/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */ import * as chai from 'chai' import 'mocha' import { createUser, flushTests, killallServers, makeGetRequest, runServer, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, userLogin } from '../../utils' import { UserRole } from '../../../../shared/models/users' const expect = chai.expect async function testEndpoints (server: ServerInfo, token: string, filter: string, statusCodeExpected: number) { const paths = [ '/api/v1/video-channels/root_channel/videos', '/api/v1/accounts/root/videos', '/api/v1/videos', '/api/v1/search/videos' ] for (const path of paths) { await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path, token, query: { filter }, statusCodeExpected }) } } describe('Test videos filters', function () { let server: ServerInfo let userAccessToken: string let moderatorAccessToken: string // --------------------------------------------------------------- before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) await flushTests() server = await runServer(1) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) const user = { username: 'user1', password: 'my super password' } await createUser(server.url, server.accessToken, user.username, user.password) userAccessToken = await userLogin(server, user) const moderator = { username: 'moderator', password: 'my super password' } await createUser( server.url, server.accessToken, moderator.username, moderator.password, undefined, undefined, UserRole.MODERATOR ) moderatorAccessToken = await userLogin(server, moderator) }) describe('When setting a video filter', function () { it('Should fail with a bad filter', async function () { await testEndpoints(server, server.accessToken, 'bad-filter', 400) }) it('Should succeed with a good filter', async function () { await testEndpoints(server, server.accessToken,'local', 200) }) it('Should fail to list all-local with a simple user', async function () { await testEndpoints(server, userAccessToken, 'all-local', 401) }) it('Should succeed to list all-local with a moderator', async function () { await testEndpoints(server, moderatorAccessToken, 'all-local', 200) }) it('Should succeed to list all-local with an admin', async function () { await testEndpoints(server, server.accessToken, 'all-local', 200) }) // Because we cannot authenticate the user on the RSS endpoint it('Should fail on the feeds endpoint with the all-local filter', async function () { await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path: '/feeds/videos.json', statusCodeExpected: 401, query: { filter: 'all-local' } }) }) it('Should succed on the feeds endpoint with the local filter', async function () { await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path: '/feeds/videos.json', statusCodeExpected: 200, query: { filter: 'local' } }) }) }) after(async function () { killallServers([ server ]) // Keep the logs if the test failed if (this['ok']) { await flushTests() } }) })