import { AllowNull, BeforeDestroy, BelongsTo, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, Default, ForeignKey, HasMany, Is, IsUUID, Model, Scopes, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' import { VideoPlaylistPrivacy } from '../../../shared/models/videos/playlist/video-playlist-privacy.model' import { buildServerIdsFollowedBy, buildWhereIdOrUUID, getSort, isOutdated, throwIfNotValid } from '../utils' import { isVideoPlaylistDescriptionValid, isVideoPlaylistNameValid, isVideoPlaylistPrivacyValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/video-playlists' import { isActivityPubUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc' import { ACTIVITY_PUB, CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, STATIC_PATHS, THUMBNAILS_SIZE, VIDEO_PLAYLIST_PRIVACIES, VIDEO_PLAYLIST_TYPES, WEBSERVER } from '../../initializers/constants' import { VideoPlaylist } from '../../../shared/models/videos/playlist/video-playlist.model' import { AccountModel, ScopeNames as AccountScopeNames } from '../account/account' import { ScopeNames as VideoChannelScopeNames, VideoChannelModel } from './video-channel' import { join } from 'path' import { VideoPlaylistElementModel } from './video-playlist-element' import { PlaylistObject } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects/playlist-object' import { activityPubCollectionPagination } from '../../helpers/activitypub' import { remove } from 'fs-extra' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { VideoPlaylistType } from '../../../shared/models/videos/playlist/video-playlist-type.model' import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config' enum ScopeNames { AVAILABLE_FOR_LIST = 'AVAILABLE_FOR_LIST', WITH_VIDEOS_LENGTH = 'WITH_VIDEOS_LENGTH', WITH_ACCOUNT_AND_CHANNEL_SUMMARY = 'WITH_ACCOUNT_AND_CHANNEL_SUMMARY', WITH_ACCOUNT = 'WITH_ACCOUNT', WITH_ACCOUNT_AND_CHANNEL = 'WITH_ACCOUNT_AND_CHANNEL' } type AvailableForListOptions = { followerActorId: number type?: VideoPlaylistType accountId?: number videoChannelId?: number privateAndUnlisted?: boolean } @Scopes({ [ ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEOS_LENGTH ]: { attributes: { include: [ [ Sequelize.literal('(SELECT COUNT("id") FROM "videoPlaylistElement" WHERE "videoPlaylistId" = "VideoPlaylistModel"."id")'), 'videosLength' ] ] } }, [ ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT ]: { include: [ { model: () => AccountModel, required: true } ] }, [ ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT_AND_CHANNEL_SUMMARY ]: { include: [ { model: () => AccountModel.scope(AccountScopeNames.SUMMARY), required: true }, { model: () => VideoChannelModel.scope(VideoChannelScopeNames.SUMMARY), required: false } ] }, [ ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT_AND_CHANNEL ]: { include: [ { model: () => AccountModel, required: true }, { model: () => VideoChannelModel, required: false } ] }, [ ScopeNames.AVAILABLE_FOR_LIST ]: (options: AvailableForListOptions) => { // Only list local playlists OR playlists that are on an instance followed by actorId const inQueryInstanceFollow = buildServerIdsFollowedBy(options.followerActorId) const actorWhere = { [ Sequelize.Op.or ]: [ { serverId: null }, { serverId: { [ ]: Sequelize.literal(inQueryInstanceFollow) } } ] } const whereAnd: any[] = [] if (options.privateAndUnlisted !== true) { whereAnd.push({ privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC }) } if (options.accountId) { whereAnd.push({ ownerAccountId: options.accountId }) } if (options.videoChannelId) { whereAnd.push({ videoChannelId: options.videoChannelId }) } if (options.type) { whereAnd.push({ type: options.type }) } const where = { [Sequelize.Op.and]: whereAnd } const accountScope = { method: [ AccountScopeNames.SUMMARY, actorWhere ] } return { where, include: [ { model: AccountModel.scope(accountScope), required: true }, { model: VideoChannelModel.scope(VideoChannelScopeNames.SUMMARY), required: false } ] } } }) @Table({ tableName: 'videoPlaylist', indexes: [ { fields: [ 'ownerAccountId' ] }, { fields: [ 'videoChannelId' ] }, { fields: [ 'url' ], unique: true } ] }) export class VideoPlaylistModel extends Model { @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoPlaylistName', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoPlaylistNameValid, 'name')) @Column name: string @AllowNull(true) @Is('VideoPlaylistDescription', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoPlaylistDescriptionValid, 'description')) @Column description: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoPlaylistPrivacy', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoPlaylistPrivacyValid, 'privacy')) @Column privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoPlaylistUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'url')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEO_PLAYLISTS.URL.max)) url: string @AllowNull(false) @Default(DataType.UUIDV4) @IsUUID(4) @Column(DataType.UUID) uuid: string @AllowNull(false) @Default(VideoPlaylistType.REGULAR) @Column type: VideoPlaylistType @ForeignKey(() => AccountModel) @Column ownerAccountId: number @BelongsTo(() => AccountModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) OwnerAccount: AccountModel @ForeignKey(() => VideoChannelModel) @Column videoChannelId: number @BelongsTo(() => VideoChannelModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) VideoChannel: VideoChannelModel @HasMany(() => VideoPlaylistElementModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoPlaylistId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) VideoPlaylistElements: VideoPlaylistElementModel[] @BeforeDestroy static async removeFiles (instance: VideoPlaylistModel) {'Removing files of video playlist %s.', instance.url) return instance.removeThumbnail() } static listForApi (options: { followerActorId: number start: number, count: number, sort: string, type?: VideoPlaylistType, accountId?: number, videoChannelId?: number, privateAndUnlisted?: boolean }) { const query = { offset: options.start, limit: options.count, order: getSort(options.sort) } const scopes = [ { method: [ ScopeNames.AVAILABLE_FOR_LIST, { type: options.type, followerActorId: options.followerActorId, accountId: options.accountId, videoChannelId: options.videoChannelId, privateAndUnlisted: options.privateAndUnlisted } as AvailableForListOptions ] } as any, // FIXME: typings ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEOS_LENGTH ] return VideoPlaylistModel .scope(scopes) .findAndCountAll(query) .then(({ rows, count }) => { return { total: count, data: rows } }) } static listPublicUrlsOfForAP (accountId: number, start: number, count: number) { const query = { attributes: [ 'url' ], offset: start, limit: count, where: { ownerAccountId: accountId, privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC } } return VideoPlaylistModel.findAndCountAll(query) .then(({ rows, count }) => { return { total: count, data: => p.url) } }) } static listPlaylistIdsOf (accountId: number, videoIds: number[]) { const query = { attributes: [ 'id' ], where: { ownerAccountId: accountId }, include: [ { attributes: [ 'videoId', 'startTimestamp', 'stopTimestamp' ], model: VideoPlaylistElementModel.unscoped(), where: { videoId: { [Sequelize.Op.any]: videoIds } }, required: true } ] } return VideoPlaylistModel.findAll(query) } static doesPlaylistExist (url: string) { const query = { attributes: [], where: { url } } return VideoPlaylistModel .findOne(query) .then(e => !!e) } static loadWithAccountAndChannelSummary (id: number | string, transaction: Sequelize.Transaction) { const where = buildWhereIdOrUUID(id) const query = { where, transaction } return VideoPlaylistModel .scope([ ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT_AND_CHANNEL_SUMMARY, ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEOS_LENGTH ]) .findOne(query) } static loadWithAccountAndChannel (id: number | string, transaction: Sequelize.Transaction) { const where = buildWhereIdOrUUID(id) const query = { where, transaction } return VideoPlaylistModel .scope([ ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT_AND_CHANNEL, ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEOS_LENGTH ]) .findOne(query) } static loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount (url: string) { const query = { where: { url } } return VideoPlaylistModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT).findOne(query) } static getPrivacyLabel (privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy) { return VIDEO_PLAYLIST_PRIVACIES[privacy] || 'Unknown' } static getTypeLabel (type: VideoPlaylistType) { return VIDEO_PLAYLIST_TYPES[type] || 'Unknown' } static resetPlaylistsOfChannel (videoChannelId: number, transaction: Sequelize.Transaction) { const query = { where: { videoChannelId }, transaction } return VideoPlaylistModel.update({ privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE, videoChannelId: null }, query) } getThumbnailName () { const extension = '.jpg' return 'playlist-' + this.uuid + extension } getThumbnailUrl () { return WEBSERVER.URL + STATIC_PATHS.THUMBNAILS + this.getThumbnailName() } getThumbnailStaticPath () { return join(STATIC_PATHS.THUMBNAILS, this.getThumbnailName()) } removeThumbnail () { const thumbnailPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, this.getThumbnailName()) return remove(thumbnailPath) .catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot delete thumbnail %s.', thumbnailPath, { err })) } setAsRefreshed () { this.changed('updatedAt', true) return } isOwned () { return this.OwnerAccount.isOwned() } isOutdated () { if (this.isOwned()) return false return isOutdated(this, ACTIVITY_PUB.VIDEO_PLAYLIST_REFRESH_INTERVAL) } toFormattedJSON (): VideoPlaylist { return { id:, uuid: this.uuid, isLocal: this.isOwned(), displayName:, description: this.description, privacy: { id: this.privacy, label: VideoPlaylistModel.getPrivacyLabel(this.privacy) }, thumbnailPath: this.getThumbnailStaticPath(), type: { id: this.type, label: VideoPlaylistModel.getTypeLabel(this.type) }, videosLength: this.get('videosLength'), createdAt: this.createdAt, updatedAt: this.updatedAt, ownerAccount: this.OwnerAccount.toFormattedSummaryJSON(), videoChannel: this.VideoChannel ? this.VideoChannel.toFormattedSummaryJSON() : null } } toActivityPubObject (page: number, t: Sequelize.Transaction): Promise { const handler = (start: number, count: number) => { return VideoPlaylistElementModel.listUrlsOfForAP(, start, count, t) } return activityPubCollectionPagination(this.url, handler, page) .then(o => { return Object.assign(o, { type: 'Playlist' as 'Playlist', name:, content: this.description, uuid: this.uuid, published: this.createdAt.toISOString(), updated: this.updatedAt.toISOString(), attributedTo: this.VideoChannel ? [ this.VideoChannel.Actor.url ] : [], icon: { type: 'Image' as 'Image', url: this.getThumbnailUrl(), mediaType: 'image/jpeg' as 'image/jpeg', width: THUMBNAILS_SIZE.width, height: THUMBNAILS_SIZE.height } }) }) } }