/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import { checkBadCountPagination, checkBadStartPagination, cleanupTests, createSingleServer, makeGetRequest, makePostBodyRequest, makePutBodyRequest, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/models' describe('Test videos history API validator', function () { const myHistoryPath = '/api/v1/users/me/history/videos' const myHistoryRemove = myHistoryPath + '/remove' let watchingPath: string let server: PeerTubeServer // --------------------------------------------------------------- before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) server = await createSingleServer(1) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) const { uuid } = await server.videos.upload() watchingPath = '/api/v1/videos/' + uuid + '/watching' }) describe('When notifying a user is watching a video', function () { it('Should fail with an unauthenticated user', async function () { const fields = { currentTime: 5 } await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path: watchingPath, fields, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect video id', async function () { const fields = { currentTime: 5 } const path = '/api/v1/videos/blabla/watching' await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, fields, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) }) it('Should fail with an unknown video', async function () { const fields = { currentTime: 5 } const path = '/api/v1/videos/d91fff41-c24d-4508-8e13-3bd5902c3b02/watching' await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, fields, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) }) it('Should fail with a bad current time', async function () { const fields = { currentTime: 'hello' } await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path: watchingPath, fields, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) }) it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', async function () { const fields = { currentTime: 5 } await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path: watchingPath, fields, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204 }) }) }) describe('When listing user videos history', function () { it('Should fail with a bad start pagination', async function () { await checkBadStartPagination(server.url, myHistoryPath, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with a bad count pagination', async function () { await checkBadCountPagination(server.url, myHistoryPath, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with an unauthenticated user', async function () { await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path: myHistoryPath, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) }) it('Should succeed with the correct params', async function () { await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, path: myHistoryPath, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) }) }) describe('When removing user videos history', function () { it('Should fail with an unauthenticated user', async function () { await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path: myHistoryPath + '/remove', expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) }) it('Should fail with a bad beforeDate parameter', async function () { const body = { beforeDate: '15' } await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, path: myHistoryRemove, fields: body, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) }) it('Should succeed with a valid beforeDate param', async function () { const body = { beforeDate: new Date().toISOString() } await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, path: myHistoryRemove, fields: body, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204 }) }) it('Should succeed without body', async function () { await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, path: myHistoryRemove, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204 }) }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) })