'use strict' const values = require('lodash/values') const constants = require('../initializers/constants') // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) { const Request = sequelize.define('Request', { request: { type: DataTypes.JSON, allowNull: false }, endpoint: { type: DataTypes.ENUM(values(constants.REQUEST_ENDPOINTS)), allowNull: false } }, { classMethods: { associate, listWithLimitAndRandom, countTotalRequests, removeAll, removeWithEmptyTo } } ) return Request } // ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------ function associate (models) { this.belongsToMany(models.Pod, { foreignKey: { name: 'requestId', allowNull: false }, through: models.RequestToPod, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) } function countTotalRequests (callback) { const query = { include: [ this.sequelize.models.Pod ] } return this.count(query).asCallback(callback) } function listWithLimitAndRandom (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) { const self = this const Pod = this.sequelize.models.Pod Pod.listRandomPodIdsWithRequest(limitPods, 'RequestToPods', function (err, podIds) { if (err) return callback(err) // We don't have friends that have requests if (podIds.length === 0) return callback(null, []) // The first x requests of these pods // It is very important to sort by id ASC to keep the requests order! const query = { order: [ [ 'id', 'ASC' ] ], include: [ { model: self.sequelize.models.Pod, where: { id: { $in: podIds } } } ] } self.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, requests) { if (err) return callback(err) const requestsGrouped = groupAndTruncateRequests(requests, limitRequestsPerPod) return callback(err, requestsGrouped) }) }) } function removeAll (callback) { // Delete all requests this.truncate({ cascade: true }).asCallback(callback) } function removeWithEmptyTo (callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} const query = { where: { id: { $notIn: [ this.sequelize.literal('SELECT "requestId" FROM "RequestToPods"') ] } } } this.destroy(query).asCallback(callback) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function groupAndTruncateRequests (requests, limitRequestsPerPod) { const requestsGrouped = {} requests.forEach(function (request) { request.Pods.forEach(function (pod) { if (!requestsGrouped[pod.id]) requestsGrouped[pod.id] = [] if (requestsGrouped[pod.id].length < limitRequestsPerPod) { requestsGrouped[pod.id].push({ request, pod }) } }) }) return requestsGrouped }