/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */ import 'mocha' import * as io from 'socket.io-client' import { flushTests, immutableAssign, killallServers, makeGetRequest, makePostBodyRequest, makePutBodyRequest, runServer, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, wait } from '../../../../shared/utils' import { checkBadCountPagination, checkBadSortPagination, checkBadStartPagination } from '../../../../shared/utils/requests/check-api-params' import { UserNotificationSetting, UserNotificationSettingValue } from '../../../../shared/models/users' describe('Test user notifications API validators', function () { let server: ServerInfo // --------------------------------------------------------------- before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) await flushTests() server = await runServer(1) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) }) describe('When listing my notifications', function () { const path = '/api/v1/users/me/notifications' it('Should fail with a bad start pagination', async function () { await checkBadStartPagination(server.url, path, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with a bad count pagination', async function () { await checkBadCountPagination(server.url, path, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect sort', async function () { await checkBadSortPagination(server.url, path, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect unread parameter', async function () { await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path, query: { unread: 'toto' }, token: server.accessToken, statusCodeExpected: 200 }) }) it('Should fail with a non authenticated user', async function () { await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path, statusCodeExpected: 401 }) }) it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', async function () { await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path, token: server.accessToken, statusCodeExpected: 200 }) }) }) describe('When marking as read my notifications', function () { const path = '/api/v1/users/me/notifications/read' it('Should fail with wrong ids parameters', async function () { await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, fields: { ids: [ 'hello' ] }, token: server.accessToken, statusCodeExpected: 400 }) await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, fields: { ids: 5 }, token: server.accessToken, statusCodeExpected: 400 }) }) it('Should fail with a non authenticated user', async function () { await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, fields: { ids: [ 5 ] }, statusCodeExpected: 401 }) }) it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', async function () { await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, fields: { ids: [ 5 ] }, token: server.accessToken, statusCodeExpected: 204 }) }) }) describe('When updating my notification settings', function () { const path = '/api/v1/users/me/notification-settings' const correctFields: UserNotificationSetting = { newVideoFromSubscription: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION, newCommentOnMyVideo: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION, videoAbuseAsModerator: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION, blacklistOnMyVideo: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION, myVideoImportFinished: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION, myVideoPublished: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION } it('Should fail with missing fields', async function () { await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, token: server.accessToken, fields: { newVideoFromSubscription: UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION }, statusCodeExpected: 400 }) }) it('Should fail with incorrect field values', async function () { { const fields = immutableAssign(correctFields, { newCommentOnMyVideo: 15 }) await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, token: server.accessToken, fields, statusCodeExpected: 400 }) } { const fields = immutableAssign(correctFields, { newCommentOnMyVideo: 'toto' }) await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, fields, token: server.accessToken, statusCodeExpected: 400 }) } }) it('Should fail with a non authenticated user', async function () { await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, fields: correctFields, statusCodeExpected: 401 }) }) it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', async function () { await makePutBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, token: server.accessToken, fields: correctFields, statusCodeExpected: 204 }) }) }) describe('When connecting to my notification socket', function () { it('Should fail with no token', function (next) { const socket = io('http://localhost:9001/user-notifications', { reconnection: false }) socket.on('error', () => { socket.removeListener('error', this) socket.disconnect() next() }) socket.on('connect', () => { socket.disconnect() next(new Error('Connected with a missing token.')) }) }) it('Should fail with an invalid token', function (next) { const socket = io('http://localhost:9001/user-notifications', { query: { accessToken: 'bad_access_token' }, reconnection: false }) socket.on('error', () => { socket.removeListener('error', this) socket.disconnect() next() }) socket.on('connect', () => { socket.disconnect() next(new Error('Connected with an invalid token.')) }) }) it('Should success with the correct token', function (next) { const socket = io('http://localhost:9001/user-notifications', { query: { accessToken: server.accessToken }, reconnection: false }) const errorListener = socket.on('error', err => { next(new Error('Error in connection: ' + err)) }) socket.on('connect', async () => { socket.removeListener('error', errorListener) socket.disconnect() await wait(500) next() }) }) }) after(async function () { killallServers([ server ]) // Keep the logs if the test failed if (this['ok']) { await flushTests() } }) })