (this.ok) { utils.flushTests(done) } else { done() } }) })