'use strict' const mongoose = require('mongoose') const map = require('lodash/map') const constants = require('../initializers/constants') const logger = require('../helpers/logger') // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const podsSchema = mongoose.Schema({ url: String, publicKey: String, score: { type: Number, max: constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE } }) const PodsDB = mongoose.model('pods', podsSchema) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Pods = { add: add, count: count, findById: findById, findByUrl: findByUrl, findBadPods: findBadPods, incrementScores: incrementScores, list: list, listAllIds: listAllIds, listAllUrls: listAllUrls, remove: remove, removeAll: removeAll, removeAllByIds: removeAllByIds } // TODO: check if the pod is not already a friend function add (data, callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} const params = { url: data.url, publicKey: data.publicKey, score: constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE } PodsDB.create(params, callback) } function count (callback) { return PodsDB.count(callback) } function findBadPods (callback) { PodsDB.find({ score: 0 }, callback) } function findById (id, callback) { PodsDB.findById(id, callback) } function findByUrl (url, callback) { PodsDB.findOne({ url: url }, callback) } function incrementScores (ids, value, callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} PodsDB.update({ _id: { $in: ids } }, { $inc: { score: value } }, { multi: true }, callback) } function list (callback) { PodsDB.find(function (err, podsList) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot get the list of the pods.') return callback(err) } return callback(null, podsList) }) } function listAllIds (callback) { return PodsDB.find({}, { _id: 1 }, function (err, pods) { if (err) return callback(err) return callback(null, map(pods, '_id')) }) } function listAllUrls (callback) { return PodsDB.find({}, { _id: 0, url: 1 }, callback) } function remove (url, callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} PodsDB.remove({ url: url }, callback) } function removeAll (callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} PodsDB.remove(callback) } function removeAllByIds (ids, callback) { if (!callback) callback = function () {} PodsDB.remove({ _id: { $in: ids } }, callback) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = Pods