import { FindAndCountOptions, json, QueryTypes } from 'sequelize' import { AllowNull, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, DefaultScope, Is, Model, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import { MPlugin, MPluginFormattable } from '@server/types/models' import { AttributesOnly } from '@shared/core-utils' import { PeerTubePlugin, PluginType, RegisterServerSettingOptions } from '../../../shared/models' import { isPluginDescriptionValid, isPluginHomepage, isPluginNameValid, isPluginTypeValid, isPluginVersionValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/plugins' import { getSort, throwIfNotValid } from '../utils' @DefaultScope(() => ({ attributes: { exclude: [ 'storage' ] } })) @Table({ tableName: 'plugin', indexes: [ { fields: [ 'name', 'type' ], unique: true } ] }) export class PluginModel extends Model>> { @AllowNull(false) @Is('PluginName', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isPluginNameValid, 'name')) @Column name: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('PluginType', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isPluginTypeValid, 'type')) @Column type: number @AllowNull(false) @Is('PluginVersion', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isPluginVersionValid, 'version')) @Column version: string @AllowNull(true) @Is('PluginLatestVersion', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isPluginVersionValid, 'version')) @Column latestVersion: string @AllowNull(false) @Column enabled: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Column uninstalled: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Column peertubeEngine: string @AllowNull(true) @Is('PluginDescription', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isPluginDescriptionValid, 'description')) @Column description: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('PluginHomepage', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isPluginHomepage, 'homepage')) @Column homepage: string @AllowNull(true) @Column(DataType.JSONB) settings: any @AllowNull(true) @Column(DataType.JSONB) storage: any @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date static listEnabledPluginsAndThemes (): Promise { const query = { where: { enabled: true, uninstalled: false } } return PluginModel.findAll(query) } static loadByNpmName (npmName: string): Promise { const name = this.normalizePluginName(npmName) const type = this.getTypeFromNpmName(npmName) const query = { where: { name, type } } return PluginModel.findOne(query) } static getSetting (pluginName: string, pluginType: PluginType, settingName: string, registeredSettings: RegisterServerSettingOptions[]) { const query = { attributes: [ 'settings' ], where: { name: pluginName, type: pluginType } } return PluginModel.findOne(query) .then(p => { if (!p || !p.settings || p.settings === undefined) { const registered = registeredSettings.find(s => === settingName) if (!registered || registered.default === undefined) return undefined return registered.default } return p.settings[settingName] }) } static getSettings ( pluginName: string, pluginType: PluginType, settingNames: string[], registeredSettings: RegisterServerSettingOptions[] ) { const query = { attributes: [ 'settings' ], where: { name: pluginName, type: pluginType } } return PluginModel.findOne(query) .then(p => { const result: { [settingName: string ]: string | boolean } = {} for (const name of settingNames) { if (!p || !p.settings || p.settings[name] === undefined) { const registered = registeredSettings.find(s => === name) if (registered?.default !== undefined) { result[name] = registered.default } } else { result[name] = p.settings[name] } } return result }) } static setSetting (pluginName: string, pluginType: PluginType, settingName: string, settingValue: string) { const query = { where: { name: pluginName, type: pluginType } } const toSave = { [`settings.${settingName}`]: settingValue } return PluginModel.update(toSave, query) .then(() => undefined) } static getData (pluginName: string, pluginType: PluginType, key: string) { const query = { raw: true, attributes: [ [ json('storage.' + key), 'value' ] as any ], // FIXME: typings where: { name: pluginName, type: pluginType } } return PluginModel.findOne(query) .then((c: any) => { if (!c) return undefined const value = c.value try { return JSON.parse(value) } catch { return value } }) } static storeData (pluginName: string, pluginType: PluginType, key: string, data: any) { const query = 'UPDATE "plugin" SET "storage" = jsonb_set(coalesce("storage", \'{}\'), :key, :data::jsonb) ' + 'WHERE "name" = :pluginName AND "type" = :pluginType' const jsonPath = '{' + key + '}' const options = { replacements: { pluginName, pluginType, key: jsonPath, data: JSON.stringify(data) }, type: QueryTypes.UPDATE } return PluginModel.sequelize.query(query, options) .then(() => undefined) } static listForApi (options: { pluginType?: PluginType uninstalled?: boolean start: number count: number sort: string }) { const { uninstalled = false } = options const query: FindAndCountOptions = { offset: options.start, limit: options.count, order: getSort(options.sort), where: { uninstalled } } if (options.pluginType) query.where['type'] = options.pluginType return PluginModel .findAndCountAll(query) .then(({ rows, count }) => { return { total: count, data: rows } }) } static listInstalled (): Promise { const query = { where: { uninstalled: false } } return PluginModel.findAll(query) } static normalizePluginName (npmName: string) { return npmName.replace(/^peertube-((theme)|(plugin))-/, '') } static getTypeFromNpmName (npmName: string) { return npmName.startsWith('peertube-plugin-') ? PluginType.PLUGIN : PluginType.THEME } static buildNpmName (name: string, type: PluginType) { if (type === PluginType.THEME) return 'peertube-theme-' + name return 'peertube-plugin-' + name } getPublicSettings (registeredSettings: RegisterServerSettingOptions[]) { const result: { [ name: string ]: string } = {} const settings = this.settings || {} for (const r of registeredSettings) { if (r.private !== false) continue result[] = settings[] ?? r.default ?? null } return result } toFormattedJSON (this: MPluginFormattable): PeerTubePlugin { return { name:, type: this.type, version: this.version, latestVersion: this.latestVersion, enabled: this.enabled, uninstalled: this.uninstalled, peertubeEngine: this.peertubeEngine, description: this.description, homepage: this.homepage, settings: this.settings, createdAt: this.createdAt, updatedAt: this.updatedAt } } }