import { Video, VideoDetails } from '../../../shared/models/videos' import { VideoModel } from './video' import { ActivityTagObject, ActivityUrlObject, VideoTorrentObject } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects' import { MIMETYPES, WEBSERVER } from '../../initializers/constants' import { VideoCaptionModel } from './video-caption' import { getVideoCommentsActivityPubUrl, getVideoDislikesActivityPubUrl, getVideoLikesActivityPubUrl, getVideoSharesActivityPubUrl } from '../../lib/activitypub/url' import { isArray } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/misc' import { VideoStreamingPlaylist } from '../../../shared/models/videos/video-streaming-playlist.model' import { MStreamingPlaylistRedundanciesOpt, MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideo, MVideoAP, MVideoFile, MVideoFormattable, MVideoFormattableDetails } from '../../typings/models' import { MVideoFileRedundanciesOpt } from '../../typings/models/video/video-file' import { VideoFile } from '@shared/models/videos/video-file.model' import { generateMagnetUri } from '@server/helpers/webtorrent' import { extractVideo } from '@server/helpers/video' export type VideoFormattingJSONOptions = { completeDescription?: boolean additionalAttributes: { state?: boolean waitTranscoding?: boolean scheduledUpdate?: boolean blacklistInfo?: boolean } } function videoModelToFormattedJSON (video: MVideoFormattable, options?: VideoFormattingJSONOptions): Video { const userHistory = isArray(video.UserVideoHistories) ? video.UserVideoHistories[0] : undefined const videoObject: Video = { id:, uuid: video.uuid, name:, category: { id: video.category, label: VideoModel.getCategoryLabel(video.category) }, licence: { id: video.licence, label: VideoModel.getLicenceLabel(video.licence) }, language: { id: video.language, label: VideoModel.getLanguageLabel(video.language) }, privacy: { id: video.privacy, label: VideoModel.getPrivacyLabel(video.privacy) }, nsfw: video.nsfw, description: options && options.completeDescription === true ? video.description : video.getTruncatedDescription(), isLocal: video.isOwned(), duration: video.duration, views: video.views, likes: video.likes, dislikes: video.dislikes, thumbnailPath: video.getMiniatureStaticPath(), previewPath: video.getPreviewStaticPath(), embedPath: video.getEmbedStaticPath(), createdAt: video.createdAt, updatedAt: video.updatedAt, publishedAt: video.publishedAt, originallyPublishedAt: video.originallyPublishedAt, account: video.VideoChannel.Account.toFormattedSummaryJSON(), channel: video.VideoChannel.toFormattedSummaryJSON(), userHistory: userHistory ? { currentTime: userHistory.currentTime } : undefined } if (options) { if (options.additionalAttributes.state === true) { videoObject.state = { id: video.state, label: VideoModel.getStateLabel(video.state) } } if (options.additionalAttributes.waitTranscoding === true) { videoObject.waitTranscoding = video.waitTranscoding } if (options.additionalAttributes.scheduledUpdate === true && video.ScheduleVideoUpdate) { videoObject.scheduledUpdate = { updateAt: video.ScheduleVideoUpdate.updateAt, privacy: video.ScheduleVideoUpdate.privacy || undefined } } if (options.additionalAttributes.blacklistInfo === true) { videoObject.blacklisted = !!video.VideoBlacklist videoObject.blacklistedReason = video.VideoBlacklist ? video.VideoBlacklist.reason : null } } return videoObject } function videoModelToFormattedDetailsJSON (video: MVideoFormattableDetails): VideoDetails { const formattedJson = video.toFormattedJSON({ additionalAttributes: { scheduledUpdate: true, blacklistInfo: true } }) const { baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs } = video.getBaseUrls() const tags = video.Tags ? => : [] const streamingPlaylists = streamingPlaylistsModelToFormattedJSON(video, video.VideoStreamingPlaylists) const detailsJson = { support:, descriptionPath: video.getDescriptionAPIPath(), channel: video.VideoChannel.toFormattedJSON(), account: video.VideoChannel.Account.toFormattedJSON(), tags, commentsEnabled: video.commentsEnabled, downloadEnabled: video.downloadEnabled, waitTranscoding: video.waitTranscoding, state: { id: video.state, label: VideoModel.getStateLabel(video.state) }, trackerUrls: video.getTrackerUrls(baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs), files: [], streamingPlaylists } // Format and sort video files detailsJson.files = videoFilesModelToFormattedJSON(video, baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs, video.VideoFiles) return Object.assign(formattedJson, detailsJson) } function streamingPlaylistsModelToFormattedJSON (video: MVideo, playlists: MStreamingPlaylistRedundanciesOpt[]): VideoStreamingPlaylist[] { if (isArray(playlists) === false) return [] const { baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs } = video.getBaseUrls() return playlists .map(playlist => { const playlistWithVideo = Object.assign(playlist, { Video: video }) const redundancies = isArray(playlist.RedundancyVideos) ? => ({ baseUrl: r.fileUrl })) : [] const files = videoFilesModelToFormattedJSON(playlistWithVideo, baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs, playlist.VideoFiles) return { id:, type: playlist.type, playlistUrl: playlist.playlistUrl, segmentsSha256Url: playlist.segmentsSha256Url, redundancies, files } }) } function sortByResolutionDesc (fileA: MVideoFile, fileB: MVideoFile) { if (fileA.resolution < fileB.resolution) return 1 if (fileA.resolution === fileB.resolution) return 0 return -1 } function videoFilesModelToFormattedJSON ( model: MVideo | MStreamingPlaylistVideo, baseUrlHttp: string, baseUrlWs: string, videoFiles: MVideoFileRedundanciesOpt[] ): VideoFile[] { const video = extractVideo(model) return [ ...videoFiles ] .sort(sortByResolutionDesc) .map(videoFile => { return { resolution: { id: videoFile.resolution, label: videoFile.resolution + 'p' }, magnetUri: generateMagnetUri(model, videoFile, baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs), size: videoFile.size, fps: videoFile.fps, torrentUrl: model.getTorrentUrl(videoFile, baseUrlHttp), torrentDownloadUrl: model.getTorrentDownloadUrl(videoFile, baseUrlHttp), fileUrl: model.getVideoFileUrl(videoFile, baseUrlHttp), fileDownloadUrl: model.getVideoFileDownloadUrl(videoFile, baseUrlHttp), metadataUrl: video.getVideoFileMetadataUrl(videoFile, baseUrlHttp) } as VideoFile }) } function addVideoFilesInAPAcc ( acc: ActivityUrlObject[] | ActivityTagObject[], model: MVideoAP | MStreamingPlaylistVideo, baseUrlHttp: string, baseUrlWs: string, files: MVideoFile[] ) { const sortedFiles = [ ...files ].sort(sortByResolutionDesc) for (const file of sortedFiles) { acc.push({ type: 'Link', mediaType: MIMETYPES.VIDEO.EXT_MIMETYPE[file.extname] as any, href: model.getVideoFileUrl(file, baseUrlHttp), height: file.resolution, size: file.size, fps: file.fps }) acc.push({ type: 'Link', rel: [ 'metadata', MIMETYPES.VIDEO.EXT_MIMETYPE[file.extname] ], mediaType: 'application/json' as 'application/json', href: extractVideo(model).getVideoFileMetadataUrl(file, baseUrlHttp), height: file.resolution, fps: file.fps }) acc.push({ type: 'Link', mediaType: 'application/x-bittorrent' as 'application/x-bittorrent', href: model.getTorrentUrl(file, baseUrlHttp), height: file.resolution }) acc.push({ type: 'Link', mediaType: 'application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet' as 'application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet', href: generateMagnetUri(model, file, baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs), height: file.resolution }) } } function videoModelToActivityPubObject (video: MVideoAP): VideoTorrentObject { const { baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs } = video.getBaseUrls() if (!video.Tags) video.Tags = [] const tag = => ({ type: 'Hashtag' as 'Hashtag', name: })) let language if (video.language) { language = { identifier: video.language, name: VideoModel.getLanguageLabel(video.language) } } let category if (video.category) { category = { identifier: video.category + '', name: VideoModel.getCategoryLabel(video.category) } } let licence if (video.licence) { licence = { identifier: video.licence + '', name: VideoModel.getLicenceLabel(video.licence) } } const url: ActivityUrlObject[] = [ // HTML url should be the first element in the array so Mastodon correctly displays the embed { type: 'Link', mediaType: 'text/html', href: WEBSERVER.URL + '/videos/watch/' + video.uuid } ] addVideoFilesInAPAcc(url, video, baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs, video.VideoFiles || []) for (const playlist of (video.VideoStreamingPlaylists || [])) { const tag = playlist.p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes .map(i => ({ type: 'Infohash' as 'Infohash', name: i })) as ActivityTagObject[] tag.push({ type: 'Link', name: 'sha256', mediaType: 'application/json' as 'application/json', href: playlist.segmentsSha256Url }) const playlistWithVideo = Object.assign(playlist, { Video: video }) addVideoFilesInAPAcc(tag, playlistWithVideo, baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs, playlist.VideoFiles || []) url.push({ type: 'Link', mediaType: 'application/x-mpegURL' as 'application/x-mpegURL', href: playlist.playlistUrl, tag }) } const subtitleLanguage = [] for (const caption of video.VideoCaptions) { subtitleLanguage.push({ identifier: caption.language, name: VideoCaptionModel.getLanguageLabel(caption.language), url: caption.getFileUrl(video) }) } // FIXME: remove and uncomment in PT 2.3 // Breaks compatibility with PT <= 2.1 // const icons = [ video.getMiniature(), video.getPreview() ] const miniature = video.getMiniature() return { type: 'Video' as 'Video', id: video.url, name:, duration: getActivityStreamDuration(video.duration), uuid: video.uuid, tag, category, licence, language, views: video.views, sensitive: video.nsfw, waitTranscoding: video.waitTranscoding, state: video.state, commentsEnabled: video.commentsEnabled, downloadEnabled: video.downloadEnabled, published: video.publishedAt.toISOString(), originallyPublishedAt: video.originallyPublishedAt ? video.originallyPublishedAt.toISOString() : null, updated: video.updatedAt.toISOString(), mediaType: 'text/markdown', content: video.getTruncatedDescription(), support:, subtitleLanguage, icon: { type: 'Image', url: miniature.getFileUrl(video), mediaType: 'image/jpeg', width: miniature.width, height: miniature.height } as any, // icon: => ({ // type: 'Image', // url: i.getFileUrl(video), // mediaType: 'image/jpeg', // width: i.width, // height: i.height // })), url, likes: getVideoLikesActivityPubUrl(video), dislikes: getVideoDislikesActivityPubUrl(video), shares: getVideoSharesActivityPubUrl(video), comments: getVideoCommentsActivityPubUrl(video), attributedTo: [ { type: 'Person', id: video.VideoChannel.Account.Actor.url }, { type: 'Group', id: video.VideoChannel.Actor.url } ] } } function getActivityStreamDuration (duration: number) { // return 'PT' + duration + 'S' } export { videoModelToFormattedJSON, videoModelToFormattedDetailsJSON, videoFilesModelToFormattedJSON, videoModelToActivityPubObject, getActivityStreamDuration }