'use strict' const createTorrent = require('create-torrent') const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg') const fs = require('fs') const magnetUtil = require('magnet-uri') const map = require('lodash/map') const parallel = require('async/parallel') const parseTorrent = require('parse-torrent') const pathUtils = require('path') const constants = require('../initializers/constants') const logger = require('../helpers/logger') const modelUtils = require('./utils') // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) { // TODO: add indexes on searchable columns const Video = sequelize.define('Video', { id: { type: DataTypes.UUID, defaultValue: DataTypes.UUIDV4, primaryKey: true }, name: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, extname: { // TODO: enum? type: DataTypes.STRING }, remoteId: { type: DataTypes.UUID }, description: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, infoHash: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, duration: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER } }, { classMethods: { associate, generateThumbnailFromBase64, getDurationFromFile, listForApi, listByHostAndRemoteId, listOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags, listOwnedByAuthor, load, loadAndPopulateAuthor, loadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags, searchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags }, instanceMethods: { generateMagnetUri, getVideoFilename, getThumbnailName, getPreviewName, getTorrentName, isOwned, toFormatedJSON, toRemoteJSON }, hooks: { beforeCreate, afterDestroy } } ) return Video } // TODO: Validation // VideoSchema.path('name').validate(customVideosValidators.isVideoNameValid) // VideoSchema.path('description').validate(customVideosValidators.isVideoDescriptionValid) // VideoSchema.path('podHost').validate(customVideosValidators.isVideoPodHostValid) // VideoSchema.path('author').validate(customVideosValidators.isVideoAuthorValid) // VideoSchema.path('duration').validate(customVideosValidators.isVideoDurationValid) // VideoSchema.path('tags').validate(customVideosValidators.isVideoTagsValid) function beforeCreate (video, options, next) { const tasks = [] if (video.isOwned()) { const videoPath = pathUtils.join(constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR, video.getVideoFilename()) tasks.push( // TODO: refractoring function (callback) { const options = { announceList: [ [ constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.WS + '://' + constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME + ':' + constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.PORT + '/tracker/socket' ] ], urlList: [ constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + constants.STATIC_PATHS.WEBSEED + video.getVideoFilename() ] } createTorrent(videoPath, options, function (err, torrent) { if (err) return callback(err) fs.writeFile(constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.TORRENTS_DIR + video.getTorrentName(), torrent, function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) const parsedTorrent = parseTorrent(torrent) video.infoHash = parsedTorrent.infoHash callback(null) }) }) }, function (callback) { createThumbnail(video, videoPath, callback) }, function (callback) { createPreview(video, videoPath, callback) } ) return parallel(tasks, next) } return next() } function afterDestroy (video, options, next) { const tasks = [] tasks.push( function (callback) { removeThumbnail(video, callback) } ) if (video.isOwned()) { tasks.push( function (callback) { removeFile(video, callback) }, function (callback) { removeTorrent(video, callback) }, function (callback) { removePreview(video, callback) } ) } parallel(tasks, next) } // ------------------------------ METHODS ------------------------------ function associate (models) { this.belongsTo(models.Author, { foreignKey: { name: 'authorId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) this.belongsToMany(models.Tag, { foreignKey: 'videoId', through: models.VideoTag, onDelete: 'cascade' }) } function generateMagnetUri () { let baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs if (this.isOwned()) { baseUrlHttp = constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL baseUrlWs = constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.WS + '://' + constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME + ':' + constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.PORT } else { baseUrlHttp = constants.REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + this.Author.Pod.host baseUrlWs = constants.REMOTE_SCHEME.WS + '://' + this.Author.Pod.host } const xs = baseUrlHttp + constants.STATIC_PATHS.TORRENTS + this.getTorrentName() const announce = baseUrlWs + '/tracker/socket' const urlList = [ baseUrlHttp + constants.STATIC_PATHS.WEBSEED + this.getVideoFilename() ] const magnetHash = { xs, announce, urlList, infoHash: this.infoHash, name: this.name } return magnetUtil.encode(magnetHash) } function getVideoFilename () { if (this.isOwned()) return this.id + this.extname return this.remoteId + this.extname } function getThumbnailName () { // We always have a copy of the thumbnail return this.id + '.jpg' } function getPreviewName () { const extension = '.jpg' if (this.isOwned()) return this.id + extension return this.remoteId + extension } function getTorrentName () { const extension = '.torrent' if (this.isOwned()) return this.id + extension return this.remoteId + extension } function isOwned () { return this.remoteId === null } function toFormatedJSON () { let podHost if (this.Author.Pod) { podHost = this.Author.Pod.host } else { // It means it's our video podHost = constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOST } const json = { id: this.id, name: this.name, description: this.description, podHost, isLocal: this.isOwned(), magnetUri: this.generateMagnetUri(), author: this.Author.name, duration: this.duration, tags: map(this.Tags, 'name'), thumbnailPath: constants.STATIC_PATHS.THUMBNAILS + '/' + this.getThumbnailName(), createdAt: this.createdAt } return json } function toRemoteJSON (callback) { const self = this // Convert thumbnail to base64 const thumbnailPath = pathUtils.join(constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, this.getThumbnailName()) fs.readFile(thumbnailPath, function (err, thumbnailData) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot read the thumbnail of the video') return callback(err) } const remoteVideo = { name: self.name, description: self.description, infoHash: self.infoHash, remoteId: self.id, author: self.Author.name, duration: self.duration, thumbnailBase64: new Buffer(thumbnailData).toString('base64'), tags: map(self.Tags, 'name'), createdAt: self.createdAt, extname: self.extname } return callback(null, remoteVideo) }) } // ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------ function generateThumbnailFromBase64 (video, thumbnailData, callback) { // Creating the thumbnail for a remote video const thumbnailName = video.getThumbnailName() const thumbnailPath = constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR + thumbnailName fs.writeFile(thumbnailPath, thumbnailData, { encoding: 'base64' }, function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) return callback(null, thumbnailName) }) } function getDurationFromFile (videoPath, callback) { ffmpeg.ffprobe(videoPath, function (err, metadata) { if (err) return callback(err) return callback(null, Math.floor(metadata.format.duration)) }) } function listForApi (start, count, sort, callback) { const query = { offset: start, limit: count, distinct: true, // For the count, a video can have many tags order: [ modelUtils.getSort(sort) ], include: [ { model: this.sequelize.models.Author, include: [ { model: this.sequelize.models.Pod, required: false } ] }, this.sequelize.models.Tag ] } return this.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) { if (err) return callback(err) return callback(null, result.rows, result.count) }) } function listByHostAndRemoteId (fromHost, remoteId, callback) { const query = { where: { remoteId: remoteId }, include: [ { model: this.sequelize.models.Author, include: [ { model: this.sequelize.models.Pod, required: true, where: { host: fromHost } } ] } ] } return this.findAll(query).asCallback(callback) } function listOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags (callback) { // If remoteId is null this is *our* video const query = { where: { remoteId: null }, include: [ this.sequelize.models.Author, this.sequelize.models.Tag ] } return this.findAll(query).asCallback(callback) } function listOwnedByAuthor (author, callback) { const query = { where: { remoteId: null }, include: [ { model: this.sequelize.models.Author, where: { name: author } } ] } return this.findAll(query).asCallback(callback) } function load (id, callback) { return this.findById(id).asCallback(callback) } function loadAndPopulateAuthor (id, callback) { const options = { include: [ this.sequelize.models.Author ] } return this.findById(id, options).asCallback(callback) } function loadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags (id, callback) { const options = { include: [ { model: this.sequelize.models.Author, include: [ { model: this.sequelize.models.Pod, required: false } ] }, this.sequelize.models.Tag ] } return this.findById(id, options).asCallback(callback) } function searchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags (value, field, start, count, sort, callback) { const podInclude = { model: this.sequelize.models.Pod, required: false } const authorInclude = { model: this.sequelize.models.Author, include: [ podInclude ] } const tagInclude = { model: this.sequelize.models.Tag } const query = { where: {}, offset: start, limit: count, distinct: true, // For the count, a video can have many tags order: [ modelUtils.getSort(sort) ] } // Make an exact search with the magnet if (field === 'magnetUri') { const infoHash = magnetUtil.decode(value).infoHash query.where.infoHash = infoHash } else if (field === 'tags') { const escapedValue = this.sequelize.escape('%' + value + '%') query.where = { id: { $in: this.sequelize.literal( '(SELECT "VideoTags"."videoId" FROM "Tags" INNER JOIN "VideoTags" ON "Tags"."id" = "VideoTags"."tagId" WHERE name LIKE ' + escapedValue + ')' ) } } } else if (field === 'host') { // FIXME: Include our pod? (not stored in the database) podInclude.where = { host: { $like: '%' + value + '%' } } podInclude.required = true } else if (field === 'author') { authorInclude.where = { name: { $like: '%' + value + '%' } } // authorInclude.or = true } else { query.where[field] = { $like: '%' + value + '%' } } query.include = [ authorInclude, tagInclude ] if (tagInclude.where) { // query.include.push([ this.sequelize.models.Tag ]) } return this.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) { if (err) return callback(err) return callback(null, result.rows, result.count) }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function removeThumbnail (video, callback) { fs.unlink(constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR + video.getThumbnailName(), callback) } function removeFile (video, callback) { fs.unlink(constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR + video.getVideoFilename(), callback) } function removeTorrent (video, callback) { fs.unlink(constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.TORRENTS_DIR + video.getTorrentName(), callback) } function removePreview (video, callback) { // Same name than video thumnail fs.unlink(constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.PREVIEWS_DIR + video.getPreviewName(), callback) } function createPreview (video, videoPath, callback) { generateImage(video, videoPath, constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.PREVIEWS_DIR, video.getPreviewName(), callback) } function createThumbnail (video, videoPath, callback) { generateImage(video, videoPath, constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, video.getThumbnailName(), constants.THUMBNAILS_SIZE, callback) } function generateImage (video, videoPath, folder, imageName, size, callback) { const options = { filename: imageName, count: 1, folder } if (!callback) { callback = size } else { options.size = size } ffmpeg(videoPath) .on('error', callback) .on('end', function () { callback(null, imageName) }) .thumbnail(options) }